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Weight Training

We had our first actual period of PE class today, and we're starting the semester with weight training. I did some chin thingies (chin pulls? chin presses? chin ups? I dunno o.O), three sets of ten. And then I did some leg presses, a set of twenty. After that, in Global History and Italian I had to carry textbooks form the offices and distribute them. Extra heavy work. =D After that I rode home with four friends (three from my school, one from another school), and we had to carry our textb




So this weekend, my dad and I went down to the storage in the basement of our building to set up a bike rack and store our bikes there to make extra room (for a table which'll have my own computer :3). So, there was a futon mattress there and my dad had to move it to make room. It's a very crowded room, you see. This is approximately what happened:



I Has Art Supplies

I was scouring the city art stores for the materials my teacher requested, so now I has art bin, huge folder, two huge sketchpads/books, and tons of little supplies. Next I have to stick it all in the art bin and stuff. Pearl Paint is awesome. =O



Bell Rant

The school bell to change periods and stuff. I despise it. As I stated in a journal entry today in English class about our first impressions of the school: "And the bell. Seriously, it's not even a bell. It's a nerve-jerking, deep whuuuuuuuuu sound that would otherwise have no purpose in society."



Rememberance - And Update

For the nice handful of you guys who know my location, you would understand why I find it almost necessary to put up this entry. Although I didn't lose anyone eight years ago, it still affected me. When I further understood what happened as I matured, it affected me more (it's not heavy on me, just something that often stands out on such days). So remember today, the victims, the heroes - always. In other news! School is going pretty good, and I met a couple of other people today. I



First Day Of School!

IMA HIGH SCHOOL FRESHMAN Since I bet everyone wants it, here's my daily schedule of classes: Period 1 - I have no period one this semester, so I get to sleep in. ^^ Period 2 - Physical Ed. on Tuesdays and Thursdays only. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday means sleep in more. ^^ Period 3 - Freshman English 1. We read The Assistant over the summer and are gonna do stuff on it, and our next read is expected to be The Little Prince. I'm liking this class. Periods 4 and 5 - Art Studio Practice 1,



Oh Nu! - And Wb3 Update

Big blog post again today! So nuuuu school starts tomorrow!! At least I get to see all my friends who are coming to the same high school as me, and maybe some others who go to school nearby. =D So Warlords Battlecry III update. Today I worked with my main hero, Yuni, who's level 39. Although I only did one skirmish with her (as High Elf), I needed a couple thousand XP points to get from level 38 to 39. So I made a bunch of dragon knights, then took the only retinue unit I had with me (Duke



Good Lazy Day

So today was a nice, lazy day. I woke up, and made breakfast with my mom (hurray they had no work today!) and ate it. Yummy. After I packed my backpack (which has Train Heartnet on it ^^) with the stuff I would need for Wednesday when school starts. I'm going to be an art high school freshman. I also almost lost my empty sketchbook I bought for school, but then my mom dug it up from somewhere. My parents were almost to the point that they thought I never bought it. >__> Then after th



I Haven't Played A Good Rts In A While...

I'll admit the RTS games my brother has are older than what's coming out recently, but the computers in my house need a nice upgrade and maybe then we could support more awesome things like Supreme Commander... And our Age of Mythology CDs were borrowed from a friend so now we don't have it to play. ;_; And the Starcraft game we have stopped working after we got some patch for it... And Total Annihilation is ooold. =P Though we have Warcraft III, and that's pretty good to play. I want to p



So Empty

The mulberry tree on my corner got cut down recently. Even though berries won't rain on me anymore... The street feels so wide and empty.... ;__;



Hey Leada

diskmaster859 (17:46:46): hmm what should I blog about... DaLeader13 (17:47:08): I can't blog till I finsh DX DaLeader13 (17:47:16): Blog about me DaLeader13 (17:47:22): Make me feel special diskmaster859 (17:47:28): Fine DaLeader13 (17:47:36): Yay So yeah here's your entry, Leader.



An Eventful Walk

So I was walking in the park today, and a few things occurred. First, on the pathway was a wasp-like insect (the name slips my mind) dragging a large cicada (larger then itself) underneath it. At the same time, it was either trying to fly with that huge cicada and failing, or it used its wings to move around on the ground or hover. So I got closer to investigate, and it slowly went towards me. I changed my position, and it followed. One more change, and it sped up and tried to attack me. ._.




I love Sudoku. <3 The hard/high-level puzzles are... well, hard to do, though. =P




It was cool. Except for two issues: First, for the PE uniforms, we choose from either shorts or sweatpants. The shorts they sold only were XL, so I had to get sweatpants... ugh. >__> Second, they said we weren't going to have ceramics class this semester due to the economically bad times. So, instead of three art studio classes a day, we only have two art studio classes a day, and both periods are consecutive since they're both Studio Practice 1. The teachers weren't sure if ceramics




argh orientation for school tomorrow. Then it starts on the ninth. woooohoooo



During My Journey For Milk

So I was taking the long walk to the pharmacy nearest granny's house to get some milk (and got white chocolate too... >:3), and I passed by this guy across the street repairing his car while blasting rap from the radio. So the only sensible thing I do is start dancing to the rap while I walk, doing all these smooth moves. And when the guy turned to look at me passing by, I stopped and continued walking like a normal teenager (unless a normal teen dances to rap as they walk). In other



This Is Cozy (part 2)

So grandma's house. Nice computer (horrid keyboard, though), milk & cookies, my concept, Bleach OST, and a new book I bought today (Bell Canto by Ann Patchett). Once again, this is cozy. also good food



District 9

I saw it today. And it was rather different and amazing. And I'm too lazy for full-on reviews of this movie.



Blog Theme?

Any ideas for my next blog theme, depending on when the time comes to drop this one?



Story Concepts

When you're writing, especially complicated stories such as Science Fiction and Fantasy, you want to lay out a good concept that your story will be based on. This includes (but may not be limited to): Setting (location [if a made-up location, name, description, characteristics, major figures, history, government, and other], time period [may or may not be based on our world timeline], age of technology, laws of physics), Species [made-up/mythical species need naming, description, abilities [if



Zombie Powder

So I read all four volumes of Tite Kubo's debut manga, Zombie Powder, today. It was interesting, although he ended the series (so far) less veered on the plot and a lot more on the characters... in my opinion. Leaves you kinda hanging, although the fights are fun. Even if it's unfinished, the feel of the fourth volume's ending is a bit like that's all there is ever gonna be for this story, such as with the doctor's proposal to Wolfine and Gamma's decision about Elwood and all that... Just fee



Some Bfair Pics

So here are some pics I took at Brickfair. Not a lot, though, cuz some photos sucked or didn't have good MOCs in them. So enjoy. =) It's just one gallery, but fun pictures. =P http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=398711 ^^



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