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One Thousand Posts!

ONE THOUSAND POSTS!! !! !! !! 11 !!   BRUTAKA AND NUPARU JUST CAME IN THE MAIL!   And, they blew me away. These are the best sets since the Olda! There's honestly nothing I can complain about at the moment.   Except for the fact that now that I've started, I have to finish another blog entry. Dang.   Well... that's all I have to say.   -

Toa Achilles (Tums)

Toa Achilles (Tums)


New blog look. I FINNALY got rid of that Zem 256 picture! I'm relieved and disapointed at the same time.   In case the brown text currently in my sig didn't tip you off, I am ten nine EIGHT posts away from having 1000 posts. I should write a book... and I'll call it "I am I am ten nine EIGHT posts away from having 1000 posts!"   Anyways, I'd like to thank all the people who've kept me online these years. Thank you, Metrukuta, for inspiring me to join. Thanks, Ga-Metruian, for befriending

Toa Achilles (Tums)

Toa Achilles (Tums)

Desperate For An Entry!

Well, things are once again getting a wee bit monotonous. And, well, I'm bored, quite frankly. So I'm going to talk about nothing. Nothing can mean a lot of things, or it can mean nothing. It all depends on what you see as nothing. I could mean empty space, outer space, or antimatter. It could mean the power of destruction, or it can mean death. It can be a magical substance from some fantasy series I read. Or it can mean a period of no thought at all, which we fondly call boredom. I am

Toa Achilles (Tums)

Toa Achilles (Tums)

Another One Of My Favorite Entries!

Upon looking upon other's blogs, I stumbled upon the idea not only to use the word "upon" upon my blog alot, but the idea that I should bestow a new look upon my blog.   So, I'm gonna try doing a new entry format. Mainly, italicized text. Of course, when I want to use words I would normally italicize with the format italicized, I will have to use normal text. Like "It's really old outside!" That just looks weird, but it'll do. As long as it's not as monotonous as before.   And now, a new

Toa Achilles (Tums)

Toa Achilles (Tums)

Time: My Precious.

If time were to stop all of the sudden, I would be pretty dang mad. I'd wonder who got their hands on a Vahi, or a magic stopwatch, or at least who made my clock break. I'd think that time actually did stop, and I would be pretty dang mad, since I like time. It's cool, it's in style, it's time! And time is money, so if timed stopped, I'd be one poor guy.   Hey, if time is money, why can't I spend it on Bionicles? That'd be cool. "Here's a minute, can I buy Kazi?"   Oh well, people and th

Toa Achilles (Tums)

Toa Achilles (Tums)

Woah! Two Entries In Two Minutes!

And last blog entry was for yesterday. This one is today. Ignore the calendar over there next to the entry, IT'S GOT A BRAIN PROBLEM!!   So... built any good MOCs anyways? I wonder why MOC is pronounced "Mock" instead of "Emocy." It sounds weird. "People on BZP love getting MOCed." "I wish my friends would MOC me" "How to Kill a MOCing Nerd" stuff like that.   - (Pronounced "Teeay," not "Tah.)

Toa Achilles (Tums)

Toa Achilles (Tums)

Podunk, Podunk, Padeep-deep.

Well, it might sound like a bad excuse, but there was a tornado warning yesterday, and wouldn't you know it the Internet died. So I have to do a make up entry. You know, if I didn't have to do a blog every day, which is my life's abmition right now, I would have to do make up entries. Oh well, that's sorta the challenge of it.   Anyways, school's about to start, which is good, since then I don't have to do band camp every day. THANK MATA NUI!!   -

Toa Achilles (Tums)

Toa Achilles (Tums)

The Geniuses Won!

I re-organized my desk today. There wasn't much to re-organize, but I had to dust the enitre thing. (It gets dusty quick, since my bed is located above it!) And we bought school supplies. And I payed for them too! ($137.56!)   But enough about my actual life! You're hear to read my brain's inner workings, aren't you!   So I am going to say the first thing on my mind: I have a MIDI rendering program in the background, playing some song from some video game I have never played. I have a

Toa Achilles (Tums)

Toa Achilles (Tums)

The Geniuses Are Going To Win!

It's times like this that make me remember the fact that I've forgotten something. Or, in my case, forgotten to remember something. Or forgotten to remember to not forget something. Gosh, what was I going to blog about?   Well, I've started working for Blue Chrystal Gaming as a spriter, so that takes up some time.   Perhaps I should paint my blog another color. I'm thinking a teal would be nice, with some vermillion outline, and I don't mean just the text. Of course, we'd need a new "bzp

Toa Achilles (Tums)

Toa Achilles (Tums)

This Entry Is An Entry About An Entry...

Congratulations, Turakii #1 Lavasurfer, on your Blog of the Week Award. (You too, Larry-Boy!)   Well, my head a splode from lack of ideas. So I'm going to talk about blogging. More precisely, my blog. I am going to type about what I am currently doing right now, which is typing what I am currently doing now. Isn't that the most basic paradox in the world? I thought not.   Well, the thing that makes my blog different from everyone else's is the fact that my blog is pretty much the same as

Toa Achilles (Tums)

Toa Achilles (Tums)

Saturday Night Blog

HA! And Ga-Metruian didn't think I'd make an entry today! She owes me a muffin!   Aaaand, now that I've made my point, I am at a loss of anything to say. Tragic, isn't it?   Oh, wait! I tried that Bionicle Heroes Demo yesterday, and it blew me away, compared to the old game... *shudders* They do have fingers in this version, but they actually have THUMBS this time! And realistic fingers as well, instead of Tahu Olda Rods.   -   "Supermacy is shown when the opponent cannot generate a re

Toa Achilles (Tums)

Toa Achilles (Tums)

It's Good To Be Blogging Again...

