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Garreg Mach

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Brief messages from the world of Atama

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The Hacks Again

After March 3, 2012, it was thought that the hacks would never be seen again. But then I brought a whole bunch more to the party June 1, 2012 and let's just say Vinylstep almost died far earlier.  



Name Change Already?

You know what, I honestly have no idea, but I guess I changed to "ibrow" way back on like, April 14. So I suppose I can probably change my name again... but should I?   You decide. Suggest names if so. Preferably names will include "ibrow" or some variation in some way.



Warning Points

If I understand correctly, they're just how much proto I have? So 2 warning points equals 2 proto?   I hope so.



Squishy Penguins

To Disney, Day 8: Squishy Penguins Short one here as I’ll probably have to post this with Day 9 later; however, I revisited Hollywood Studios and Magic Kingdom today. I bought the squishy penguin. It’s Wheezy from Toy Story 2. My brothers did Padawan training. One nearly failed and was about to be kicked back into the crowd (the oldest), one was typical like everyone else (the youngest) and then my ten year old brother was wicked and really got into it- when he fought Darth Vader, it looked lik



Storm Troopers Party Rocking

To Disney, Day 7: Storm Troopers Party Rocking We went to Disney’s Hollywood Studios today, and it was definitely my favourite park of the four. The big points will be listed below, but we did catch the Star Wars weekend, and that was awesome. We walked into the park and two storm troopers were on the roof, chatting comedy about us all- it was hilarious. The Indiana Jones stunt show was spectacular, and I wish it could’ve lasted longer. Star Tours was seriously awesome and the store was prett



The Hippopotamus Pool

To Disney, Day 6: The Hippopotamus Pool   So today we went to Animal Kingdom, and let me tell you, I’m fairly certain you were all lying to me all along. That is to say, I think Animal Kingdom might have been my favourite park. Is it worth a second visit? Probably not. Anyway, key points of the day: I went on Expedition Everest five times throughout the day, four of them being in a row. That roller coaster is wicked. The river raft thingy ride was pretty sweet and I did it twice; the first tim



I Screamed Down A Tunnel With Sharks

To Disney, Day 5: I Screamed Down a Tunnel with Sharks   Today we had a day off from the amusement parks, so we went to Typhoon Lagoon. I feel kind of bad saying I enjoyed it more than I enjoyed the parks, since it wasn’t even in our original game plan, but I just felt that the parks had too much walking for how many rides we did. I don’t mind waiting in line, but having to walk fifteen minutes to get to a ride is too much.   That said, I went in the wave pool off the bat and it was pretty nice.



I Fell Off A Cliff

To Disney Day 4: I Fell Off a Cliff Since I came in after midnight yesterday, I’m writing/posting it now. Expect Day 4 tomorrow morning (hopefully). Anyway, time to switch to current perspective!   Today we went to the Magic Kingdom, and I have to say, it was a whole wack of highs and lows. The first thing we did was to leave the park by doing a round trip on the Monorail, which was pretty sweet. A little slow, but I’m glad we did it.   After finally getting into the park, we split up and my gro



The Hippopotamus Pool

To Disney, Day 6: The Hippopotamus Pool   So today we went to Animal Kingdom, and let me tell you, I’m fairly certain you were all lying to me all along. That is to say, I think Animal Kingdom might have been my favourite park. Is it worth a second visit? Probably not. Anyway, key points of the day: I went on Expedition Everest five times throughout the day, four of them being in a row. That roller coaster is wicked. The river raft thingy ride was pretty sweet and I did it twice; the first tim



I'm Sitting In A Cramped Van

To Disney Day 1 – I’m Sitting in a Cramped Van As I type this we’ve been through eleven hours driving down from around Toronto, Ontario. We’ve been through the states of New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Virginia, and we will be stopping in North Carolina tonight for blessed sleep and rest away from this cursed cramped vehicle. A Quick List of Achievements Today: I wrote Chapters 19 and 20 of How to Be a Hero I wrote Chapter 3 of Tahu vs. Tahu I refined the Season 4 finale of Tahu



Fireworks Blew Up In My Face

To Disney, Day 3: Fireworks blew up in my face.   So I went to Epcot today, and it was pretty cool. Another quick one since I want to sleep, but I will mention that I’m a little creeped out because my brother and both of my parents are staring at my screen. Anyway. I almost went to the Italian Pavilion for lunch, but I decided it was too expensive so I decided to go get a cheap-ish hotdog somewhere else instead. I have a Disney Credit Card and I’m scared I’m gonna lose it or spend too mu



I Forgot To Write Beforehand

To Disney, Day 2: I Forgot to Write Beforehand   This'll be a short one as I go to bed in like, five minutes (still don't know which park I go to tomorrow, but my parents are controlling everything =( darn) but anyway, some notes on today: Wrote nothing regarding comedies I've been playing through Pokemon Black Version the past two days, and I must say, it is pretty brilliant. By golly, it took me an hour to beat that third gym, but that's fine. It's far better than Diamond at the very least, I



Cult Fortress Help

It's like Mafia but with a Cult, and all nine Team Fortress 2 classes are included as roles. Except I need help on how I should work the Heavy, Demoman, Scout, and Soldier into it.   And any other ideas you might have are welcome too.



Roosterteeth Minecraft

They are hilarious. xD Episode 2 wasn't quite as good as Episode 1, but it was still brilliant. I really hope they turn this into a series.



New Desktop

Sticking with my theme of simplicity and creativity. I have a better one I'll probably switch to soon.   Picture



An Mlp Sonnet

Just something I'm doing up for my English class. Critique is very welcome, as this is my very first time writing a sonnet. xD   Anyway, here goes:   Friendship is Magic, by [insert Real Name Here]   Well boy howdy, aon't it a right here shock Sittin' 'ere, watchin' stuff I used to mock The blast of rainbow streaming through my screen Flappin', gustin' 'mi a real deal male teen?   The assaultment of colour shines today And 'morrow again, I swear I ain't gay Most peers couldn comprehend or unders



Absolutely Spiffing

Now I've cut my thigh on our basketball net, which is dirty and rusty and metal-y. So here's to it not getting too infected or anything before Florida.




Maybe I spelled that wrong; dunno, dun care. Regardless, my younger brother has it.   And by golly, he better get better before the 20th, because I freakin' want to go to Disneyworld!   EDIT: It's not like, super contagious or anything right? Because I don't really want to get it.



Games Wanted

The ones I've missed in recent years that I really want to get, and the platform I want them for...   1. Portal 2 (PC) 2. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (PC) - though I haven't played anything else in the series, so I have no idea what it's like 3. Portal (PC) 4. Xenoblade Chronicles (Wii) 5. Left 4 Dead 2 (PC) 6. Counterstrike: Global Offensive (PC) - yes, not really out yet. shut up. 7. Batman: Arkham City (PC) 8. Battlefield 3 (PC) - unfortunately, I've gone to some sites and I think it would ma



The Avengers Review

The Avengers – This is the film that Marvel Studios has been building towards since 2008, when they released Iron Man and The Incredible Hulk. Further leading into this film were the films Iron Man 2 (released in 2010), Thor, and Captain America: The First Avenger (both released in 2011). In this film Nick Fury, the director of a company known as S.H.I.E.L.D. must assemble the title heroes from those films (as well as a few others, which we’ll get to later) to defend Earth against the super vill



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