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The Day Of Darkness Is Near

In just a little over a month will be one of the most dreaded days in all of BZP history. Yami will become inedible and will most likely make the internet lag like heck forever and ever and ever. I advise all of you to fear this laginess and run away from the evil ruler of all darkness before he lags you out.   Just a warning.   -MT

MT Zehvor

MT Zehvor

The End Of The Tbttrah Series?

Sorry if I gave anyone a heart attack, but it's not what it seems. I'm not ending the TBTTRAH series, I just need to know some things about when it does end. It's in it's 5th season...   First off is: No, it can't last forever. I'll eventually lose all interest in Bionicle and stop writing the comedy altogether and Aftermath will get left with a lame ending or it'll just be unfinished forever. So, main question is, how many more season of TBTTRAH do you want? Any numbers are welcome(just as lon

MT Zehvor

MT Zehvor

Yami's Great Party For All Evil People

Since today is the "day of the dead," (it's also all saints' day but Yami chooses to ignore that one) Yami, the evil dark lord of darkness that is dark is inviting all evil people over to his boat, the Ark of Yamato, to have a "party of death." Who is Yami, exactly?   Yami is the reason that BZP sometimes lags or doesn't work. Yami used to be the ruler of a bunch of evil people who fought with guitars and drums, but then he got kicked out by a white wolf. After bouncing around some video games

MT Zehvor

MT Zehvor

The Mt Report: October 2009

And once again it's time for the MT REPORT!!!! Reporting on all things win, fail, and in between during the month of October 2009. Read on.   We begin with the ever popular Win and Fail list. Outside of Mesonak, no one wants to get on the second. So here's who was lucky enough to do something cool enough that it got them into the win list. And those who weren't so lucky.   The WIN list   Invictus(aka Mangekyou Itachi): Most of these can be found on the montage listed below, but also being par

MT Zehvor

MT Zehvor

Very Important War News

Zehvor(and Ventorus) I have some very important news on the war. I will keep it in spoilers, because it's a little unsettling, but if you want to see it anyway, open the spoiler up. You have been warned.   » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «IT WAS ONE GIANT JOKE!!!!!  You have been MT'd so epicly...lol....   -MT

MT Zehvor

MT Zehvor


Quotes from KTM:       Sounds like someone wants a fight. THE ZEHVOR DECLARE WAR ON THE VENTORUS!!! (throws a bomb at KTM)   -MT

MT Zehvor

MT Zehvor

Vundas Has Arrived

The wait is over, along with the speculation. TBTTRAH: Vundas is up. Follow the continuing adventures of Omega Turtle and Vecolity in the first ever TBTTRAH epic.   TBTTRAH: Vundas   -MT

MT Zehvor

MT Zehvor

Milestone Accomplishment

We are here to recognize TA's achievement of killing 231 Ventorus over the past 6 months. Which really doesn't make any sense because there's only about 8 of them.   Maybe if they would quit respawning the number wouldn't be quite so high.   -MT

MT Zehvor

MT Zehvor

Mt In The Bayou

I AM IN LOUISIANA. Finally away from my dumb school. I believe I announced this in the MT Report for September, but I may have not made that 100% clear.   I love this place. I wish we could come here more often. Seafood and epic winess.   Anyways, as always, I will be blogging from random places that I visit. MT, Omega, Tahu 01, Tahu Nuva, and Ackar all made the trip, as well as some others my brother brought along.   -MT

MT Zehvor

MT Zehvor

Salute To Tbttrah Series

With the beginning of Season 5 underway, I thought it was time we took a look back at The Bionicles Try To Run A House from seasons past.   Season 1 saw TBTTRAH beginning as an unknown comedy looking for some respect in a website that had lost interest in comedies altogether due to most of them being plain unfunny. It wasn't all that easy, and it took about 40 or so chapters before some started to take notice of it.   BZP's longest comedy kicked off it's mainly successful two year lifetime w

MT Zehvor

MT Zehvor

Aterna Mt Moc

I made an MoC for Aterna MT. Take a look here.   The white light spikes that stick to his body would have been a little hard to do, so those were left out. Mesonak also plans to MoC this sometime.   -MT

MT Zehvor

MT Zehvor

Aftermath Questions: Omega, Ultimate Mt And The End?

Recently I've received quite a number of questions and maybe even a little heat for the latest turn in Aftermath Chapter 25: Rising Sun. I kinda felt like I should answer some of them, so I'll just post some of the questions and answers here:   No. Aftermath, unless it gets locked, will not be ending any time soon.   Mesonak, that's not a question. Moving on now...   Well, specifically, it was MT with Omega Turtle's level of power. MT(my self MoC, I don't believe I'm a Toa yet) is now a

MT Zehvor

MT Zehvor

The Toa Toraleus? Xaphor Banished From The Ventorus

Xaphor was recently kicked out of the Ventorus for reasons that the leading class in the Ventorus are keeping quiet about. After being kicked off the team, he went to start his own team the "Toraleus." (Anyone thinking Sonu and the Tora?) Not sure if this will have any effect at all on us. Just thought it was worth reporting.   KTM had this to say on the matter:     For those looking for a Toa team, it's good news, as there is now a spot open in the Ventorus and a lot of spots available in X

