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To Fic Or Not To Fic

I'm starting to feel that spark again. It was a spark that I felt when the DTotA first started to grow, a spark that wasn't even present when I began writing The Alliance. But now it's starting to return, and I'm feeling that need to start writing something again.   So then, what's holding me back from just kicking an Inuva fic into full gear? Well, it's a combination of dying free time and fading ability. The Alliance didn't go as well as I had planned, and I think it was because I didn't



5 Years Later, And Still Going Strong

The summer days are flying by at too quick a pace to even realize what's going on around me. In a few weeks, I'll be in my apartment preparing to graduate from college. I'll be on the job hunt, and quite possibly moving to some new state. But through all the changes that have come in my life...there has remained one constant.   BZP has marched on.   2001 seems so very long ago, but I remember the first day I joined a little community out in the middle of no-web. It was Bionicle Zone at the



The Name Game

Okay, it's not the most original title...but I'm really excited about the brainstorm that struck some time last night (around the time of an actual storm, go figure). After going back into a few catalogs and reading a few character bios, I think I've struck on a decent origins story and naming system for the new heros.   The origins I'll save for now, because I'm still in the debating stages of a potential fic. The Alliance is almost wrapped up, and though I'll possibly be too busy working/st



The Hows And Whys

Well, if you've been reading the Inuva Thread in S&T, you'll have seen by now that Greg has pretty much shot down the Inuva Theory. Though on the plus side, we learned that the Toa have some part to play in the events of the next few years.   But since the Inuva Theory has been debunked, I suppose that just means it won't be official. It doesn't mean I can't have a little more fun between now and whenever I either burn out on this or finally get the time to write a full fic. (This could



Rebirth Of Fusion: Toa Inuva

When I get bored, the gears in my head start turning. It was those gears that lead to the Dark Toa of the Apocalypse in 2001, which would evolve into my Te Mutunga fan-fiction. Those gears turned again during seventh grade study hall, and thus Randomness Is Funny was born.   So while in a thread discussing new Bionicle combiners we'd like to see, I mentioned that it'd be cool to see a combination of the two current Toa teams in the storyline, the Nuva and the Inika. We have the means to do s



How Do The Inika Stack Up?

Olda, Nuva, Metru, Hordika, Hagah...   Since 2001, we Bionicle fans have been introduced to five generations of heroes. Each with their own quirks, designs, and stories. And now, in 2006, we're introduced to the future of Bionicle: The Inika.   But with so many heroes, and so many designs, just where do the Inika fit into the grand history of the toyline? Well, many who have recieved their Inika over the past few weeks have taken to ranking, and though I usually don't like actually trying t



Inika. Need I Say More?

Apparently by July 5th, LEGO actually meant July 10th. But I can live with it, because those extra five days worth of reviews and information from other lucky buyers only helped build my excitement for these sets. And I'll begin by saying, they do not disappoint. Since reviewers for the last week or so have been pummeling you with the same photos over and over again, I won't bother with taking some of my own. The pictures do them justice, for the most part. So without further ado: my own opi



A Rally Cry For True Hordika

With all the talk about the Inika, many have started posting in various forums about their favorite Toa sets. Since I haven't seen a place for that topic to actually be discussed, I decided to take it to a blog...where if it you want to ignore it. You can.   But without Inika in hand, it's tough to do any sort of fair review. So while I sit and wait for the next generation of Toa to arrive on my doorstop, I've been left to ponder something that's been bugging me since the "Top Toa" comments



A Gestalt Fan's Nightmare

Some of you who know me better may be familiar with my weekness for combiners (it was what drew me to Bionicle in the first place).   Well, one major sacrifice I've had to also make in order to pick up a set of Inika (at least when it comes to buying fun stuff) is the quest for the ultimate Mecha.   Anybody here follow Sentai? Because if you do, I'm sure you're familiar with Boukenger's plethora of mecha this season. On the left is DaiBouken, the team's core Mech. DaiTanken (a Mech made up



Inika (aka: Where I'll Be July 5th)

It's unfortunate. I knew they were coming, I just sorta let it slip my mind that it'd be this soon. Needless to say, I'm buying the Inika.   The last three or four years have been especially difficult financially, with a college education being a much bigger drain on my assests than even the most cynical of graudates could've preparred me for. To get to the point, thanks to student loans, I'm currently $10k in debt.   This will not, however, distract me from my usual Bionicle tradition of t



Why I Should Avoid Getting My Hopes Up

Last night at work, a guy came through the drive-thru (yeah, I'm in fast food) and asked the manager about a car sitting in the lot. He was interested in buying it. Turns out it was mine.   Now, I drive an '86 Acura. It's been through a lot, has about 96k worth of miles, and most likely won't survive much past me finishing college. Each time I turn the key I expect the engine to just fall out of the thing. It's that old.   So naturally, I get a bit curious when somebody asks about buying



Movin' On Out

Well, today sorta became a big day for me. After getting a message from some friends of mine, I found that they were looking for apartments. This has been something I've been mulling over since I finished my third year of college, and decided it would be worth looking into.   After a few days of talking with the parents, getting some things sorted out financially, I took a trip down to the campus to look over potential places to stay. The intent was to gather as much info as possible about w



Since I Brought It Up

Don't expect too many days of back to back blogging, but I figured since I brought it up yesterday...I might as well shamelessly plug my own site some more.   I've made a few topics about "Randomness Is Funny" in the Off Topic forum, and over the years the site has followed me around the web. Starting off piggybacking off my friend's Geocities account, then moving to his home server...it finally came to rest on the Campus server at Minnesota State.   It wasn't until last year that I really go



Blogging: Because I Have To Ramble Somewhere

I haven't been surfing BZP nearly as often as I used to, but when I saw the front page and heard this place had started supporting blogs, I figure why the heck not right?   I've only started blogging recently, mostly because of the reason I gave in the title. I have a blog of sorts on my webpage, but that's not even close to Bionicle related (not that I know if this blog has to be anyway). So I decided, hey...it'd be cool.   So now I've got my blog on BZP, and who knows how often it'll get u



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