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Track Is Almost Over

I'm looking at my track calender and I wonder, where did all that time go?   Friday is the last track meet I'll be running in. Next week is sections I won't be running in them and whether I'm going to be going to them is unknown right now. The of June 2 - 6 is the last week of track practice. Then on the 11th is the banquet. I still can't believe it's almost over.   Hopefully I can set a new Personal Record on Friday. It would be a great end to the season. It might be raining though, I i

Mysterious Minifig

Mysterious Minifig


I was Confirmed yesterday, with 63 other people. Afterwords most of my family came back to my house and we had a party.

Mysterious Minifig

Mysterious Minifig

I'm Bored

A bunch of my family is going going to be coming tomorrow. I think I'm going to go for a bike ride tonight but then I'm probably going to be going alone. None of the rest of my family is in good enough shape to go as long a ride as I want to go for.   I'm going to be at my house most of tomorrow anyway so I might as well go for a bike ride tonight.

Mysterious Minifig

Mysterious Minifig

My Day

My day was somewhat of a less then average day.   My family spent most of the morning clean. A bunch of my family is going to be coming on Sunday, probably the most ever, for my Confirmation.   I had lunch at about 11:30 and on the way to work I tried to find geocache #31, no such luck. I got to work right on time. This was my last day there and so I really didn't have too much to do.   On the way home from work I was going to try and find another geocache but it was starting to rain and s

Mysterious Minifig

Mysterious Minifig

New Personal Record

New Personal Record! Today's meet went really well. I ran the 800M in 2:45, 4 seconds better then my previous personal record.   The track season is almost over. Next week is the last week that practice will be difficult. Thursday and Friday next week are both conference meets. Varsity is running on Thursday and JV is running on Friday. My hope is to set another PR on the Friday meet.

Mysterious Minifig

Mysterious Minifig

Track Meet Cancelled

I guess it was too windy out. The track meet I was suppose to go to today has been postponed until Thursday. Today's practice was a pretty hard one. 12x400M. We were doing it on a straight away, instead of track, because of the wind. I was pretty tired afterwords.

Mysterious Minifig

Mysterious Minifig

Track Meet #4

Tonight is going to be the 4th track meet I'm going to be running in this year.   The weather is cold and windy, this probably won't be fun. I had hoped I would be able to set a new PR in the 800M but the weather is making that seem unlikely. I'll post results probably tomorrow because it will probably be late when I get back.

Mysterious Minifig

Mysterious Minifig

Premier Membership Gone

Three days ago when I got on got a sunrise. Since Black Six was the last person I thought he was saying Premier Membership was ending. It was scary moment but while I was waiting for the page to load (ie slow server) I decided that it could possible be the end of Premier Memberships.

Mysterious Minifig

Mysterious Minifig

Pink Slip

Or what ever color slip they give you when you don't have a job anymore.   When I went into work today I was told that next week will be my last week on job. That's not as bad as it sounds though. I'm not losing my job because I did a terrible job but because there isn't any work for me to do. I guess now the sour economy has finally hit home.   My boss said he would be writing an a letter of recommendation, and if things ever pick up they would look at rehiring me. So that's probably one

Gps Offline

The batteries on my GPS have finally died. This is the first time I will have had to change them since I bought my GPS last October.   On that note is rather a bad time for them to go dead. A geocache near my house that had been missing for a while was repaired yesterday and now I can't look for it. I also had a cache that I wanted to find on the way to or from my piano lesson but that also had to be scratched.   I'm currently at 27 caches found. I introduced my younger cousins to geocac


No, I'm not graduating this year. I'm in the Class of 2011.   As of now I've received on invitation to a graduation party. I'm hoping that I get more because I actually know some of the people who are graduating in my home school group. The girl like is also graduating this year. She doesn't know I like her and I probably will never be able to tell her that I like her.

Another Track Meet

I had another track meet today. It was probably the least fun one I've run in so far this year. It was a Junior Varsity only meet so most of the Varsity people weren't there.   This was the third meet I've run in this year. My personal record for the 800 meters is 2 min 49 sec set last year at the last meet I ran in.   This year I've gotten a 2:50 and 2:51. I ran another 2:51 tonight. I probably would have been able to beat my record but I got crowded at the starting line and got off to

The Rain

Since Sunday it has been raining on and off all week. It probably rained the hardest on Sunday. It was raining today and I had track practice. It actually wasn't too bad. It was rather refreshing. I've had two or three other practices in the year and both have been cold and I ended up getting soaked.   I've also had morning practice (starts at 6:30 AM, goes an hour) the last two days and I have it again tomorrow. Surprisingly I'm not tired right now. I remember being really tired after

