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Evil Blog Master's gotta have an evil place to put his feet up, ya dig?

Entries in this blog

Hey, Everyone...

Let's have a big round of applause and thanks for the Admins and all staff that were responsible for working so hard to bring the forums back!   THANKS, GUYS!   ●TN●

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva


I must have these sets.   All of them.   RIGHT NOW.   ●TN●

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

Here We Go Again...

You've undoubtedly noticed a little inactivity from me over the pass few days. Especially since there's a distinct lack of caption contest goodness.   Well, that's because something came up. Guess what? I'm typing this from a different computer . . . again. And once again I'm trying to transfer all of my files over. I just today managed to install Photoshop 2.0 for my comics. It's been taking a few days to do it all. I mean, after all, a lot of you already know what happened LAST time I had thi

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

Happy Birthday, Than: Matoran Of Anger!

Eh, there's probably already a topic for this somewhere in GA GD, but, I dunno, there's just something that seems extra-special to me about Than that I thought I'd give him his own entry.  No, I'm not sucking up to a favorite staffer or anything like that. If that were the case I'd have Pohuaki on my list as well.   That said, Happy 20th, Than! May your birthday provide a bountiful harvest of materialistic items and warm fuzzy feelings!   <End Track>

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

Happy Birthday To My Ex

No, I didn't forget her birthday. I was just far too busy to say anything on the actual day. But I'm saying it now.   Happy 17th Birthday to my ex-girlfriend. It may not have worked out between us, but I still consider you among the best of my friends...   <brk>

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

Hand-Drawn Vs Sprite Comics

u all r noobs foto comix r watts in this dayz   (The fact that my characters and I are in the series doesn't influence me in posting this entry in any way whatsoever; Evil Blog Master's Honor).   ●TN●

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

Guess What?!?!

I'm the map! I'm the map! I'm the map! I'm the map! I'm the map! I'm the map! I'm the map! I'm the map!   I'M THE MAAAAAAAAAP!!!   <brk>

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

Got Toast?

Okay, this was supposed to up last night but since some cool dude forgot to hit the "publish" button...   ***   My guess is you all ran out in my absence.   So, this entry is mostly just aimed at Turakii, DudeNuva, Fikou-Man (though he never reads my blog), Gerlicky, Satogo, Blade Titan974, VakamaTK, ~Toa Lesovikk~, and whoever else I can't remember.   Though there probably are other reader's who just never post so this can go out to them.   It can also go out to everybody else as free adve

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

Gordon Freeman Übercharges Companion Cubes

I get the feeling I won't be able to roll out every entry I originally intended to before the third comes up...  As I said before, one of the best things about AudioSurf is the fact that the entire soundtrack for the Orange Box comes with it and most of it in .mp3 format. As far as the actual games are concerned, I only own Team Fortress 2 and Portal. The Half-Life series just doesn't look like my cup of tea. It does have some amazing music though.   Team Fortress 2 doesn't actually have much

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

Good Grief

I keep forgetting that tomorrow is Saint Valentine's.   Discuss, before I bring out the next entry tomorrow or so containing a rant.     ●TN●

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

Gonna Show Dem Fishes Who Da Boss

Well, bright and blurry-eyed tomorrow morning I leave for a fishing trip I've been waiting for for well more than a decade. Just gonna be me, daddy-o, two uncles, and one of my grandfathers. I've been on so many "family vacations" that I'm looking for to one that's "just the guys".   So look out, Muskies! The big TN is a-comin' to town!   Or Walleye. I can settle for that too.   Heck, even a Northern Pike will suffice.   I mean, a Perch shouldn't be too hard to come by.   At the very least,

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

Gonna Be A Geek Of A Day

Didn't have to get up at 4AM to work at Target this morning.   My new computer monitor showed up yesterday.   The rest of the computer parts are showing up today.   Short, 4-hour shift for work today.   What does all this mean? It means that, tonight, one of my best pals is coming over and we're building us (and by "us" I mean "me") a computer!   Now watch one of the parts be DOA and kill my mood.   ●TN●

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

Going to Colorado

Leaving tomorrow for our family train-trip to Colorado (finally). We will be coming back on the 29th. I'll have my laptop with me but won't be able to utilize it much.   While I'm gone, the new Darksiders II DLC (that I get for free because pony pre-ordered) is coming out. Darn.   I also haven't watched last week's Doctor Who and I won't be able to watch this week's or the next right away after coming back. Also darn.   Since I'll be gone and nobody can do server-stuff, there'll be no BZPCraft f

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

Game Design as Worldbuilding for Novels

With the Bionicle RPG in working condition, I've come to a conclusion: It was good for a practice run.   That's not to say it's bad or that I don't like it. Heck, I'm going to be recording an entire campaign spanning who-knows-how-many sessions that'll be going up on YouTube. But I've pretty much accomplished what I set out to do and, while I'm going to continue supporting it, my focus has moved on to the next big thing.   As I've mentioned before, I'm slowly working on a series of three or four

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

Fun Stuff I'm Bringing to Brickfair VA

In addition to the essentials, I'm going to bring some fun stuff to Brickfair in case we have a night (or even a few day hours) open for doing whatevs. I'll have a super-awesome card game called "Smash Up" where you mix up things like zombies, ninjas, steampunk engineers, Cthulhu cultists, and lazor dinosaurs to score points and smash stuff. I'll probably bring a couple movies like The LEGO Movie, Pacific Rim, and/or LEGO The Adventures of Clutch Powers in case we ever want to crowd around my bi

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

FTL Let's Play

I just recorded a Let's Play of FTL - Faster Than Light. It was actually quite an interesting game, given the random mechanics of the title.   I'll have to put it together and upload it before y'all can watch it, but just know that it is coming!   ...   You're gonna watch it, right?   TN

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

Frozen Coffee Drink Recipe: Tasty And Easy To Make

Generally, I'm not a coffee drinker. It's far too bitter when it's alone. But I do love the smell and certain trace aspects of the taste. I wanted to share with you guys a simple recipe I love to use whenever I need one of those expensive-coffee-place fixes for cheaper at home. I know that a lot of my regular blog readers probably won't care much for this entry, but maybe some of you others will.   This recipe will be for a caramel/mocha flavor. I'll list other flavor varieties at the bottom.

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

From: What Needs To Improve On Bzp The Most, If At All?

In my honest opinion, the one thing that needs to improve the most is that people should start asking WHY a rule is in place before they complain about it like every other Tom, Dick, and Harry already has.   C'mon, guys! Break the mold! Don't just repeat what has already been said a million times over![/rant]   ●TN●

Takuma Nuva

Takuma Nuva

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