Boy, I wonder what this episode is going to be about? lol Spike, one of the few good things left in the show lel Why is that Starburst guy there? Poor Spike A Spike song? Guess not Ah, here we go Uh.. No more Spike songs plox So.. They don't even know anything about him, and they're just going to accept him and shove their baby in his face? Hm.. These past few episodes start out alright, but when they get to the halfway point they just fall flat on their face. Oh well. 5/10
It's that time again! This one might actually be interesting Pinkie already knew pranking Fluttershy is off limits loool This makes me feel like watching Griffon the Brush Off. Like, a lot looooooooool Everyone is going to be drugged up Nevermind, they're pranking her now Saw that coming Man.. It was doing really good up until the zombie part. But still one of the best from this season. 6.8./10
Let's see how this one turns out Physics! Physics ayy In the what now? Yeah, tell them the day before lol How can they win most traditional when it just started? This feels like a long episode Scootaloo still has no family lol Sounds like she's saying "Derpy racers" That swan one is lolzy This isn't really a fitting time for a song Must be a long race Hm.. Nah. 3/10
The hiatus is over, so now I get to bother you guys with more blog entries! Let's get into this Just fly across? Snakes.. Why'd it have to be snakes? Must be a small con He's going to be annoying LOL. Just what were they implying? This is how I feel about this show How many times does she hurt her wing? Just... Fly over it heh I feel like watching Indiana Jones now Yeah, because it'll be totally safe there As if kids know what cons, or cosplay, or fanfiction are Not too
I was fortunate enough to snag Battlefront while it was on sale, so now I have a reason to use Origin. Username is T-8095 (yes, that's a Terminator-ish reference lol), so feel free to add me. Just please let me know who you are! As for the game itself.. Pretty much everything I've heard about it is true. Really shallow, gets boring after a few hours and barely any content. The maps are waaay to small and crammed, and it's stupid that you can't even pick a game to join when playing multiplayer.
What a jumbled mess. I've played many a Spider-Man game, but this is the first I actually quit. The "story" was really boring, every level was pretty much the same (fight main villain, they run away, fight thugs, catch up with and fight the villain, they run away, fight more thugs, etc), and the combat didn't really seem fluid at all. This game seems to be getting a lot of praise, so is there something I'm missing?
New episode time Yeah, that lame map lol I just realized that after viewing these new episodes once, I'll probably never see them again. Feels a little weird to think about lol The ponies in Canterlot are very impressionable His voice sounds familiar Song was alright until this chorus How is she even holding that sign? She looks like an alien They're loud eaters Is that Tara Strong's OC? That vibrating cutie mark thing is ridiculous. It's like someone's tattoo vibrating
New week, new episode time Looks like ice cream on his head This is going to be a long episode Exactly lol looool His voice sounds familiar kek, heh Such language He's very annoying Random song time How's he cutting that? Another one bites the dust. 5/10
Threw something together to hold my record, so I figured I might as well share it here since it's Lego. Man, it's been a long time since I actually built something with them.
Alright, let us begin lel Those should be pretty hot Wrong list maybe Didn't think they were Applejack's thing either This episode has been pretty funny so far They didn't even try to hide those pipes? Duct tape can fix anything Replace a whole section of he fence for a little hole? Pretty alright episode. 6.5/10
Let's do this Can't Twilight teleport them? I WANT SPIDERMAN I have no idea what is going on Are those spoon in her ears? *yawn* I really don't have much to say lol Just leave the spoon in the drink I forgot all about Mare Do Well Uh-huh. Riiiiiiiight. 2/10
The couldn't have picked a better time to air this one? lol Seriously, it's almost summer I wish it really was that time of year One does not simply skip Hearth's Warming Eve Also, they waited a long time to decorate They chose a good story Please don't ruin this episode by making it a musical How the Starlight Stole Christmas Man, looks like it'll be a musical after all I kind of feel like watching this movie now. Or that Doctor Who episode Aw, Fluttershy isn't a spirit? C
No idea why I didn't post about this sooner, but whatever. So a little over a month ago I got to see Fear Factory and Soilwork in Fayetteville, which was incredible. Got there a few minutes before the doors opened, and was about fifteen feet away from the stage. Of course, that was when the local bands that no one cares about were playing. They weren't really that good, but I didn't want to lose my spot, so I stood there from roughly six-fifteenish all the way until about nine. Then Soilwork too
Time for another episode.. Haven't heard of that since season two It only took six seasons lol I would hate to have to sleep with all those other people around me How is she not immune to Rainbow Crash jokes yet? Spitfire's voice is a little annoying That's actually a good one This was actually feeling more like a season one episode up until when she started acting like this We all know this is not how she would act Not a very big turnout lol Rarity Finally someone pointe
Here we go again I should rewatch season one sometime I used to think I would never skip the theme song Where'd the utensils go? So many ugly faces in under five minutes Why does she even still care about them? This is going to be a long episode.. I thought Twilight forgave her, so why is she still mad? Totally shoehorned into this episode So after all these seasons, she still hasn't learned how to forgive And seriously, DJ Pon-3? lol kek Why is she scared? Did the writ
Let's get this over with [/twilight sparkle] leeeel Oh, so this is a Spike episode? Good He can't send them a letter? Yes, they are Make another costume LOL He sounds different Probably because he hangs around with them all day Spike's new crush Well that was fast Best episode of the season so far. 6/10
Let's see how this one turns out Oh yeah, I forgot they had those Good old season one That's an odd talent Don't do drugs, fillies That looks like it'd be the funnest thing to do First song of the season? Yep She was always doing stuff with Applejack on the farm, go to something there Scootaloo's brother They take the crazy pony thing overboard sometimes But.. He wasn't even good I hope he isn't going to be in the show anymore Whatever. 2/10
Let's see how this week's episode turns out Pinkie Pie, great way to start any episode.. Hasn't she been there before? Sounded like she just called her "mud" Give her a belated gift I'm legitimately starting to wonder how and why this show still has a big following lol What does she do, carry him in her mouth? Wouldn't a cannon be illegal in Manehattan (or anywhere really)? Did she even get to scout out any loca- Ah, there we go *sigh* Done. 2/10
A new season is upon us. That didn't take too long, did it? Reformed villain #.. Actually, I gave up trying to keep count Always good to start with some Spike Also what's up with her hair? New song maybe? So they added Starlight and that's all. How have they managed to keep this same song for six seasons? Pinkie Pie, still as annoying as ever LOL At first I thought she meant a literal ant I hate babies. And kids lol Spike Winter Wrap Up time Crystal Empire episodes are am