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And Then Razorbeard Ate A Lum...

Takuma Nuva


Meant to have this up a while ago.


Okay, so this time we're showcasing some music from my all-time favorite PC game ever: Rayman 2 The Great Escape. One of the things I love most about this game is the music. I'll often start whistling the theme at work when I'm in a particularly good mood.


In this video, I attempt to show off my skills using the Vegas character. Unfortunately though, recording with XFire creates a slight lag so my normal performance is far better than what you see here. Though, for some reason, the video doesn't show the lag. This applies to all videos I display.


LINK TO VIDEO (which gets the end cut off once again. <_<)


I only wish that Rayman 2 worked on Vista. :angry: I've got a power-house laptop and it can't even play a game that was released in 1999.


<End Track>


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I think I have XFire too. But, it was just so my brother can record his Soldier Front sessions.


So, I'm guessing you're going to release these entries that show you riding the albums seen to the right? Well, it's still entertaining.


So, that means I wouldn't be able to play Rayman 2 either. -_-

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Okay, I need this game. It's like a cross between F-Zero X and Guitar Hero. (I know it isn't so don't give me that look)


Also, in iTunes terms, "Deluxe" songs have double the quality of standard songs, but you can't hear the difference. If you have a certain version of iTunes or higher (like I do), then all available songs are deluxe.


You know, in case you were wondering.

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Quick question: You're supposed to get as many colored boxes as you can, right? So why did it seem like you were avoiding some of them in the video?


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When playing one of the three Mono characters, yes, you want to grab as many as possible. Otherwise, no. When you grab a block it slides to the bottom of the grid under you in the lane you grabbed it (think of Connect Four). When three or more of the same color are adjacent to each other in any way it forms a combo and scores you points. Warmer colors are worth more points than cool colors. So it's well worth it to skip a couple blue or purple blocks in order to get a bigger yellow or red combo. There's also wild blocks that work for more than one color and, if it applies, at the same time. Also, black/white blocks don't form combos and can get in the way, but once you get one to make it's way to the bottom of the grid it gives you an instant 2000 points.

takumasmilie.gifTakuma Nuva:infected:
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