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Torhu's Internet Oddysey: Part 1

Gather round, children. It's story time! Today, I have for you a tale of hope...of promises...and of lies. A story with more twists and turns than a pasta noodle...and one that will leave you questioning all you've come to believe.   Our story begins with a young man who had just moved into his new apartment. He was a man with needs, and a friend who played World of Warcraft. He was also a man who was a bit short on cash, and thus was trying to find whatever means he could to save a bit of



Torhu Vs. Vista: Round 1

About a month ago, my dad's computer went kaput. Thankfully, it still had four months left on the warranty, and Best Buy sent it out to get repaired. A week ago, we found out that it was inoperable. Or rather, that it was more cost efficient for Best Buy to replace it than to repair it.   On the upside, we get the value of the computer put towards a new one. And $450 today buys you something a truckload better than it did 3 years ago. On the downside, every computer they make these days com




So I'm trying to MOC with the Mahri, and it's considerably harder than I thought. There's a lot of variety in the pieces, but without any spare parts it's hard to get anything started without having it slowly turn into just a slightly tweaked existing Mahri.   I'm going to have to go back to my old place and dig up the parts from my other sets and see if that can't help diversify a bit. I've already got a few "ideas" I want to toy with, but need a bit more flexibility in parts before I can go



Too Many Movies!

I realized today, as I dropped some money on the counter at Target, that for the past week or so I haven't been able to walk into a store without walking out with a new movie. Some of its the deals, some of it is a desire to flesh out what has been a somewhat very limited library. As such, I've added the following movies to my collection since my birthday in November: American Gangster Blazing Saddles The Departed The Hangover Inception The Invention of Lying The Losers Scott Pilgrim vs. the W



To Fic Or Not To Fic

I'm starting to feel that spark again. It was a spark that I felt when the DTotA first started to grow, a spark that wasn't even present when I began writing The Alliance. But now it's starting to return, and I'm feeling that need to start writing something again.   So then, what's holding me back from just kicking an Inuva fic into full gear? Well, it's a combination of dying free time and fading ability. The Alliance didn't go as well as I had planned, and I think it was because I didn't



Time Travel Made Easy

As is the yearly tradition in most places (not to sure how it works across the world), don't forget to turn your clocks back an hour before you go to bed. Or after you wake up.   What will you do with the extra hour you've been given?



Thoughts From The Dentist's Chair

Had a dental appointment today. While I was sitting there, I had a few random thoughts. Most of the time I carry on a random conversation with the hygenist as they clean my teeth, floss, and other assorted things. But usually I just stare straight up at the ceiling. I've always wondered what would happen if instead of picking a spot up on top...I just stare straight back at them. You know, right in the eyes. The whole time. I wonder how long it would take before they snapped? While I was



This Is Getting Riddiculous

I bought Rock Band on November 20th. My guitar and drums began to fail within the first two days. I filled out the RMA forms and my boxes were sent. I packed them up, and by Friday both my new drums and new guitar had arrived in the mail.   Now, my drum pads were what were faulty, but when the box came it included a slot specifically labeled as being for the kick pedal. My kick pedal wasn't faulty, but since I didn't want to screw around with and have delays (and since EA has no phone suppo



Third Time's A Charm...hopefully

If any of my fellow Minnesotan BZPers have nothing to do tomorrow, I suggest you make a trip to the Mall of America, where they'll be holding a Guitar Hero tournament. I've been playing it a lot since my embarrassing second-chance at the smaller-scale tourney a few weeks ago. Five buttons isn't as hard as it once was, and my weakness now is just those faster chains (hammer-ons and pull-offs are quite tricky but nearly essential in the tougher songs).   Registration starts at 10 at the Rotunda



They Forced My Hand

I'm not going to be around this weekend, so I thought I'd make up for it with a bonus Fantasy Brawl Draft update.   King Dedede Franchise: Kirby First Appearance: Kirby's Dreamland (GB) Why?: Metaknight may be the mysterious brooding villian, but King Dedede was the original baddie of the Dreamland universe. Well, until the very next game when he gave way to Nightmare, and later Dark Matter. But that hasn't stopped King Dedede from making guest appearances in nearly ever Kirby game si



These Are The Things I Think About

I was flipping through channels tonight and landed on Nancy Grace. I had always just assumed she was on CNN, but I was mistaken. She's on the CNN offshoot "CNN Headline News."   Wait a minute...   A 24-hour news network needs a second station to cover headlines? So wait. If the headlines are all on CNNHN, then what does that say about whatever's being covered on the original CNN? Wouldn't whatever their talking about be the headline? I guess I'm confused.   I suppose the next step is MT



There's Treasure Everywhere!

A buddy of mine invited me to go "Geocaching" with him this weekend. The idea is that you can go online and download coordinates of various caches to a GPS. Then you can drive to some place that's public property (such as a park) and start searching for it. It's government sponsored, and is incredibly popular apparently.   Of the 8 he had loaded up for the day, we were able to find 5 (3 of which I spotted thank you very much!). When you find them, you open them up and look at the various tri



The Waiting Game

The Barakki continue to tempt me when I walk through the LEGO Aisle at various stores. I'm waiting for the Mahri to start trickling out so I can decide which canister sets are more worth picking up. Because with the way I go about collecting, I won't be able to just buy one Barakki. And I know that if I buy the Mahri I'm going to want to buy spares to make Puhi and Mahi Mahri.   Why can't it be July already? Or is it June? Whatever the case, the Mahri need to come out already.



