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Two movie entries in a row! Woohoo! So since I didn't get to see it on Monday, I went and saw Avatar today, in 3D. I have to say, it was pretty amazing and not what I expected. Lots of pretty things too. <3 EDIT: Typos fixed. Grazie, Sisen. =P



Sherlock Holmes

Back from the cinema. I was supposed to see Avatar, but the earliest show time was two hours from the time I got to the theater, so I chose to watch Sherlock Holmes. It was brilliant.



Graphics Tablet

S the main thing I got for Christmas was a graphics tablet. Just before I started this entry, I had installed it and set it up and tested it out. After the short setup, there was the tutorial. Since my computer's set to Russian language, the entire thing is in Russian. It was funny every time the guy in the audio was saying for me to try out something - when I did it right, there would be a little window that opened up with a smiley face, and he would say in Russian, "Good job! You're getting



Two Years

Doesn't feel like it, though. Buone feste, everyone!




I'm freeeeeeeee~ School was actually fun. Because my school is crazy, the instrumental and vocal people of the school went around the halls and sang or played Christmas songs and carols. Many walked into the room, which was a delight to the students just waiting for the day to be over with so they could go home for the break. And I had cramps at the same time, so the music cheered me up. After school, myself and a few people went to B&N. After buying some gifts, we chilled in the mang



Shopping In The Snow

Snowsnowsnowsnow! Not blizzardy yet, but it's sticking to the ground. So today, after a delicious luncheon, I headed downtown to shop a little with my papa. I went to a holiday bazaar, and bought a couple of gifts. For myself, I got a t-shirt with a Kraken attacking the Brooklyn Bridge. B) After that I went to a clothing store and got some... clothes. =P Then i went back to the bazaar to get something for my granny, and also bought a hot chocolate. But, this was no ordinary hot chocolat



I Have A Locker! Finally!

So finally I got a working locker. Here's what happened: So throughout the year so far, the combination I was given didn't work on the locker I was assigned. So today, I went to the Main Office to sort this out. I first had to run up * and check the serial number on the lock. They said the actual lock on that locker had a different combination, and belonged to another student. She gave me the combination and told me to check if there was stuff. I ran up to the sixth floor from the second and



D. Gray-man And Italian Conversation

I think D. Gray-man is some pretty good stuff. But I'm only ten episodes in, so I dunno. xP And I have to present an Italian conversation with a classmate tomorrow, so I have to memorize a whole script I wrote up. It sucks compared to real conversations, but in class I guess it'll pass for good. Thank goodness I have Italian last period. >__>



I Feel Like A Little Kid Again!

I rode the carousel today! Yay! It was unbelievably fun (spin spin spin), yet myself and my friends were pretty much the youngest people there out of the few. We got out of school early today, so I guess that's why. I also felt like Phoebe in The Catcher in the Rye... except without the golden ring. (My English teacher is going be sooo jealous when I tell her I rode it =O)



How I Confuse Myself

So sometimes, I ponder too hard about a certain word. I think about it, repeat it in my head over and over and over, try and spell it out several times, fit it into sentences, etc. And the longer I think, the less the word makes sense to me. I start to not understand the meaning, correct spelling, usage, existence, and other aspects. "Disturb" and "yet" are some of the latest words I've pondered about. And, for no reason I know of, large words don't really get pondered about in such a way.




Someone in my fencing club told me I had an accent. A different response from when most people notice I don't have one even though I was born in Europe. So shock? *talks about random stuff now* I still need to come up with present ideas for people... It seems everyone's been singing Lilium recently. I guess I'm not alone. Happy Hanukkah to those to celebrate. =D For art class, we're going to draw the flower that we think represents us best. Help me pick a flower, guys!



Giant Popcorn!

