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I Have Seen The Future

Well, those leaked pics made the rounds...and now I've seen a crystal clear pic of the Red Mahri, and a few fuzzy canister shots of the others. Thankfully they were nameless pics. And I have to say that the 2007 canister sets easily will rank as some of the best designs Bionicle has ever seen.   From what I can tell, every complaint I had about the Inika is fully resolved. And I may just have to break my resolution and grab a full set of Barraki along with my Mahri team. LEGO needs to be rew



More Shameless Self Promotion

Trying to break the habit of hyphens in the entry name here. But otherwise, just throwing out a plug for my Epic Contest #6 entry "The Alliance". I'm excited to see how it does in this round, as I was really proud of the story.   I'm also relieved the theme this time around was epics that were already finished. I've been a bit worried about how Rebirth is turning out. I haven't had as much time to work on it as I would've liked. So I was glad to not suddenly feel the urge to chagne it to f



The Mahri Non-spoilers

I'm a bit surprised by the reactions people have had to the spoilers regarding the 2007 Toa. I wasn't in time to read any of them, and I'm actively avoiding seeking out the pics, but at the same time I can't help but think we as a fandom should already know what's coming down the pipe.   I'll put SPOILER WARNINGS before I write anything, just in case somebody who has seen them decides to post what the truth is, but I'm encouraging people not to. So go into this discussion with plenty of warni



An Irs Sucker-punch

Some mail came for me today from the IRS, apparently there were some discrepancies in my 2006 Tax Return. To make a long story short, I now owe them $620 by the end of the month.   At first I couldn't figure out what the heck had happened, but after going over some of the paperwork from last year's filing, here's what I found. The person who did my taxes neglected to take into consideration some investments I had cashed out. The paperwork was all there, including the proper W2s or whatever t



The Mahri Non-teaser

I was looking at the poster that was put up in the News the other day, and it seemed kinda funny. What was that a poster for? I mean, there wasn't anything except for a chunk of blue foot armor and what's most likely a projectile. I'm all for teasers...but that really wasn't even hinting at anything. It'd be like running a promo for a movie in which the only thing you see is the main character saying "The" over an explosion.   I find it kinda funny. I sorta expected inside to see it unfolde




T-Hybrid is busy working his tail off this week to make up for textbook costs. He has once again turned to his guest writer to fill in.   First things first, you may notice a few changes in the appearance. Mostly Kouki's new button and my own upgrade. Things are changing at the Haven and us two are sure signs of it. After about a month of toying around with various elements, T's been able to come up with a way to give us both upgrades to our Ultimate stage so that we better fit the theme ar



Warning: 20 Year Old Spoiler Alert

Over Christmas Break, Nintendo made five classic games available for the Wii's Virtual Console. One of those was the legendary Super Mario Bros for the NES. I had some extra points left over from my purchase of Mario 64, so I decided to pick up SMB for the reasonable price of $5.   The last time I played this was probably back in 96 or so, shortly before my family made the uneducated decision to sell our NES. Whatever the case, I never beat it. Not really for any lack of trying, but because



Anybody Else Notice This?

I was looking at the shadowy figures on the back of Nocturn's box today, the ones that people have thought to be this year's Toa. Pardon me if I'm a bit behind, but has anybody else noticed they look surprisingly like some images we saw late last year that people thought were prototype Inika?   I'm talking about pics such as this: Though there are others which are actually live pics of sets (not book covers or other things such as that). Considering we saw the Barraki prototypes back during



New Beginnings

That's the theme for 2007, at least for me. With my final semester of coursework beginning in a few weeks, this year marks the beginning of the rest of my life (quite officially this time). I've found myself finally working more in the field I've been learning about thanks to landing a posistion at a local software consulting firm. And just last week I put into motion events which will start me off in the work force.   Remember my entry regarding my new suit? Well, since then the outfit has



Not Barraki, But Close

I had gone out shopping with the plans of picking up Barakki (which spelling is it?). But when I was unable to find either Carapar or Mantax I "settled" for the next best thing and picked up Nocturn. I have to say that as an introduction to the new baddies, Nocturn is pretty impressive. Their design is fairly original, including some nice use of spikes and color. He definately looks like an aquatic fiend, and with his quadruple armaments he's pretty fierce. Haven't had a chance to make it g



Barakki Recommendations?

I picked up three Piraka (mostly because I wanted the Irnakk set). I wasn't too pleased. The Barakki though appear to be the second coming of the Rahkshi (w/ more uniqueness)...and I'm kinda interested. I went to a different Target today and they had the blue and red ones (I'll learn their names someday). A trip to a nearby TRU presented me with the black, white, and "brown" ones (Mantax, Pridak, Kalmah?)   I'm started to get very interested in picking up a few of these (if not eventually a



Merry X-mas!

I'm up late...or early depending on your view. Mostly because I'm pumped for the holidays. My mom and sister are flying in for a few weeks, and I'll be making two trips to my grandparents place (which means two X-Mas dinners, not too shabby when your a broke college kid).   A Christmas Story has started it's 24-hour loop on TNT, and my dog is sitting patiently waiting for me to go to bed. But there's a gift for me across the room and I have a good feeling that I know what it is. I've also p



Who Let The Squid Out?

