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Hail To The King

Diddy Kong annoucned for Brawl, bringing the total to 8 new characters (Snake and Metaknight were both confirmed in the original trailer). To put things in perspetivce, Melee added 14 new characters to the roster going from the 64 to the Cube. But of those, only three were officially annouced prior to release (Bowser, Zelda, and Ice Climbers).   Now, Nintendo's not going to reveal everything before the game comes out. Which means there are going to be more new characters hidden in the game.



Great Moments In Advertising Stupidity: Vol. 2

"But T," you'll say. "There was never a Volume 1!" And yes, that's very true. But I figured there's been so many instances of stupid advertising that I've left the first volume on the shelf, in honor of all those campaigns that have come before.   Today's topic comes hot on the heels of breaking news today. Boston officials were put on edge this afternoon when a number of small "devices" were found around the city. Working carefully, it was discovered that these devices were not active, an



Gone Campin'

Well, not yet anyway. I've got feelers out as to what's going on the Saturday before the Wii comes out (Nov. 18th). Fates almost conspired, giving me a job interview on the 17th. But since I'm not interested in the PS3, it won't be a problem.   Gamestop will supposedly be offering a bundle soon that includes a Wii, extra controller, six games and a bunch of stuff I don't want all for "under $699." Go ahead and grab this one up, I'm really not interested in spending that much quite yet.   M



Going Shopping. Maybe.

I've been thinking of getting an iPod or some MP3 player so I can have some music to listen to while working out. Any suggestions or tips I should keep in mind when looking for something?



Go Twins!

The Minnesota Twins are playing pretty well, and tomorrow I make my first trip to their new home at Target Field. It's been raining off and on all week...so hopefully it holds out. I'm even debuting my new Justin Morneau jersey when I go there. If things work out, I should have some pictures!



Gaming Under Fire

Unless you've been under a rock the last few days, you know the story of the week...and probably the year right now. I'm not going into details because of the nature of this forum, but needless to say it's a tragedy the likes of which you don't want to see ever happen.   But almost as tragic as the event itself was the kneejerk reaction of the media as a whole. Rather than report on the events with the facts provided, they decided to start playing the blame game. Was it the school's fault?



Fun With Plastic Money

For my birthday, I got a Best Buy gift card (of indeterminate value). I also recieved one for about $40 when I returned a game (I had opened it, and the only way they'd give me a refund was as store credit, I accepted). Then I got one for $20 from a friend as a thank you for watching their cats while they on a trip. So the other day I picked up Mario Galaxy from Toys R Us. Part of the deal is that I got a $25 gift card. So now I'm sitting on about $80 worth of gift cards. And that's without



Full Throttle

I went to a Twins game, and on the way out they were handing out free cans of Full Throttle. It's an energy drink I guess. So tonight, having run short on pop I grabbed it out of the fridge.   I'm drinking it right now, and I can tell from the taste that it's pure sugar plus some caffine. Mostly because I'm vibrating in my chair at the moment. Excuse me for a second, I'm about to phase through my keyboard...     ...     Okay, it was probably a bad idea to drink one of these at this hour.



Forget The Curtain, I'll Take 6

Bringing to a close the events of this week, I went out to Best Buy and picked up a copy of Final Fantasy VI on the GBA. I had recieved some coupons in the mail, and when I stopped in they only had VI (and only one copy). Having heard it was hard to find either game, I decided it'd be a good idea to get it while it was there. I get paid next week, which will help take some of the sting of the alternator costs. Until then, I can bury myself in the adventures of Terra et. al.   Thanks for the



Football Season? But Baseball's Not Over!

In the time I've been writing entries here in the Haven, you've probably noticed that I haven't said much about sports. In the past few years, some have probably come to know me as a pretty dedicated Twins fan. So, with football season right around the corner (as the Vikings don't play until tomorrow), it shouldn't be shocking that my focus is still on the MLB.   And why is that? Well, because in the past few months, the Minnesota Twins have been on fire. And not the bad kind of fire that b



Final Fantasy: 5 Or 6?

A month or so ago was the release of Final Fantasy V on the Game Boy Advance, yesterday was the release of Final Fantasy VI. So to put it shortly, I can't make up my mind. I haven't played either, and both come with high recommendations from people I've talked to.   The job system in FFV sounds interesting, as the RPGs I've played thusfar have typically stuck with the traditional style of leveling and skill aquistion. However, FFVI is heralded as one of the best (in an almost dead heat with



Feel The Burn

I didn't resolve to do anything this year, but a coworker has convinced me to start going to the local community center after work. I'm not fat, and I don't get winded on stairs...but as you can probably guess I live a pretty stationary lifestyle. I've tried in the past to do some working out, but it's never stuck.   The idea behind having at least two people is they'll each keep the other motivated, and since I know nothing about what makes a good workout, he's able to give me tips and make



Feedback Welcomed!

