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Good Stuff

Not sure who is interested, but sorry about not posting yet what happened in Mizzou. I'm trying to write one thing so I can post, share, email all my friends and family without writing multiple things or explaining a hundred times what I did. >_O   Also, yay me, guess what?   A friend of mine gave me his old PS2; I can get FF games now! And other good stuff...like...mmhh...good stuff.   ...But I need monies to buy games, argh. >=F   OOOH OH YEAH. I just counted my art; I have like 2

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka

Good Berfday

Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes. They were really sweet! Swert's the one who made me put my age back up, hahaha...the weird feeling of going "Oh, I'm adult?" keeps coming and going, but I'm in a indifferent state about it.   Birthday was full of Prince of Persia yummies. Saw the movie, my friend got me this awesome graphic novel on it, and we played the games all day. The one thing lacking is we forgot to get a small PoP Lego set for the birthday cake, but we’ll get them later.   Sp

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka

Gone To Tennessee (again!)

Yeah.   I’m going up to Tennessee to see relatives and stuff from Thursday-Sunday. I’ll be able to get internet access there, but I wont be on much and don’t expect to see me on AIM/Yahoo/MSN.   I was going to update my art topic today, but I don’t have time. In fact I really shouldn’t be on now (packing and stuff), but I needed to tell you guys. I’ll really only be gone for like, 3 days so no need to miss me or stop with the PMs, I’ll get around to them while I am on my trip or when I get bac

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka

Going South For Thanksgiving

*Is excited*   Alright everybody, family and I are heading down to Louisiana for Thanksgiving, so I’ll be gone for about a week. I’ll miss everyone, but I is very happy. I’ll get see friends and actually socialize for once, hurray!   In the meantime, I hope everyone else has a good holiday week— even if you do not celebrate this holiday, I still wish you a happy week. Everyone should have a day of the year to be thankful for all the amazing stuff we’ve been blessed with. Enjoy that turkey!  

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka

Goggle Man And Buster Lady

~Link~ Yes new art, new style, and it's still a WIP[Work in progress]. I haven't shown much art in my blog lately... For once in months, I am happy to say I like this drawing. Regardless of what other people think, and there's the problem of the stiff pose, small hands, and long/odd torsos. Maybe it'll look better when finished. >_< For who they are and more info on my updated style (Ok I admit, not a big change, but I'll explain), you'll just have to wait and see. :3

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka

Glitch Stuff

And you can take the one thing I have left I'd give it all away for so much less Can even take the heart inside my chest Woah-woah. And you can take the one thing I have left Beat me to the ground and take my breath But you can't take who I am woah-woah.   Squeee, can anyone guess who these two are? =D I’m having fun failing at trying to do semi-realistic people, though now I’m stuck trying to decide how’d it be best to colour it… Got any suggestions folks? (And yes you are allow

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka

Glitch Notice

I would like to make this small announcement to my Glitch in the System readers (thanks for all the comments and consideration!) that the next chapter may take a bit longer to be updated. Why? Here are the reasons: I am experiencing a bit of a writers block. Not necessarily with the story, but with the writing. What I have written lately has not been up to quality in my opinion, and I have scrapped a lot of pages. So I may take a day or two to take a break and just think about how I want the sto

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka

Glitch in the System

Reposting, because why the karzahni not?   For people who have already read glitch, I have a short story sequel. Otherwise on the GitS front, it's time to say goodbye to the fanfiction version. Currently attempting to make it a original sci-fi/cyberpunk graphic novel. Let's say 'attempting' is a keyword here.   I also am drawing a bionicle drawing (first one in what...two years?). It's a biomechanical version of Nuju. I'd like to do a HB of some character as well, but I am unsure who.   Welp. Th

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka

Glitch Audiobook: Production

CAST ANNOUNCED! (Right click to download trailer/avi file; 3MB) ::NEWS::IMPORTANT TO CAST!!!: I'm reposting a updated version of the story. When posting it, I discovered a lot of things were changed a few months back in the document file. So please, if you have any version saved on your computer, I'd encourage everyone to update it with the one I'm posting now. If you already have lines ready and don't have time to go back and fix it, it's fine. but it's not a huge revision. SkullKid wan

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka

Gits Contest: The Entries

Sorry I haven’t been around guys…got tied up with stuff and been kinda sickish. ><; But anyway, the deadline’s over finally! I allowed some late entries to slip in though, so don’t worry about that guys.   Anyway, as I begin to decide (which is going to be quite hard!), here’s all the wonderful entries. Feel free to point out what you guys would like, but don’t forget to give a cookie to all of these guys! They made some great stuff and I appreciate it greatly. =D   Entries:    Member

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka

Forgotten Letter

Woa, I actually entered! It’s been so long since I’ve written a short story…   Link   This romantic story involves a certain dashing Toa who wears a vest. x3   And yes, yes, still working (procrastinating...) on fixing my blog up.

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka

For Niki

; D yay for Canava doodles!   Canava and cute airy hair belongs to Miss Nikira.