MT Zehvor

MT Zehvor

Brenmac Request V 2.0

Hopefully this one will stay open a little longer, but since this show has nothing bad on it, it should be. Anyways, Brenmac wants to ask everyone about the show Beyblades:   1. Have you heard of the show/toy line? If so, how? 2. What do you think of the show/toy line? 3. Should the new Beyblades for 2010 be made out of metal? Why or why not?   My answers:   1. There's a weird story behind this, but a little while ago, I was in study hall and some of the Dell logos they stick on computers

MT Zehvor

MT Zehvor

Family Guy Vs. South Park

Brenmac is back, and he's even...um....more ticked off at his internet than before! Anyways, he wants to know what you guys think, which is better, South Park or Family Guy? And he would like some reasons to go along with your opinion, not just "I like such and such."   For me, I always preferred South Park because Family Guy seemed to be for everything that I was against in terms of religion and politics. That's really the only thing that turned me off from the show, other than that it was ext

MT Zehvor

MT Zehvor

The Legend Reborn Review

Well, it's past September 29th, so I am allowed to post spoilers on the movie. This review actually doesn't have that many spoilers in it, so if you haven't seen it yet, this won't ruin it for you. Anyways, here we go:   Pros: The animation was very good, and they did a very nice job of expressing the power gained by the Glatorian in the latter part of the movie. The Thornax launchers were awesome, and Lego did a nice job of giving that separated feel that the villages had. The good guys were i

MT Zehvor

MT Zehvor

Down With Fads

While we here at Boxtus Arena(that would be me, myself, and Mecha) have begun our resistance against the mods 1994 movie fad, it would appear that another more annoying one is already here to take it's place.   It begins   Anyways, while the anti 1994 video movement has already begun, we need people to stand up to this new incredibly strange fad started by "The Brain." Whatever that means. I have a sneaking suspicion it has something to do with Mother Brain but that's probably just paranoia. A

MT Zehvor

MT Zehvor

The Mt Report: September 2009

So far I'm having trouble coming up with names that stick for this part. We'll try this and see where it goes.   The WIN list   Invictus: In the world of ever increasing fail, it's getting increasingly harder to take advantage of circumstances and win at the same time. But Mange found a way to do it, and you can all see: Score= Mange 1, QQQQ 0   Halo ODST: EPIC WIN. MORE EPIC WIN. MORE EPIC WIN IN A BOX. (I must be new video game deficient)   KTM: Double win? Revamped Kazi epicly to make a

MT Zehvor

MT Zehvor

New Zehvor Member...maybe

Well, actually not new at all. He was once a member of the Ventorus, but after ending up on the wrong side of an argument with KTM, he was kicked out of the team and I have invited him into the Zehvor. If you can't guess yet, it's Mesonak, here to rejoin his first Toa team. Be sure to welcome him back into the Zehvor....IF he comes.   Right now, Mantie is making all efforts possible to get Mesonak to rejoin the Ventorus. Right now Meso is on the fence, so we'll see in a little bit.   Anyways,

MT Zehvor

MT Zehvor

Repent: The End (of Bionicle) Is Near

According to an unconfirmed official Lego site, Bionicle may be rebooting after 2010. So no more Toa, no more Makuta(is that good or bad?) and no more of the characters we've come to know. I only have one response:   WHY!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!!?!?   Anyways, repent sinner. The end of Bionicle is near.   -MT

MT Zehvor

MT Zehvor

Omega Tahu Fail

Some of you may remember the potential set list Mesonak found on BZP, and the new Tahu that I later dubbed "Omega Tahu" after reports that it would be a huge version of Tahu Mata came out. Well, half of the rumors came true. There is an new Tahu Mata, but...it's... (Omega/Chibi Tahu) ...more like Chibi Tahu. I would LOVE this as an Agori/Av-Matoran set, but as one of the six main canisters? Not so much.   Then again, reports are saying that stores are going to only charge $8 for them. I hope

MT Zehvor

MT Zehvor

The Mt Report: August 2009

Time for another edition of the MT Report, although I really don't have any reason to attribute this one's lateness to.   Who's HOT:   Stemmage: As if the Metroid Metal series wasn't popular enough, Stemmage is currently touring in Washington(how many bands that play video game music get to tour?) and an album by the name of "Varia Suite" is to be released soon. Epicness.   Pre-Order Bonuses: I'm sure I told you enough about the ones that came with MPT, but what about Sgt. Johnson coming free

MT Zehvor

MT Zehvor

Boycott Wal-mart

From what I can tell, none of this is illegal, since it involves nothing political or religious, but if starting a boycott on BZP is illegal, just tell me and I'll be happy to close this.   Anyways, I was reading the news today and found a story that said Wal-Mart is starting a new plan to (direct quote) "take out other businesses." The new project is named Project Impact, and I'm sure that if you Google it or something you can find more information on it. I'm all fine for making plans to expan

MT Zehvor

MT Zehvor

Ots: Moc Team

All right, MoC team, here is your first assignment. We're supposed to build a model of what Toa Nidhiki looked like before his transformation. So...get busy...not sure how this whole thing will work out, so just contact the group leader and he can probably tell you something.   -MT

MT Zehvor

MT Zehvor

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