So in art class, my teacher has this huuuuge bag of kettlecorn, and instructed us to take one of the popcorns in it and blow it up (in terms of size, not actually making it explode D:) so that it fills up as much area of the paper as possible. And then shade it. And we have to resist the temptation to eat it. Yeah, well it looks nothing like popcorn. It's a giant lump of clay or a rock in the picture. Other people have their popcorn looking like alien babies or seals or something. But if i



Hair Troubles

My hair's been hard to brush lately. D: And when I wash it, it's even worse. And in other hair news, I've come up with a character for this brand new crazy idea I got, but I can't figure out her hair. I have the bangs down and all, but should her hair be long and straight? nicely cut and short? two pigtails sticking out from the side? a bun? *in before crazy hair suggestions* And I feel stressed out lately for no reason. Maybe because I feel I can't get my work done in time for its deadli



Today... Was Fun

Today! So I woke up at six, and took a train ride to my school for the audition help. When I got there I chilled in the art office with this other chick, and then we went down and started bringing art applicants upstairs to the seventh floor cafeteria. Thing is, the chick took them by the escalator and I used the normal stairs. When we came back together, she asks me why I had to do that. I told her it's my boot camp for them. That I can be cruel. >=D After that, I went to the room I wa



Teenage Girl With Katana In Soviet Russia?

First Squad is pretty awesome. It's an anime movie about World War II. The language it's in is Russian, so I could totally understand it, with a little help from subtitles (xP). It's wasn't too long of a watch, and I enjoyed it. The ending music was short but sweet. In life news, tomorrow I'll be helping at the visual art auditions in my high school. After that (from 7:30 to 12:30), I'll go to B&N and Borders, read some stuff, maybe buy a few things. Should be fun. =D



Woot Swords

So today in Fencing, since half the newbies didn't come (sucks for them!) they let the ones who were there go into full fencing dress and wield swords. There was something annoying about a part of the outfit they gave me, but... I had to live with it. They were going to order new things soon anyways, at least. But the swords were fun. The way you're supposed to hold the sword, with the handle past your hand parallel with your arm, and then the certain positions and where it is supposed to poi



Epic Blinking Skills

One of the things I am known for: My crazy blinking skills. Basically, I can blink non-stop for a verrry long time. For some reason, no one has been able to top me at it in school. I'm like o.O when I'm the one getting that look. xP Also panic is over. The homework got posted online and is due tomorrow. =D *douses fire*



Death And Panic

The two are not related to each other in this case. =P Death - A Spanish teacher died over the vacation. I didn't know her, but lots of my friends had her for a teacher and one was even in tears during English. So my condolences go out to those close to the teacher. And since my Italian teacher is the head of the Foreign Language department, he didn't come into class today because of the death (but he did come to school). On a livelier note: Panic - OH NOOO My History teacher didn't put



Convert! To Photobucket!

Since Maj is failing... PHOTOBUCKET! *will now take time to change URLs* In other news my stomach was in pain this morning, but I feel better now. I even had a late breakfast (cuz I had no willpower to eat earlier). =D




--   So happy Thanksgiving, my people! If you celebrate it, at the least. If you don't... have a good day anyways. =D   So I'm thankful for: - My family being here =) - My friends from middle school - My new friends in high school - My relatives in Europe - My teachers - You BZPower weirdos - Having an amazing meal today - Lots of little tiny things that would take forever to list   What I'm not thankful for? Maj not loading. x(   But yes, today was a good day. I'm stuffed, and I've



I Come Online And What Is This

I hear Bionicle's gonna be discontinued. Not that I'm heavily affected by this. But still a bit saddening. Anyways, I'm running out of stuff to blog about that's not about life. Cuz life is boooring. *in before "blog about me!"*



How To Fence 101: Arrange Flowers

Today in Fencing club we arranged flowers! For one and a half hours! =D But getting onto why, the Fencing and Soccer teams held a fundraiser where they sold carnations to people. $2 for the first flower, and $1 for additional flowers. You could have it sent to a person anonymously or whatever. And all of them had little messages from the senders, they were so cute. So we had to arrange the bouquets of one flower, some were of two or three flowers. And then staple the messages on. One of t



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