Mysterious Minifig

Mysterious Minifig

Lrc Update

For those of you who have an interest in the LEGO Racing Challenge, Brickgirl has posted another update. This one is rather late since the Gold Launch which was suppose to happen over a week ago didn't happen.   Found Here   Hopefully the Gold Launch will happen on this new date. The banner I made won't even work anymore since it said April. I also hope they reset everything. One, because it will give me a chance to keep up with the leaders and 2 because there are quite a few people who

Mysterious Minifig

Mysterious Minifig

Trip Pictures

Here are some of the picture I took while I was gone last weekend.   This one is probably one of my luckiest shots. There was a geocache about 10 feet from where this picture was taken. I'm pretty glad I brought my camera out of the car with me.   A Bridge It was a 30 min walk to get to this bridge. It was also the turn around point for the walk I took.   An Old Car Something interesting I saw while on the walk. Obviously this car has been through a lot.   The Trail A simple shot of

Mysterious Minifig

Mysterious Minifig

Jamboree Troop

Sunday was the second meeting of my Boy Scout National Jamboree Troop. I'm really starting to look forward to going to the Jamboree. We elected all of the youth leaders for the trip. I wanted to be the Assistant Senior Patrol Leader but I'm not as out going as the other people who ran so ended up not getting that position.   Both the people who were elected seem like good leaders and I think they'll end up doing a good job. I got elected to be my patrol's patrol leader.   BTW, If there i

Mysterious Minifig

Mysterious Minifig

Back From Vacation

I'm back from the short trip that I took to my Grandparents over the weekend. It was a rather fun trip. Since I got my permit earlier this month I was able to drive for the 3 hours it took to get there.   I spent all of Saturday morning and half of the afternoon helping my Grandfather with yard work. After 3:00 P.M. I took a hike with some of my family to go find a two geocaches. Over the weekend I found a total of 5 geocaches bringing my total finds up to 20 found. It was a pretty fun wee

Mysterious Minifig

Mysterious Minifig

Track Meet

I'm going to be going to a track meet tomorrow. I;m looking forward to it. Last thursday I ran the 800M in 2 min 51 sec. I hope to beat my personal record set at the end of last year, 2 min 49 sec. I wasn't as dead after that 2:51 as when I ran the 2:49 so I should be able to do it.

Mysterious Minifig

Mysterious Minifig

Shorts Season

Well after the long cold winter I think it's about time time to pull out the shorts. No more pants or jeans.   I had track practice today and before it started it was slightly cool outside, about 60 degrees. But everyone at practice was roasting. It was weird though to because neither of the coaches was there. One was at a funeral, the other had conferences.   I hope I don't have to go back to pants.

Mysterious Minifig

Mysterious Minifig

Star Trek Voyager

I've finished watching all seven seasons of Star Trek Voyager. I started watching season one probably about a year ago. This is probably my favorite Star Trek series. My favorite character is probably the Doctor. The series finale was okay but that wasn't how I imagined it would end.

Mysterious Minifig

Mysterious Minifig

I Can Drive A Car

Okay, maybe not in reality but I can legally.   It took my permit test this morning. It went really well. I passed with 97%. The one question I got wrong probably wasn't to bad of a mistake.   I'll be taking 2 hours of behind the wheel on Saturday afternoon. Hopefully I will be able to do a little driving with my parents before then.

Mysterious Minifig

Mysterious Minifig

Name Change

I decided to change my name. Hopefully I won't regret it after a while. I suppose that's what I said when I changed it Relative Chaos though too.   Here is the MOC. The Wall Walker   I'll be making a usable avvy something in the next few days.

Mysterious Minifig

Mysterious Minifig

The Last Gasp Of Winter

Apparently the weather where I live didn't get the memo that it's now spring.   Where I live we got about 7 inches of snow. It snowed about 5 inches yesterday morning. Then it rained in the afternoon. Then it snowed again this morning. Hopefully it melts quickly because I don't want to go slushing through muck on Saturday when I go Geocaching.

Mysterious Minifig

Mysterious Minifig

Getting My Permit

After waiting over two years I'm finally going to be able to get my permit. My Mom picked up my blue card yesterday and I'll probably be going to take the permit test on Thursday. I am so excited. I'm finally going to be able to start driving.   My dad is probably going to be buying a small car to drive. Originally he was going to get a Beetle but that idea has pretty much died. I don't really care what he gets as long as it doesn't look terrible.

Mysterious Minifig

Mysterious Minifig

Aaaa Batteries

I was in Walgreens the other day looking at batteries. (I was thinking about getting some but the prices for the kind I needed weren't very good.) They had some quadruple A batteries. I'm curious does anyone have something that takes AAAA Batteries? I have never seen this type before.

Mysterious Minifig

Mysterious Minifig

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