Made an emergency trip into Target today in a futile attempt to complete my Christmas shopping. After giving up on finding that one last gift, I decided to take a side trip and check out whatever toys hadn't been completely ravaged by fellow shoppers.   To my surprise, sitting on the shelf beside the hordese of Inika and few remaining Piraka were two Barakki (the red one...Mantak?) I have to say I was tempted to grab him, but there was no price tag and I've been a bit short on cash recently w



Packers Vs. Vikings: Round 2

Though I didn't really say much in regards to their first bout. Tonight's game was less exciting and more frustrating. Even with the dramatic finish. As a Vikings fan, I have to question the intelligence of a coach who stops the clock with 40 seconds left in the first half when the OTHER team is rushing to kick a field goal. Unfortunately, that was the difference.   Not that the offense was really doing itself any favors tonight either. Tavaris Jackson doesn't look too bad, and the defense



Oh Right, I Had A Site!

I was reminded today that I had a website, and I feel bad. RiF's been my baby for the past four years, and I've done nothing all semester...heck, maybe as far back as June/July. I've got a LOT of down time, just finished up the main game in Portrait of Ruin and am at a point where I need to spend some time leveling up before I can ice off XII. I picked up some Wii points and got Mario 64, but that's for over break when I have no wireless connection for Mario Kart and Tetris.   So in the mean



What One Does After Finals...

All of my finals fell on Wednesday, and were all essay format. Thankfully the Media Ethics paper was assigned prior to finals week, so we only needed to turn the paper by deadline in order to get credit for the appearance. In the meantime, I'm working on finishing up my internship with a "local" software consulting firm. I'm also in the midst of a heated job hunt, which has seen me dressed up in a suit and tie more times than I'll ever care to be again. But let me tell you, as awkward as it



Wii Friend Code

The latest in my parade of Wii related entires, but this is just a quick one. I've been trying to track down people's Wii Numbers, and decided this would be the easiest way.   Torhu 3358 5920 9567 3970   If you want to add me, feel free. Just let me know so I can hopefully add you.



Masterpiece Is An Understatement

I've been fairly indifferent towards the Japanese Transformers Masterpiece line. It started with Optimus, then there was Ultra Magnus (aka Optimus White). I've seen pics of Starscream, but for whatever reason nothing really impressed me until I saw this pic:   That's right boys and girls, Megatron's getting a makeover. But it's no tank, or car, or whatever other forms he's been forced into in the years since Generation 1 ended. Nope, this time he's back to the old ways. MP-5 will be Mega



Parents: Don't Be These People

By now, most of you I would guess have heard reviews about the newest Bond film. Casino Royale supposedly marks a new direction for the franchise, promising a grittier more down to earth Bond than we've been used to seeing (mostly referring to the Brosnan Era). So it was no surprise when the movie started to draw notice from viewers for its more violent and rough edge.   Along with reviews, a common warning came out. Parents, this isn't a film for the whole family. And after seeing it for m



On The Warpath

T-Hybrid has found himself unable to play Twilight Princess. While he battles Best Buy customer service, his guest writer has stepped up to fill in.   Wowza! I gotta say that today would not be a good day to mess with T-Boss. Last night at around midnight he was set up to enter the 6th dungeon and beat the game by the end of the week. But for whatever reason, his game froze and now he's unable to do anything in the way of advancing the storyline.   I have to tell you, if there's one thing



What A Difference A Wiik Makes

Has it been a week? Sorry all! Things have been a combination of busy, weird, and interesting. In personal news, I had my first "formal" interview with an insurance agency in southern Minnesota. It's for an IT posistion, and we both seem very excitied to get involved with the other's life.   Meanwhile, some of you may have heard some rumblings about a new console or two that were coming out around this time. Weighstation Free or something like that, and then this other one. The Wyy? Need




My friends and I went to Walmart to pick up grocieries yesterday. With the Wii only a few days from release, I made a stop in electronics to get some information regarding how the store would handle those who wish to line-up on launch day.   Thankfully, the guy in electronics said they'd have no problem with it...regardless of when you decided to get in line. He made his point more clear by gestering towards layaway, where three people were already camped out for the Playstation 3. Two guys



I Wii'd A Little

My friend and I had some errands to run this afternoon, one of which was stopping at Gamestop. Upon arriving, we were pleasantly surprised to see a playable Wii demo unit. The only game hooked up was ExciteTruck, but it was still fun. The controller's surprisingly small, but fit comfortably in my hand even when turned on its side. The controllers felt a bit loose, but that could've just been me getting used to it.   It was fun having an excuse to throw my whole body into the steering this t



Gone Campin'

Well, not yet anyway. I've got feelers out as to what's going on the Saturday before the Wii comes out (Nov. 18th). Fates almost conspired, giving me a job interview on the 17th. But since I'm not interested in the PS3, it won't be a problem.   Gamestop will supposedly be offering a bundle soon that includes a Wii, extra controller, six games and a bunch of stuff I don't want all for "under $699." Go ahead and grab this one up, I'm really not interested in spending that much quite yet.   M




I was going to write an entry today, pondering the meaning of life and assessing my own path through these last 22 years...   But then I decided it'd be more entertaining to eat cake.   *eats cake*



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