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka

For Better Or For Worse

College so far, has been going much better than I expected. Loving my classes, professors, and the workload hasn't been to extreme, so it's a nice transfer from what I'm used to. I'm surprised at how well I'm following everything. Of course, I love reading/studying...but when tests come up, that won't be pretty. Don't get me started on how awesome I am at testing.   But it's done quite a number on me. What's sad is I know it could be way worse, but it doesn't make me feel any better. Today I go

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka

Finally Got Booooks

*Writes as fast as possible*   Haven't been on much today; did school, and went around playing Sims 2 stuff (BTW, have over 3,000 downloads from random sites!), but then after that we have been gone around the town.   We finally went to Books-A-Million, and after some deciding (I had originally picked up a billion books to buy, but had to take some out. ) I got the BIONICLE World book, Power Play, and a Manga book. Then we went to this home schooling thing at the park and that was fun, I was

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka


Link   That's about how I figure their colour scheme will be. Yes it took me this long to actually figure it out! I may change some things... but I wuv purple Toa's of Lightening. <3   Oh yeah, you guys should all read UKs epic here. It's like homage to my characters but in a different universe and stuff. It's really exciting and original! You must read it, it's amazing!

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka

Final Fantasy...7?

So, apparently my friend had FFVII for PC at her house, she nor her brothers were very interested in it so...   I has it now. : D

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka

Feeling Just A Little Special

I usually don't go deep about my life or feelings, but last night at church, I for once tasted something that I haven't had since I've moved, and I just was too excited just to keep it in.   Just some recognition.   I was sitting alone in our huge church, waiting for my class. With so many people passing by, I usually get shaky and uneasy, so I bring my art folder to draw there, it really relaxes me. Over the past few months I get a series of comments by the random adults, and sometimes the ki

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka

Feeling Better

Mood: Good, but sick Currently Listening to: Underwater - Switchfoot Currently Doing: Working for dad, and on BZP   Real quick, that drawing down there, the MatauXNokama, it was done with Prismacolor marker and also just some cheapo markers I found around the house. So...Yeah.   Your guys prayers must be working, because I have heard that the Flu lasts usually for a week or so, and this is the 3rd day for me...And I feel fairly fine; I mean, my throat hurts a bit, and I still have that sicki

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka


Well, we get entries, topics, and other things about how you should review and all that jazz... but I just want to clear something up real quick. I've discussed this with a few friends and I just want to explain something that I think most people can agree with.   Truthfully I can't find the real reason why this is true, but unlike art we authors really appreciate any sort of feedback. I'm not trying to make anyone guilty, nor am I talking about myself. I'm mainly just saying this in general to

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka


...Gotcha didn't I? *gets shot*   The purpose of the title is the name of a new Short Story I just posted which has been hiding in the depths of my computer, and I finally made myself post it. It seemed like a good time and all, hearing about the hot buzz concerning BL11.   Linky   Enjoy guys, and don't worry about GitS. An update will come soon; I just wanted to work on some other stuff.

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka


OMG GUESS WHAT.   A F-15 went over our house and did some pretty tight moves, and it was really loud...So that was cool!   ....On to other news :   Hiya everyone! Though I'm still on less now (I might be extending this slight break another week because of school), I decided to post an entry and give everyone and update on my life. But real quick, if you guys go to the Penguin entry, don't forgot to read Jedi Master J.'s short story he wrote about the penguin in the comment section, it's rea

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka

Exhausted (art Portion Up)

I’m back from my adventures in Missouri, I’m sooo tired. All this recent traveling is really getting to me, even if it is fun. We got back at 2AM last night because of some activities we did during the way back. But I’m okay, and I got a Bumblebee shirt. <3   Got A LOT of art finished, for once in my life. I’m such a perfectionist, though, so got some nitpicking to do before showing it. Will update this entry when I get it all scanned.     EDIT: Okay, I'm here with some art! Scanner was be

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka

Excuse Me, I Just Got Back Into Star Wars Agian.

Yeah, after a talk about doing a Star Wars story with a good friend of my'n, and then of course just talking about Star Wars itself for awhile, I kind of got obsessed with it again. So I am probably going to change my theme in a moment on my blog.   Speaking of something(Before I get back on the Star Wars Topic real quick), I decided I should make a content blog telling of all my past themes, I remember most of them, but does anyone remember when I really started up the theme and all?   Back

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka

Err... Trade?

Hey guys, I was going to post this in the trade section, but I’m not all sure if this will get much attention there…   Anyway, if one did not know I’m a big Zaktan fan. Sadly I was never able to get his set because I was poor/life got in the way from letting me buy him. I admit, I rarely get sets because of lack of money, but I really would like to get him. Though now, he’s super expensive on places like Amazon or he’s a rare find in stores. I’m sure I could find him somewhere around the variou

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka

Epic Is Up!

Lady Kopaka thinks this would make a funny fad, LK says for everyone to start talking in third person.   Um. *Cough* Annnywaay. Guess what, guess what??   I got lazy and stopped using colors. Man it takes forever.   But thats not the guess what, this is:   I added a few more peices of art that I forgot in my art topic, and also my epic is FINALLY up! Go read it, and also, just for you art freaks, for every chapter, there will be a drawing. Yay. So you can go read Here! Also, still fixing

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka

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