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Blood And Chocolate & Uber Makeover

Dude, that movie "Blood and Chocolate" is great. Loved it. The wolf-people (werewolves isn't exactly the most accurate term) turn into wolves much more gracefully than those in Underworld (which is also a great movie).   Anyway, today my mom and I cleaned and organized my room completely. Looks way better, and now I have room for the upcoming Karzahni and Maxilos sets I plan on getting (my brother's getting Hydraxon and Lesovikk and Gadunka, since I have Nocturn; neither of us our interested in




I'm sure this is probably old news, it was confirmed months ago, but I just had to get this out.   Sony Pictures is making a movie based on Shadow of the Colossus. This is a VERY BAD IDEA. One, very rarely do movies based on video games work out. Tomb Raider wasn't terrible, but they could've done better. Silent Hill was the only one that was actually pretty good.   Shadow of the Colossus is a very unique game. Some, myself included, would consider it a work of art, visually. It's plenty cinem




Can't really deny that I'm a little bit irked I ended up in Slytherin house somehow, but what are ya gonna do?




O.O   Who would've guessed it? I mean, considering the limited number of members who have blogs, I figured I'd get it EVENTUALLY. But... Wow. Took me by serious surprise. I'd like to thank the Academy...   Oh, wrong award. Ironic that I was just about to post an entry about how horrible the past week has been. Good timing on that one, guys -- cheered me right up!   Hm... I dunno what else to say! I guess thanks to those members (whoever they may be) who made this possible! Especially Lady



Oh Yeah, I Have A Blog!

Sorry for not updating this in a while. Rough weekend.   I went up to my uncle's new house (sweet place) for a BBQ. That was pretty fun. Didn't get to go down to the lake near his house, though; too busy keeping younger cousin's entertained.   Not much went on Sunday, but I was so tired for some reason that I cannot explain (because I don't know). So instead I took a nap. Yay naps!   Last night was a Vestry Meeting. HOW. EXCITING. Oh well, at least there was one pretty entertaining heated arg



I Hate My School

I really do. It's a mile long. It's too big. Halls are overstuffed. People don't know how to walk like normal people. Most of my classmates are beyond stupid, in both book-smarts and common sense. But generally, on a day-to-day basis, all of that I can dismiss and ignore. I can manage.   No, it's the amazingly stupid things that happen. My school has made the news so much it's not even funny, and all of it bad. My Freshman year, we had a full-scale bomb scare on Valentine's Day when we had to g



Across The Sea

So already, I'm seeing a LOT of complaining around the internet about tonight's new LOST episode. Personally, I loved it, and I can't wait till next week's episode.   Also, they released the announcement trailer for F.E.A.R. 3!! (Or F.3.A.R. as it appears in the trailer) WOO!!! And it's being written by Steve Niles and directed by John Carpenter!



Can I Get A Favor?

I'm kinda stupid when it comes to these things, I need to convert some mp3 files into, well, other mp3 files, but I need them to be 64kps, 44100Hz and mono. I don't even know how to check what they are now, so can someone give me a hand? I'm not all that tech savvy. :/   Thanks in advance!



Part Of Me Just Died Inside

First, the SATs: infinitely easier and less stressful than HSPAs, except for the math sections. But I suck at math (I was good up till fourth grade). Longer than I would've liked, but it's over and done with.   Now, Spider-Man 3. Great movie. Extremely long, but good. However, the first two were better, IMO (Spidey 2 was by far the best, I think), mostly because of one reason.   Now, I am a huge movie fan. I rarely watch TV series (LOST is about it), mostly movies. I have more DVDs than I know




OH GOD it's like the best album ever! It completely blows Dark Passion Play out of the water, and I adored DPP so that means something. Bra-VO, Nightwish, especially Tuomas Holopainen, bra-VO indeed.



Goodbye, Future

Welp, it appears that my wrist is pretty much permanently damaged, and after all the x-rays and MRIs and doctor visits, there doesn't seem to be anything anyone can do to fix it in the foreseeable future. I can guarantee that even after this short entry I'm going to be screaming in pain on the inside. So that writing thing I've been working on for years, the only thing I'm really good at and the only thing I've ever really wanted to do with my life, BAM! Gone. Taken away. Guess I'm just another



Well, I'm Finally Caught Up.

Yup. After two months of renting DVDs, I finally watched both seasons of LOST so far, and am ready for season 3 next week. Woo! Great show, BTW.   Managed to type up my entire three-and-a-half page autobiography for Health class tonight, too! I tried to make it lighthearted (since that's my most laid-back class), so hopefully my teacher will get a kick out of it.   Going on over two weeks and still no ideas about that LoE puzzle. How much longer till spoilers for that are allowed, anyway?   G



Oblivion Question

Heyo! As I said in the entry below, I'm pretty addicted to Morrowind in off-and-on phases. Love the game to pieces. Therefore, I was wondering from the knowledgeable players if, given my love for Morrowind, would I enjoy Oblivion and therefore should I get it? For PC of course, not that it matters all that much.   Thanks in advance!   EDIT/UPDATE: Still debating, but as I understand it, most people that played Morrowind didn't like Oblivion, and most people that liked Oblivion and played that



Toa Contest Results!

Well, a couple days ago I compiled your Toa -- all twelve of them -- into a list for easy reference. Yes, it's taken me that long to decide on four. It was extremely difficult, as all of your Toa were extremely awesome and all would've worked wonderfully in the epic. However, I'm not sure I could do all twelve plus the two I've done. Those that were not picked were for a couple of reasons, including elements (having Toa Schattenu be a Toa of Magnetism is an important plot piece that other Toa of



I'm Feeling Classic

For whatever reason, I'm currently really into the old 2001 Bionicle stuff. I actually rebuilt Tahu Mata today. And played through MNOG. Ah, memories. Nothing like taking the time to hold that bright red Hau and looking back on the Rahi days.   Anyway, enough of that. Watched Indiana Jones last night, Temple of Doom. All that's left is The Last Crusade and I'll finally be caught up with the rest of the world. By the way, does Temple of Doom take place before or after Raiders of the Lost Ark?  



Omg! I Think I've Figured It Out!

First, before I say what I want, I just gotta say that I am in LOVE with Nocturn. His glow-in-the-dark blue and lime green with organic-looking parts make him really look like a bio-luminescent creature of the dark depths of the sea. He's positively perfect.   Anyways, some of you may remember a past entry about the Brotherhood's plan (click this for the full details). Well, I do believe I have an answer!   We know that Mata Nui's life has some sort of connection (quite possibly a direct one



Please Read This -- Broken Pieces

I've said it time and time again, over and over and over, and yet people seem to keep ignoring me.   THE LIME GREEN PIECES IN SETS ARE NOT FAULTY. It's the long double-ball sockets in general -- those have been the only pieces that have broken on me, and none have been lime green; they've been black, sand blue, gunmetal and transparent ice blue. I seriously doubt it's any one colored piece. I've got all four replacement pieces to prove it, all of which are the long, double-socket ball joints, u



The African Mask Of Death

So I'm on the trail of what happened in this Victorian mansion in Scratches. It involved a mask that I believe is possessed.   Early on I found a journal in the guy's study. Keep in mind that sources say that he murdered his wife and then killed himself for unknown reasons.   But the journal related his trip to South Africa in search of the Dhaarma tribe. He found them. They had this weird mask that they worshipped. But when one tried to touch it, the others moved in and, with their hands only



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