I take back what I said a few posts ago. If I had to have one different username it oughta be...   The Phantomly Ghost of the Deadly Unliving.   I AM THE LORD OF REDUNDANCY!!   You know, it's been a good while since I lost my sanity, so I think I'll do that now. Well, I guess it depends on what you define sanity as. I mean, if there's a fine line between sane and daff, then I'm sort of sitting on the fence between the two. Like, sometime I'm perfectly normal-acting, and sometimes, I make

Toa Achilles (Tums)

Toa Achilles (Tums)

Sorry For The Delay

I'm back online, baby!   There was a validation problem when I tried to use my new e-mail address, and I was locked out for two whole days. I never noticed how important BZP was to me!   Big thanks to ToaHordikaTahu and Black Six for helping me in my darkest hour.   -

Toa Achilles (Tums)

Toa Achilles (Tums)

Derandocitishitizationismitiser Syndrome

The Good Ship ShipplyGood is in good, ship-shape. (...I just had to say that...)   Well, I ordered Nuparu and Brutaka today. (Why Brutaka? Well, I haven't gotten alotta villians anyways. Besides, Axonn is to Toa Norikish...) And as for Nuparu, most of you can guess why...)   My right armpit hurts from canoeing. (You'd think everything BUT your armpit would hurt...)   (I wonder why I'm using alotta parenthesis lately... and saying alotta alot-uh.)   ((((((((((((((((alottalottalottalotta

Toa Achilles (Tums)

Toa Achilles (Tums)

What? No Welcome Home Party?!?

Well, well. It's been an entire day without an entry. I'll have to fix that time machine and perfect my attendence.   Yeah, the canoe trip was sort of a flop. Yes, we were able to canoe the whole thing, but it rained only when we were at the campsite, and quit when we left. I think Tohu's trying to punish me for being offline for a day.   And now for the Top Five Usernames I'd use if I couldn't be Achilles:   5: Key to Nongu. (I used this on another forum, once.) 4: Pepto-Bismol (Nausea

Toa Achilles (Tums)

Toa Achilles (Tums)

The History Of The Antacid Family?

Today I sorted out a lot of papers hidden up in my parent’s closet. Well, we split up the work and I did some. Inside this family cookbook, I found that I have a relative named Brian Davis. (Awfully close to Bryan Davis, one of my favorite authors) Yes, I found that in a cookbook. I also found this newspaper that said the middle school had an actual fire, and as it turns out, that was the only day that year I was sick. I miss everything these days.   Oh yeah, I’m gonna be gone this weekend

Toa Achilles (Tums)

Toa Achilles (Tums)

... I Am Not George Orr.

Well, today I read The Lathe of Heaven. It's short, but a pretty good book if you're into SciFi. And my Dad purchased a copy of the movie that aired on PBS long before I was a single cell. It's almost as good as the book, if you don't count the random footage of a swimming turtle that still remains unexplained...   I wonder if the antimatter universe I made can communicate with us via the internet... or even better, BZP! But then every topic we started would become closed due to the duplicat

Toa Achilles (Tums)

Toa Achilles (Tums)


I'm to tired to do an improv today. Sorry. I've been playing a vibraphone for five hours staight. Stupid band camp...   -   SIKETH!!   Okay... Tuesday improvisation...   That rhymes with Pooh's clay transformation! (Deep in the Hundred Acre Wood, a Winnie the Pooh was struck by a Reconstitutes at Random disk and turned into a blob of scuplting material. Back to you, Onuki!)   I should start up a news channel like that. Of course, I'd have no real news to brodcast, so we'd just discus

Toa Achilles (Tums)

Toa Achilles (Tums)

This Is A Form Letter... Er, Entry...

Maybe I should stop with the contest. No offense, but very few people read this blog, and there’s no real point to it. The answer to the last question was 15.   Well, in the next few buisness days, I'm gonna update the blog look. Seriously, it's as bland as that Zem256 picture! So, anyways, I won't add any entries until I'm done... except for the fact that I just did. Which means I didn't do what I said I would... oh, here we go again.   So, I'm just going to say something random to make

Toa Achilles (Tums)

Toa Achilles (Tums)

Three Seconds 'til Forget It All!

If you jetsoned a goldfish bowl out into space, after covering up the top and adding a month's worth of fish food, how long would it survive. This is, of course, assuming it doesn't crash into any comets, planets, meteors, meteorites, stars, space-stations, or Hapori Tohu, and that the fish actually would live longer than a week in real life. So here's my formula:   Life = Time in Space + Time on Spaceship/Earth - Diseases * Grams of Fish Food / Grams of Fish Food Eaten per Hour.   I guess t

Toa Achilles (Tums)

Toa Achilles (Tums)

Now I Really Want That Olmak!

Since I've been annoying people by doing a lot of ideas-out-of-nowhere entries, I think I'll do some more!   Isn't it strange how lots of ideas seem to come out of nowhere? I think that ideas come from another dimension, sort of like a Blue Heck. There's nothing there, except for ideas, floating in an endless void, until they are pulled into people's heads by science. (See previous entry on Science.) And people wonder where they come from. Or maybe there's more to the place than just a voi

Toa Achilles (Tums)

Toa Achilles (Tums)

Final Entry?

Well, as highschool looms upon the happy, naive BZPers such as myself, I meditate upon whether or not I will be able to keep a daily blog. It's no biggie, really, just gave me something to do. Besides, these things are sort of selfishly, self-centered, which not only is an alliteration, but shows that my blog is basically all about me. So, I'll do something centered around everyone else today, and not just compliments.   So, I dedicate this entry to everyone who was active in the forum durin

Toa Achilles (Tums)

Toa Achilles (Tums)

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