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Garreg Mach

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Brief messages from the world of Atama

Entries in this blog

What about you? (SIGNUP) (closed)

Since so many of you graciously expressed your interest in being used as a character, I've decided to go ahead with it: an epic based on the Bionicle Mafia series of games.   Yes, some of you will die in the story.   I promise nothing with regards to personalities, or deaths, or really anything beyond using you as a character - but I do promise that there are only 6 spots left (all spots taken now). (yes i took a spot for me go away)   Sign up in the comments if interested.



KING OF THE RING! YES! (Smash Files 28)

EXCITEMENT MUCH WOW Little Mac Profile Species: Human Series: Punch-Out!! First Appearance: Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! (NES, 1987) Party: 1st   Favourite Appearance: Punch-Out!! (Wii, 2009) Known For: Being king of the ring, being relegated to an assist trophy in Brawl, being awesomely retro, beating up DK, wearing lots of pink Excitement Factor: 9/10 - I will most certainly be actively using him! This nearly makes up for the fact that I hate the addition of Rosalina. I WILL DESTROY YOU



Wonderful Idea

There should totally be a Lego Movie RPG where instead of it being Emmet that saves the world the Master Builders recruit BZP members to help them battle Lord Business.




A new BZPower game, coming soon. Very soon.



Report Cards

I expect a very wide spectrum of marks Gotta love those 90s in English and the 60s (if Voltex is lucky) in Biology Woooo not understanding not-so-basic-but-still-probably-pretty-simple-science



Famous Words

So I was browsing Sumiki's blog (because like who doesn't) when I found myself in that strange, alien white space where all that is on the screen is the side bar. Curious about this foreign land, I scrolled down to the quotes bar and discovered some very famous words I once spoke that I thought I would share with you all again, since it's pretty important.   That is all.



One of the Greatest

I'm hoping to do a full (spoiler free!) review of The LEGO Movie as soon as possible. For now, however, I will simply say that the film is an instant classic - it will go down in time alongside the best of the best. The film takes everything you know and spins it around a dozen times, flipping everything into a new perspective and sometimes arriving back where it started. There are very few films that I have wanted to continue watching after they ended (I can count them on one hand), and The LEG




Member Name: (Your current display name – you will also play the game as a character with this name, to avoid any confusion that might occur). Weapon: (You are allowed to have one main weapon – it cannot have any special powers). Power: (You are allowed to have one power – however, should you wish, you may replace this with a second piece of equipment without special powers. You cannot be immune to stage hazards). Appearance: (Please add a small image, or preferably a link to an image or gallery



Grad Photos

Ordering them is extremely frustrating. Mostly because my mother will not budge on her super expensive three pictures, rather than get the cheaper package set that includes a CD with every pose so we can upload them and send them to friends and family.   I am quickly growing beyond angry. She has forcefully delayed the decision for the third time now. I suppose I should be thankful she hasn't just ordered them without me.  



Red vs. Blue Season 12

Announced with a pretty sweet promo image   I'm looking forward to Tucker's story arc this season (whatever it may be).



Transformers: Age of Extinction Trailer

I know that in a year I'll be looking back on this movie and dismissing it as pretty terrible (like Dark of the Moon) or an outright atrocity (Revenge of the Fallen), but I can't help it I just can't wait for more giant robot explosions. ;__;   If there's anyone well-versed in Transformers stuff, I am curious as to who that green one might be? E: Never mind; looks like it's Crosshairs.




The Nominees:   Best Film The Hunger Games: Catching Fire Gravity 12 Years a Slave Frozen Star Trek Into Darkness American Hustle Pacific Rim Best Animated Film Frozen Despicable Me 2 Best Short Film The Blue Umbrella Get a Horse! Best Actor Benedict Cumberbatch (Star Trek: Into Darkness) Leonardo DiCaprio (The Wolf of Wall Street) Josh Hutcherson (The Hunger Games: Catching Fire) Martin Freeman (The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug) Idris Elba (Pacific Rim) Morgan Freeman (Now You See Me



I TOLD YOU SO (Smash Files 27)

HA! TAKE THAT! Lucario Profile Species: Lucario (Pokemon) Series: Pokemon First Appearance: Pokemon Diamond & Pearl (DS, 2007) Party: 1st   Favourite Appearance: Pokemon Diamond & Pearl (DS, 2007) Known For: Going Mega, Solving the Mystery of Mew, being cool, replacing Mewtwo Excitement Factor: 8/10 - Another one of my main fighters from Brawl is returning! Plus, you all said Lucario wouldn't show up again, so I've proved you wrong. >=D MEGA MODE



RWBY Volume 2

Announced today; it'll premiere at RTX 2014 and then on the web shortly after. Sounds like they'll be fixing some of the issues Volume 1 had with episode length; we'll be getting 12 chapters this time around, each around 12 minutes long, and they won't be divided into two parts each like Volume 1 was.   I'm optimistic.



DS on the Wii U

So DS games are coming to the Wii U virtual console. I will admit that I am very interested, since I missed so many great games for the system. That said, there's STILL no word on Gamecube titles or N64 titles being added. All I want is to have Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door on my Wii U. That's all I want. ;__;



Bravely Default

It cannot come soon enough I am sorry Fire Emblem and Animal Crossing but you will have to wait because I am needing this game first.    



MOST WANTED (Smash Files 26)

I was looking over my "most wanted" lists from last June and decided I'd change my choices a little for each. This time I'm limiting myself to 5 characters for each list (veterans, 1st party newcomers, 3rd party newcomers), and there are some newer choices in there.   Due to the overload of Mario (and Mario related) characters there are - 5 already announced, 6 if you include DK, and if Wario, Yoshi and Diddy are announced we'll have 9 - I have refrained from including any characters of that ser



More Costumes! (Smash Files 25)

Back on June 16, I kicked this series into high gear with a lengthy post about alternate costumes and colors in the Super Smash Bros. seroes. While in that entry went over the many possibilities of alternate costumes, and how they are necessary to keep the franchise up-to-date, I decided that, since we're 1/4 of the way to 100 entries in this series, I'd revisit it to discuss some of the alternate costumes I believe must be incorporated. For the sake of simplicity, let's assume that all costumes



PALUTENA? (Smash Files 24)

This has been circulating the net for a few days now: Please link to images larger than 500 kB. -B6 Alongside another that has Palutena and Mario standing next to each like best pals. It's difficult to tell whether this is a hoax or a legitimate leak, since as far as I've seen no official word has come from Nintendo on this.   It's not official (obviously) and it's a pretty bad picture. While Palutena does appear to have a black outline around her like all of the playable characters in the 3DS



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