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So remember when I said I drew a random chick? Several entries ago? Well I'm coloring her in Photoshop right now. Really my first true attempt at coloring a drawing like this, and I have high hopes for it. ^^ yes Leada it will be done in time >:3 Blog theme ideas anyone? Maybe I won't ignore them this time?




There aren't any decent, good music stores other than J&R in my city and area that have at least some music that I like.... So I can't easily get the CDs I want. ;_; Also today there were these two guys in the square holding up signs saying "Free hugs."



I Meeped Today

On the way to Italian class, I passed by a guy who looked exactly like Kimblee. Twas scary. .___. no I did not see his palms Also we got to listen to music today in art class so I'm really happy. Alice Human Sacrifice while you're doing a still life really helps. =D




Tomorrow's Friday. > So today was the Club Fair at school, and I signed up for several clubs. The Asian Student Association (you don't have to be Asian to join), Anime Club, Fencing Club, Printing and Crafts Club, and this club that works with a school in Brazil and some fund-raising program (name slips my mind at the moment). Not necessarily gonna do all the clubs, just waiting for emails so I could see what days they are on. Would've signed up for the Kendo and Martial Arts Club bu



Fuwa, Fuwa, Fururi...

admit that song is beautiful <3 So the weekend was crazy awesome. We arrived at the camp lodge upstate sometime at seven (?) and had introductions, orientation, and pizza. We settled in, all that lazy stuff. Next day we did some "low ropes," which are team-building activities. For one, there was a tire suspended by rope between two trees and we had to get all the team members to the other side of the tire in a certain time. It was fun being lifted. Another one was a huge, smooth wall




I'm back. an homework lol ;-; Will write a huge entry on weekend upon completion of homework. EDIT: Just noticed the Bleach movie so I'm watching that. Plus I'm reading FMA. Woot excuses for no entry. =P



Not Going To Be Here

If I don't stay sick and get excused, I'll be going on a trip to a camp from Friday afternoon to Sunday. And on Sunday I probably won't come online because I need to do the homework from Friday and from today cuz I missed it.... So I'll see you guys Monday evening if everything works out. =D (and sucks that Sunday is a clear day after they predict pouring rain for Saturday for the city ><'''')




I hear there's 50% chance of rain on Sunday (so far). If that keeps up till the actual day, I'll be really happy. =D That guy in Italian has to stop kicking me in the back out of nowhere during class. xP KUROSHITSUJI OVA (waiting for sub =D) Don't wanna do my science crossword for Friday but I feel like I have to. Drawing a random chick, want to experiment with coloring in Photoshop. Aaand I'm working on Magic Police. Good day. =D



And I Thought I Was An Art Major

Our Italian teacher told us to take three index cards and illustrate three common classroom phrases to help us study. I did that I drew the most horrible cartoons to illustrate them (not stick figures, though). And I major in art at my high school. *shakes head at self*



Arrrrgh Wet - And Kitty!

I was at the zoo (my auntie got stung by a wasp ;_, and then I went over to someone's house. There was a kitty there so I spent the majority of the time with said kitty. <3 =D After that I left and it was pouring rain so now I have soaked hair. Meeeh. But kitty =D



Yay New Wallpaper

I put up a wallpaper today (finally) for my new computer. It's better than the Grell Sutcliffe one I had before, in my opinion. =P Dudebot suggesting I get FMA for this one, so... http://www.majhost.com/gallery/Disky/Icons/ed_desktop.png



Bees Asleep On The Flowers

(in the park at around 6:30, at least) So I'm on my new computer. As a Russian XP, it's faster and I like it. =D Took a long time to set up (sorry I wasn't on, Dudebot =P), but worth it. Also in WB3 today was kinda funny. I was playing on a map, and had an ally Daemon AI whose hero I set to Level 50 for no reason (I figured out how to edit AI heroes in skirmish). So when I managed to build a Dragonliche (Undead dragon), I put him to guarding the allied hero, who ran around the map endlessl



Not Happy And Happy At The Same Time

Not happy that my program camping trip is on the same weekend as Medieval Festival. The fest has been a tradition of mine to visit and dress-up for in all the 10/11 years I've been in the United States, and I can't go this one year. ...Unless it rains, which it'll move to the next weekend. So, unfortunately for my other friends, I'll be praying for it to rain on the day of the festival. RAAAAAIIIIIIN Happy cuz... well, I was in school. All the people I chill around are awesome. Art is awesom




I wish I had Microsoft Word o this computer so I could write a nice short story. But, I'll be trading it in this weekend so installing would be pointless. And this computer is sooo slow it completely froze once today ;__; (thanks a ton, AIM T_T) School was okay. Nothing special. Except the blonde guy with glasses in Italian used kneaded erasers to sculpt a pig with demonic wings, tail, and horns. We named it Lopez. Oh how I love art majors at my school (I'm one of them lol). <3



Now Is The Time!

Quick add me on AIM at "diskeh" if you haven't and send an IM so I know you're there and not just stalking me. =P In other news... Today fore Italian our teacher was absent so the sub put a note on the door saying to go up to the library. After climbing up three floors we mingled in the halls cuz the sub didn't come, and then this teacher in a Senior enlgish class invited us in for a discussion. So mid-discussion, this awesome guy who just followed our Italian class cuz he had no 10th p



Day In Review - And Aim Update

So today in review. I thought I should make a long entry for this day. For no reason. =P So today, my art teacher was absent but left an assignment for us to draw a pleasant or nightmare dream (or make one up lol). I made up a teacup that had steam coming out that made rain (well, tea) clouds that refilled the cup. And cookies. ^^ Also in art, I was standing with some of the girls and we started talking about eyes. Then I got a lovely compliment: That my eyelashes were really pretty and so



I Love Italian Class

<3 First off, the "awesome people" circle. There's a girl from my art class, this blonde kid with glasses, a girl from my middle school, a junior (!), and a dark-haired guy (has a really weird and hilarious laugh). Junoir and dark-haired guy supposedly hate each other, but in the deep reality they're cool with each other. For example, our teacher asked, "Come stai?" and the junior responded, "Male." Teacher asks why, and the junior points at the dark-haired guy. Dark-haired guy unleashe




My new computer works now! And I am on it. =D Haha! Hahaha! I also finished original FMA! (saddening ending but amazing) Ha!



Bad Day

Today is a bad day. Okay first thing was in Warlords Battlecry III. I was having fun with a new map pack my brother downloaded, and the maps were amazingly awesome. But, when I played with one of my heroes, he died. I played on the same map over again with precautions and he died again. >< Then I switched maps and it was cool but still. Meh. (got him up a level though :3) Second was my new computer. Technically it's not new, just a used thing I got from a friend. But ti was pretty ni




On the keyboard I'll be using for my new computer, it has a sticker saying, "Warning: To reduce risk of serious injury, please read the Safety and Comfort guide provided with this product." So how do you get seriously injured by using a keyboard? other than by throwing it at people in case of war at the office



New Desk Part Ii

The desk was completed today. It's sooooo preeeeetty. :3 I'll have pics when I set up my computer on there and move in. =D




I'll be watching it tonight... in like ten minutes. Less. And I won't be on after it to ramble about it so here's the entry. =P <3



New Desk

So yesterday I got my new desk. My dad got a lot of it built, but it's not complete so obviously I'm not using it yet. Plus the set-up of my new computer (YES) will take a while. So it won't be so soon that I'll be blogging and doing my online homework on there. ;_; Smells like wood in here though. =D




Steak is delicious. *dudebot lure*



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