I've always wondered what goes on in the head of a blog viewer, especially when it comes time for ratings. Normally, I'm not one who pays much attention to the ratings of the various blogs. But in the case of the Haven...I can't help but be curious. So that's why I've decided to ask you, the reader, to share with me your thoughts on this little piece of code I call home.   Is it the deco? The mood? Do I need to blog more? What kinds of topics do you find more interesting than others? One



Feedback Friday

Okay, maybe I skitted the line of good taste with that last entry...but I assure you it was all in the name of honest fun. I have a few more Draft choices to present, and with Brawl now being delayed till February I'll have to consider a few more potential candidates.   But that's not what today's entry is about. Today is all about you, the reader. I got lax on the entries for a while, but have come back with a few morsels here and there. What do you guys all think? Do I need to give the H



Fanboy: The New F-word

I'll apologize in advance if this runs long, but with the next gen ready to kick into full gear in the next few weeks, you're going to see a lot of people throwing their weight around when it comes to discussions of the future of gaming. Though the 360 has been around for about a year at this point, the biggest war (as usual) has come down to Nintendo vs. Sony. And unfortunately, as with the case almost every time the topic of video games is breached, people are grouped into one side or anothe



Everything Balances

It's probably a good thing right now that I've got Pokemon to get my mind off of the impending doom that has seemed to slowly grow over the last few months. And I suppose I had it coming, after I got my confidence up after a nearly perfect first half of the school year.   It started with two courses with professors that are absolutely terrible. Three weeks away from finals and we get our first test (and in the case of both classes the first actual form of grading we had recieved the whole tim



Dust Yourself Off And Try Again

American League Divison Series Game 1: Oakland A's 3 @ Minnesota Twins 2   It wasn't until Thomas's second homer in the top of the ninth that you could feel the crowd starting to feel the game slip away, but nonetheless...I was still able to enjoy my first ever playoff game. The atmosphere is almost impossible to describe. 55,542 people all cheering in unison, living and dying with every pitch. They stayed rowdy up until the very end, and I'm looking forward to the Twins second go tomorrow.



Drinking Water From A Fire Hose

Most professors will at least try and sound upbeat when introducing the class on the first day. But not this one...not the professor teaching Systems Analysis and Design. The title for this entry is from her own words, a less than encouraging message for a guy who's just now getting up the gusto to work while still taking classes.   "Everything you've heard about this class is wrong..." she started. "It's worse. If you're carrying 18 credits this semester and also working, then maybe you sh



Don't Worry, I'm Still Bouncin'

T-Hybrid is currently preparring for a big code release. While he's scrambling to put the finishing touches in place, he's asked his guest blogger to fill in.   How's it all going? I would have liked to get a word in for the 100th entry, but T-Boss was pretty firm on putting out the Q/A thread. I had a few questions I would've liked to ask, mostly like when I'm gonna be expecting a raise. But since that doesn't appear to be happening anytime soon I'd best keep pluggin along on the entries.



Don't Stand There, Fran...fight!

This was something my roomies heard quite frequently last night as I cracked open FFXII for the first time. I didn't plan on getting this game so soon, but after reviewing my birthday and holiday list...I discovered I had made this glaring omission. Since I had sold my Gamecube, I needed something to tide me over until I was able to actually secure a Wii. That's where the adventures in Ivalice come in.   I'm only four hours in, but I have to say that I'm impressed. The battle system has take



Do You Tweet? (updated!)

So over Thanksgiving I upgraded to one of them smartphones that I kept hearing about. It's got Android on it, so I've got all of the social media apps with me on the go. Including Twitter. I guess before I go much further, is posting your Twitter handle against the BPZ rules? If it isn't, then I'll update accordingly if you're interested in following me.   So how about you guys? You tweet?   Update! For those of you interested, I can be found at "trtx84". I have my profile set to manuall



Disturbing Behavior

T-Hybrid hasn't been himself lately. His usual guest writer has taken it upon himself to submit today's entry. I wasn't worried when T moved out of the Haven. He promised the place would still be bouncin' and that I'd always have work. But he's coming up on his one year anny at work and they've figured out that he's gotten a heckuva lot better at what he does. So there's more work, more pressure, and less time overall. I think he's just drained at the moment. I overheard him tellin th



Digivolve And Roll Out!

There's a new Digimon series coming this year. Digimon Around. Not sure what the title means, but the new promo pic is interesting... Looks like we're going to get a Digimon meets Power Rangers with a touch of Transformers. Kinda interested in what we're gonna see from this toy wise. I could use an excuse to buy some more transformers!   The only downside...no Blue Digivice. At least not yet. So no opportunity to induct a new member into the Blue Vice. More details as they become ava



Diamond: Vanquished

93+ Hours: 159 Seen, 92 Obtained. 8 Badges, 1 Championship   At exactly 1 am this morning, I was victorious. After more than a month of on again, off again training and playing, I was able to finish off the Elite Four and become the Champion in Pokemon Diamond. Comparred to the previous games, I have to say this was a tougher Elite Four than the last few gens, especially the champion, who was more difficult than the last two and could probably give the original Rival a run for his money.  




My friends and I went to Walmart to pick up grocieries yesterday. With the Wii only a few days from release, I made a stop in electronics to get some information regarding how the store would handle those who wish to line-up on launch day.   Thankfully, the guy in electronics said they'd have no problem with it...regardless of when you decided to get in line. He made his point more clear by gestering towards layaway, where three people were already camped out for the Playstation 3. Two guys



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