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Good News!

I have good news: I'm (probably) going Premier on the 1st! Yes, for six months (if not longer) you'll all be able to continue to enjoy BIONICLE, raccoons, and other miscellaneous items! Consider it a Christmas Present from me.   - PtVM

a goose

a goose

Galidor Film Confirmed

Saw this on a site I can't name here, but guys, if this is being said and BZP is saying that it has taken over LEGO (B6 even specifically said they were bringing back Galidor!) it has to be true! THIS IS AMAZING   - Indigo Individual

a goose

a goose

Fun Day

I was at a First LEGO League competition today. Ditched my team in favour of talking to one of the girls on the other side of the hall (until my wingman got jealous and screwed everything up). Got her name. Or not. Can't be sure. Waiting until I can get someone else to confirm whether or not the person I found when I searched the name she gave me in is her. Either way, I had a good time.   - Vorex

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a goose

From: Bzprpg News And Discussion

Aw, I couldn't have gone to BrickFair even if it was in Birmingham, England. Curse LEGO, and their lack of attention for Ireland!     Source: Bzprpg News And Discussion   So, I'm being helpful, and making a discussion for BrickFair here.

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a goose

From: Bzprpg News And Discussion

I still like Ve better, Ve-Matoran has a nice ring to it.     Source: Bzprpg News And Discussion   Well, this is part of a discussion on custom Matoran prefixes. And it was getting off-topic, so I made a blog post. Discuss.   - PtVM

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a goose

From: Bzprpg News And Discussion

It's that time, folks!   Preliminary voting has ended, and I have the great pleasure of announcing that two Golden Tahus have already been won, as they only received nominations for one character!  These are Best Turaga, and Most Cliched Character.  You'll be able to find out who won them in the Final Award Ceremony - if you already know, please don't tell anyone   Now, it's time to vote from the shortlists!  This is the easy bit - just vote for the best from the lists below.   Oh, and I would

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From: Bzprpg News And Discussion

<p>I see.   On another note, I decided to randomly put the names of my characters through Google Translate and see what their names translated into English would be. Most of them didn't have any translations, except for Septimus and Naona. I knew that Septimus was Latin for 'The seventh', but I didn't expect Naona to be Swahili for the pronoun 'I'.   Swahili.     Source: Bzprpg News And Discussion     Discuss.

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a goose

for real, though

i did actually rewatch lilo & stitch can we all just take a moment to mention how bloody sad that film was?   like my god   i went into that with bunsen-burner coppercoin jokes and i left in tears was that a kid's movie who made that a kid's movie who thought 'oh yeah kids should enjoy this incredibly sad story' ;____________;   i watch disney movies for white people who are sad because of magic i was not ready for this   - Indigo Individual

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a goose

Fatal Error (Official Blog Entry)

Alright, this is where us staff people can discuss my entry for RPG Contest #24, Fatal Error.   Banner made by Bulik   INTRODUCTION:   The room is cold, and sterile. The walls are blank, apart from a door and a small speaker, and there are lights built into the ceiling. “Hello! Allow us to introduce New Spherus Magna, the perfect holiday destination! We have it all here. Do you want to hang-glide? To feel the ocean spray on your face? Or maybe you just want to lie back in the sun with a good bo

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Fatal Error

As you know, I'm entering the TBRPG contest. Well, I thought I'd give you, the public, a little preview of the banner (this version is still a WIP):   - Vorex   PS: Whoever can translate the binary gets a cookie. B)

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Fatal Error

You ought to vote for it. Seriously. Imagine Techna with survival aspects, better aliens, and a heck of a lot funnier. Now, that's close enough to it, because it is so awesome it's really beyond words.   - Vorex

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a goose


I wrote a really, really short prologue for an epic. Wouldn't take much time to read and review it. Really wouldn't. You should go read it. I do have actual reasons for it being short and not terribly descriptive; the protagonist is a Ko-Matoran and it's written in the first person. I could be descriptive, yeah, and I tried to put in as much description as possible without seeming out of character, but still. Give five minutes of your time up to go over and read and review it. Please. (yes I rea

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a goose

End Of An Era

bought The Dying Of The Light today i'm excited but also so, so sad that this series is ending, having followed it since it began, and seeing as it's been going since 2007 and I'm 16, that's darn near half my life ;____;   - Indigo Individual

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a goose

Emotional Resonating Mass-Spring System

So, last few days of my life. Usually, pretty boring. But on Wednesday, I triggered a series of events that have been referred to as an emotional rollercoaster, bouncy ball, and resonating mass-spring system. You all remember my ex? Of course you do. It's the only interesting thing I've ever blogged about. It was the talk of BZPower for a while, simply because a BZP'er getting a normal girlfriend is so uncommon. Because I have talked about it far too many times, I'm going to provide you with a c

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That joke was so bad, and yet I still found myself laughing at it.   - Vorex

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a goose

Dude, You Are Awesome

This blog entry is dedicated to Stormageddon, who finally made an account after I spent a considerable amount of today trying to convince him to. B)   - Vorex

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a goose

Doctor Who Finale (edited)

- Indigo Individual   EDIT: post bumped because i realise that i really messed up in my wording here and i've added a comment that explains what i was actually trying to say apologies, i'll try to be clearer in the future

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a goose

Doctor Who And Its Issues

so has anyone else noticed that moffat introduced a boyfriend for clara right before she's meant to be leaving?   because, you know, companions can't just leave the TARDIS on their own, it has to be because of a man, to think otherwise would be silly     also, danny i really want to like him, guys i really do can he just be a nice guy why can't he be nicer why is he threatening clara with ending their very forced relationship if she won't tell him the intimacies of her travels with the doctor  

a goose

a goose

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