The Truth Is Out There

Hey everybody, I'm writing this entry from secure location deep within...my apartment. If you haven't been following the news lately, you may have missed that somebody has been able to secure an early copy of the final Harry Potter books. Which, naturally, means that the time is officially upon us.   The spoilers have arrived.   ViceGreymon is standing ready, with RhodoKnightmon of the Vice Sisters also serving as guardian while we prepare ourselves for the inevitable deluge of potential mea



The Sound Of Inevitability

Rule of thumb, no matter how long the loading screen is...or how long you've been waiting for a player to be found online, the phone will always ring the moment you're unable to pause.   Always.   Aside from that, really nothing new to offer. Torii Hunter isn't a Twin, but I'm over it...Johan Santana probably won't be one much longer, which I've accepted...and I probably shouldn't eat my dad's homemade chilli for lunch at work. That's really completely unrelated to the previous two, but stil



The Scratchin' Post Is Serious Business

T-Hybrid is currently trying to wrangle 7 digitally enhanced cats for litterbox training. While he fights for his life, he has asked his newest guest writer to fill in.   This is Apollomon: checking in for my first shift here at the newly renamed Scratchin' Post. Due to some unfortunate majhost.com errors, the place currently has more red x's than actual images, but I assure you the new look is incredible! T's gone all out hiring some new help in the form of the Vice Katz, but I think he und



The Result Of My Madness

So as I mentioned the other day, I have been buying and watching a LOT of movies in the past few weeks. Especially now that I have a week of vacation time to work with. As a result, I've gone mad...seeing connections in several films based solely on the presence of various actors and actresses. But given enough free time and enough insanity, I am now able to present what I have (tentaively) named "The Expanded Inception Universe": I have reasons, but I don't think they'd make any sense rig



The Next Mutation

So I was thinking...this year it's Swine Flu. Not to long ago it was Avian Flu. What happens if these two deadly diseases should combine forces?     What are you waiting for? RUN!



The Name Game

Okay, it's not the most original title...but I'm really excited about the brainstorm that struck some time last night (around the time of an actual storm, go figure). After going back into a few catalogs and reading a few character bios, I think I've struck on a decent origins story and naming system for the new heros.   The origins I'll save for now, because I'm still in the debating stages of a potential fic. The Alliance is almost wrapped up, and though I'll possibly be too busy working/st



The Mahri Non-teaser

I was looking at the poster that was put up in the News the other day, and it seemed kinda funny. What was that a poster for? I mean, there wasn't anything except for a chunk of blue foot armor and what's most likely a projectile. I'm all for teasers...but that really wasn't even hinting at anything. It'd be like running a promo for a movie in which the only thing you see is the main character saying "The" over an explosion.   I find it kinda funny. I sorta expected inside to see it unfolde



The Mahri Non-spoilers

I'm a bit surprised by the reactions people have had to the spoilers regarding the 2007 Toa. I wasn't in time to read any of them, and I'm actively avoiding seeking out the pics, but at the same time I can't help but think we as a fandom should already know what's coming down the pipe.   I'll put SPOILER WARNINGS before I write anything, just in case somebody who has seen them decides to post what the truth is, but I'm encouraging people not to. So go into this discussion with plenty of warni



The Magic Hour

So another Brawl delay. I hadn't planned on having to cover another month of suspense, but I think I've got a couple more draft choices up my sleeve. This week's entry once again steps into the realm of third parties. But I think it'd be a perfect.   Black Mage Franchise: Final Fantasy First Appearance: Final Fantasy I (NES) Why?: Final Fantasy started on the original Nintendo, and since then has seen many of the older FF's come back on the GBA and DS. And through it all, no one cla



The M&m Boys All-star Campaign!

If you saw KIE's most recent entry, you already know that the MLB All-Star Vote is upon us once again. This is the time of the year when MLB fans around the world (voting is open in Japan as well) gather round their computers and major league parks and vote for the 9 (or in this case 8) players they want to see in the opening lineup of the Mid-Summer Classic.   KIE and I have already exchanged votes, him voting for Joe Mauer and Nick Punto of the Twins and me voting for Craig Biggio of the Hou



The Life Of The (third) Party

With Brawl being pushed back, I'm left having to slow down a bit with the Fantasy Draft. I've got a handful of entries, enough to go for a few more months. Provided I slow it down to a new one every few weeks. But I like this choice, and I'm going with it today.   Joanna Dark Franchise: Perfect Dark First Appearance: Perfect Dark (N64) Why?: Goldeneye brought the first-person shooter to console gamers when it burst onto the scene for the Nintendo64. However, it wasn't until Rare unv



The Joy: I Has It

It's a good day to be a Twins fan.   Mauer is now the 3rd highest paid player in baseball, and has the 4th largest contract in baseball history (the top two are both Alex Rodriquez). I know I may come off biased, but this really is a good thing for baseball that a "small market" team can sign on one of their homegrown stars to such a deal. I give a lot of credit to Mauer's agent, Ron Shapiro, who worked the same magic for Kirby Puckett (again for the Twins) and Lou Gehrig (for the Orioles).



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