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Garreg Mach

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Brief messages from the world of Atama

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FROM: Whatever Happened to the Comedies Subforum?

As I was commenting on the entry in question right here, I realized that I have not actually spoken my opinions regarding the Library and its current state in, well, forever (whenever the final terrible "BZP Library Discussion Topic" was made), and never have I done so in an environment that was not instigating arguments.   To sum up the quote above: I feel it's high time that the Comedies forum was removed and merged into Epics and Short Stories, and humor was treated as the genre it is, rathe



3DS Friend Codes

Just realized that I've owned my 3DS for like a month and never actually bothered to find out my friend code but now I know it so wooooooooooooohoo this is stupid   Anyway here it is: 1736-1497-1415   So like share yours below or something I guess, the only thing I might have in common with you right now is Pokemon and maybe later Animal Crossing



How Does Toast

It's one of life's great mysteries but don't worry Google gave me a solution  



Majora's Mask Soundtrack

It arrived today so that's pretty cool, never would have gotten it if I hadn't been elite status since I was like 4 years old when the soundtrack was first released so yeah   It's pretty awesome



Christmas Haul 2013

Not too bad; I'm not gonna bother listing everything here, but some interesting items I got:   -a new wallet (finally more card spaces =D) -Red vs. Blue: Season 11 -RWBY Volume 1 -Two books I forget the names of lawl   And for us four brothers, we got really lucky on the annual "multiplayer video game for Christmas" front:   -Super Mario 3D World -New Super Luigi U   The only other multiplayer game worth anything for the Wii U right now that we don't own is Rayman Legends, so that's certainly




I went on a journey recently; you see, Arc claimed the Golden Eggnog before I did, and that just could not happen. Since it did, however, I decided to find the most powerful, dangerous, and evil eggnog of them all: the Dark Eggnog. Once I found it, I drank it. It was delicious and now I stand before you.   I even took a picture for you all:




Both American Hustle and Saving Mr. Banks are not being shown in any of the theatres that are within 1 and 1/2 hours travel.   Which means I can't see either of them.   I am extremely displeased with this situation.



ROSALINA! (Smash Files 21)

Rosalina Profile Species: Human Series: Super Mario First Appearance: Super Mario Galaxy (Wii, 2007) Party: 1st   Favourite Appearance: Super Mario Galaxy 2 (Wii, 2010) Known For: Ruling the cosmos, being introduced in one of the greatest games of all time, trying to replace Peach Excitement Factor: 9/10 - What can I say? I'm super excited to play as Rosalina and see what she's like.



Regarding Bionicle Mafia X

The computer that works properly (or at least, the best out of the differing levels from "completely dead" to "barely functonal" in this house) is currently not working with regards to internet browsing; the game will hopefully go up later tonight.   I'm in a serious rage mode right now augh why is every computer this house gets breaking all at the same time I knew this would happen and nobody listennnned



An Open Response to Recent Events

Click here.     If you're not part of the Mafia crowd, don't worry about this. I just need the players to answer the question at the end ASAP so that I can write the final scene properly.



A Link Between Worlds

I beat the game the other night - loved every second of it (minus that stupid treasure center where you need to pegasus boots to beat it.... ugh, I hate corners).   This was, without a doubt, the Zelda game that I have wanted since 2010, and the best Zelda game since Twilight Princess was released. Every single thing I have wanted was there, and then some. While Yuga's presence in the second half of the game was unfortunately limited, every boss battle against him was lots of fun.   I have nothi



Controversial Decisions

I eat that stuff up Keep it coming   In the meantime I'll continue plotting the demise of the Village in a certain side game because I'm like that



One Down, Four to Go

Just got back from Frozen. Spectacular film, I just wish there had been an additional song or too. I really, really enjoyed it.   I'm guaranteed to be seeing Wolf of Wall Street for Christmas, so that's another I'm guaranteed to see; if possible, I'll be getting The Desolation of Smaug via a similar manner.   Meaning I just need to figure out how the heck I'm gonna see American Hustle and Saving Mr. Banks, which are both worryingly absent from the showtime list this Friday at my nearby Cineplex



Remaining Films: 2013

It's no secret; I've missed many great (and even more terrible) films this year. It would be impossible to catch them all in theatres, and I grow afraid that I will not see films such as Gravity in time for when I must make my top ten list of the year.   That said, some films have yet to be released. I'm going to attempt a "blitz" of sorts. See if I can view American Hustle, Frozen, The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug, The Wolf of Wall Street, and Saving Mr. Banks all by year's end.   And who kn



Day 02: Haunted Windmill

Day 02: Haunted Windmill   Yo what’s up everybody, it’s Link here again. Today was a little crazier than yesterday… it’s funny what you miss when you spend your entire life training to be a blacksmith and walking the same paths every single day. My friend Gulley went missing and I’m not quite sure where he is, so I’ve been looking for him everywhere. All I found so far was an item bag that he was going to give me… don’t worry, Gulley! I will find you, and we will make terrible pirate puns with e



Nintendo 3DS

So... now that I have a 3DS, it is time to start listening for game recommendations. So I will list the games that matter that are currently in my household and as such do not need to be purchased:   -Kid Icarus: Uprising -Mario Kart 7(even though it sucks) -Super Mario 3D Land (even though it also sucks) -Ocarina of Time 3D (this sucks too) -A Link Between Worlds -Pokemon X & Y -Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon -Mario & Luigi: Dream Team -Star Fox 64 3D -maybe something else I'm forgetting wh



Day 01: The Adventure Begins

Day 01: The Adventure Begins   I have decided to keep a log of my new adventure until it reaches its conclusion, since it is pretty interesting. I forgot my name while sleeping, but that’s cool. My name was always Link before, right? Everybody seems to call me that, so I certainly hope so.   I accidentally slept in again, but luckily the Captain forgot his sword at the blacksmith’s; I was “punished” with taking the sword back to him instead, only… well, I haven’t seen the Captain since. By the t




That is one ugly picture, but the machine is a beaut. Much deserving of its place with me, considering that it will be taking the place of my 7 year old DS Lite that recently died (perfect timing, DS Lite... you were there for me until the end ;_;   Also totally had this conversation with Blade while trying to figure out how Club Nintendo works with downloaded games:



From: Chro

Oh my god this quote made me laugh so much. xD The frustration! The reasonable defense! The excuses! And of course, the dreadful realization that Type 2's don't even care.   Source: BIONICLE MAFIA IX: SENTINELS OF THE DARKENED SKIES




I ordered it online today, so it should arrive sometime next week! After two and a half men years I will own a 3DS, specifically a 3DS XL, since my hands are too big for the regular sized one if I wish to play for extended periods of time.   Plus, I'll get the Zelda game I've wanted for years - seriously. Pretty much when the 3DS was first announced I thought "it would be totally cool if they remade the original Zelda for the 3DS with upgraded graphics and new features, with the 'pick a dungeo



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