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Gordon Freeman Übercharges Companion Cubes

Takuma Nuva


I get the feeling I won't be able to roll out every entry I originally intended to before the third comes up...


As I said before, one of the best things about AudioSurf is the fact that the entire soundtrack for the Orange Box comes with it and most of it in .mp3 format. As far as the actual games are concerned, I only own Team Fortress 2 and Portal. The Half-Life series just doesn't look like my cup of tea. It does have some amazing music though.


Team Fortress 2 doesn't actually have much in the way of music except for the random song that plays when you first start the game. And here's an interesting tidbit: The TF2 track titled "Rocket Jump Waltz" technically isn't a waltz since it's in 4/4 time instead of 3/4 time (or was it the other way around?).


Portal, well, it's kinda obvious. Other than the awesomesauce background music that you get to listen to while playing, there's the award-winning song "Still Alive".


For this video, I decided to go back to my ol' Ninja Mono ways.


One last note. Not an official Portal song but still something you should listen to if you're at all a fan of the game is "The Device Has Been Modified" by Victims of Science. I didn't include it in the video since it's technically not part of the album/soundtrack.


<End Track>

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Still Alive FTW.


I'll check your statement about Rocket Jump Waltz after this FREAKIN' EPIC Halo medley.


I'll watch the video when I'm back on my comp.

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