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Words we often so desperately want to say, but leave unspoken, for one reason or another, for fears rational and irrational, whether it makes sense or not. 

Entries in this blog


If you suspect your HDD is dying, REMOVE IT AS SOON AS POSSIBLE AND MAKE SURE YOUR COMPUTER DOES NOT ATTEMPT TO BOOT FROM IT   A bunch of problems I have been having all stemmed from THAT ONE BLASTED HDD. Booting improperly? HDD's fault. Slow? HDD's fault.   Once we had removed the HDD EVERYTHING WAS FINE.   Other than losing the drive that had a bunch of stuff on it, but hey, HDDs go for relatively cheap in terms of computer part prices these days anyway.   ALSO JOIN FIVE FACTION FACE OFF   I



In 2018

The Toa must face evil versions of themselves summoned by Makuta, the 100% evil version after the Mask of Deus Ex Machina split Makuta into two 100% good and evil versions to solve the problem of 2017.   UHAT, DISASTER OF FIRE ILAG, DISASTER OF WATER AWEL, DISASTER OF JUNGLE UTAHOP, DISASTER OF STONE AUNO, DISASTER OF EARTH AKAPOK, DISASTER OF ICE   Meanwhile, the Lord of Skull Spiders returns, except it's not alone this time. It's being controlled by the Lord of Lord of Skull Spiderses, which h



Awkward/weird Moments

Recently, I entered a room with a computer at school. It was almost empty, except for a few people. One of those people was literally kissing the keyboard of the computer. (My face: ) I just stared for a minute until I said 'um' and unintentionally drew attention to the person kissing the keyboard. Seeing as I had to get on with work, it would be nice to know exactly WHY they were kissing the keyboard in the first place. In retrospect, I probably shouldn't have said 'um', but it was just so wei




I have decided that the promo comics on the new boxes needed a little editing.   I am now going to hide.




If only there was something other than BZP's forum games that kept me coming back here.   Outside of forum games, I rarely talk to... anyone. Maybe that could be changed?   And, a question: Does anyone else here have some form of autism?



What Just Happened? + A Realisation

The WHAT THE? part:   I was just browsing COT and, for one second, a bunch of random spam topics appeared? Five minutes later, they're gone. It was very weird.     Now, completely unrelated to the above sentence, I've realised that my school break is almost over and I STILL HAVEN'T DONE MY HOMEWORK.   I don't know why I am so surprised, to be honest, because I usually don't do my homework until the day before it's due, rather unintentionally. I also have the tendency to get distracted away from



BIONICLE 2015 thoughts

Masks are way smaller than I was expecting. Also, what do skull spiders do? Other than make SPIDER NOISES. Tahu has a nice board and according to the packaging his name is Taxy in another language. Pohatu has a nice mask. Reminiscent of both 2001 and 2008 versions. Can not wait to see if this gear piece attachment can be used in other ways, is it compatible with other torsos? So... Who's your fave 2015 Toa?



Medieval stuff

What is it with medieval stuff and its strangely large influence on fiction?   Living in a place that went through that period as part of its history, it's kind of disappointing how many fictional works seem to make themselves way more boring by allowing themselves to be influenced too much by it. Asides from the fictional works produced during the medieval period, that has an excuse.




Imagine if dead forums were haunted by ghosts and they had GHOST FLAME WARS about who scared more people and who was scarier.   They'd do stuff like taking control of signatures long abandoned and bumping dead topics, making those topics zombies controlled by ghosts, and interfering with navigation, and other stuff like stuff!




So, uh, people of BZPower... what games do you like?   Recently I've been playing a bit of a mix, and it seems very rarely do I play new games - I seem to often get urges to play games I've already played before. Around a year ago for two months and in the last two months, I ended up playing The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim a lot (that ended when I had acquired too many mods). About two months ago I played Transistor, (go play it if you haven't!). Picked up some things during the steam sale, acquired



I Don't Think...

I don't think I've ever told anyone here that my family owns three cats.   They're quite cute cats, too. Also, I give in to all of their demands. I think I'm a bit too nice towards my cats sometimes. Maybe I'm too nice towards animals in general.   They bring in mice about every two weeks, which is a minor annoyance. Sometimes they'll bring in a bird instead.



Skull Scorpio

Skull Scorpio has a hidden power so great we should all fire it   You see, Skull Grinder grinds things.   Skull Basher bashes things.   Skull Slicer slices things, and by the way it makes a great chef.   Skull Warrior... wars... things and is a great war... warrior.   Notice how they all do what the second word of their name suggests.   Skull Scorpio... shoots Scorpions. It shoots scorpions out of its tail, out of its claws, and out of its face. Because it's Skull Scorpio.   Scorpions... have s




Everyone knows, of course, that the person who makes the best puns rules the universe, right?   That bad puns are discouraged by throwing the stinkiest cheeses at the creator of the bad pun?   And not making puns at all... well, that's the biggest crime you can commit. You'll be locked up and have people yelling puns at you, which is your... PUN-ishment.




I turned 20 yesterday, it's terrifying. And I'm 21 next year? That's supposed to be a decade away! Maybe the Zivon consumed all those years.   Also, go join       We need only 5 more people!



It Almost Happened Again

What happened in the following Blog Entry almost happened to me again: Blog Entry: Something Bad Happened   And not only that, my little computer almost decided to die today. Fortunately, I fixed it.   I also had a blog entry ready on my previous manes names, but I lost it due to the terror that is backspace equalling going back a page.



G2 Question

Do you ever wonder what Ekimu thinks of the Toa? They're meant to protect Okoto (I hope) but instead it seems they need him, this year and last.



Written in Stone

When Vakama said 'Our destinies are not written in stone, we have to find them/write them for ourselves ' or something, I took it literally in 2005.   I imagined Vakama had a stone tablet and was etching his destiny into it. Imagine if destiny actually worked that way. I think it'd be more interesting than some 'because Destiny said so' stuff.



G2Tahu & Ikir

Acquired Tahu and Ikir.   Let's start with Ikir:   Mostly looks good. Mostly. The talons on the feet are nice, able to wrap around a finger tightly. The way the wings attach, however, looks horribly awkward. (Terak has the same problem, but it's hidden well) The tail flaps the wings in a mechanism that's exactly the same as Uxar using different pieces, and the tail itself looks decent... when down. When it's up and the wings are far back, it looks awkward as it's jutting out of the middle of Iki




Over the weekend, my internet decided to go out. It just came back up.   This had the effect of me not being able to complete some online homework.   And now I have less than 12 hours to complete it.



pOIginant? no i'm tired

Everyone that's ever lived has been alive at some point   Everyone that existed existed at some point   Even you



Unserious Question

If you draw quotation marks on either side of your mouth, does that mean everything you say will have quotation marks around it?



G3 Concept and 'Improving' BIONICLE

G1 but deconstructing and reconstructing everything, and the Toa's masks are their faces and now they swap bodies instead of masks.   Takanuva still has the Ussanui made out of the corpses of Makuta's offspring.   Voya Nui is now even darker, to the point where it's eternally dark and the only thing anyone can see is the shining edge of the Piraka's teeth. The Piraka must now only speak in rap. Specifically, the Piraka Rap,   Pewku is no longer forgotten about the moment 2003 ends.   Makuta is




The more I look at the protectors of [ELEMENT], the more I like them.   They just look so good for their size. The Protectors of Jungle and Stone especially.



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