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A Proper Update

Current Mood: Happy Currently Doing: Downloading Sims stuff and talkin' on MSN Currently Watching: National Treasure....And now 101 Dalmatians?   Necro you cleaned out your inbox yet?   Anyway, let me spill this out:   Ok on Saturday I went to a fair thing, lots of fun and I did a rock climb, but I got very sore because I haven't done it awhile, and the sites were awesome. Later I went to the mall with friends and I couldn't find anything I wanted, so I got this cool belt and some black f

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka

Happy Days

Currently Listening To: General Grievous - Star Wars Episode III Soundtrack Currently Doing: Browsin' BZP and talkin' on AIM. Currently Reading: Shabanu by Suzanne Staples   I have nothing really important to say, but I want to make an entry anyway. =D   Well as everyone knows my list is open...But like got full in less than a few hours; congrats though who made it, and be quick to PM me others when I get an extra spot. And that will be soon as I am finishing Kinali. Also I am finishing up

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka


Current Mood: Um...Good? Currently Listening To: The Foggy Dew - The Chieftains About To Do: School   I updated my art. Yay me.   But I still no likey my art. '-'   Don't look at me like that!   Why are you staring at me?   ...   OK, FINE. I'll go open the request list...Be that way!   EDIT:   I had a weird dream where I met President Bush and he told me he liked my hat. It was cool! (I thought it was really happening at first)

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka


Currently Listening To: Up and Up - Relient K Currently Doing: Trying to post an entry! About to do: Chores and watch a movie.   Ai aye! You wouldn't believe how many times I have tried to post an entry. I keep getting kicked off, server message; the whole shebang!   Once again I disappeared for a few days (Yall are just going to get use to that), this time my dad has been using his laptop a lot in work and needs my Internet wire to connect the laptop to our network; all confusing and stuff

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka

My Orthodontist Rocks

Current Mood: Tired Currently Listening to: Chap Stick, Chapped Lips, and Things Like Chemistry – Relient K Currently Playing: (More) Sims 2   At this exact moment, I noted that Nikira and I have the same post count.   Ah, how much I want to go shopping! I'm not much for clothes shopping, but I do need a pair of pants and a few Ts. But the main reason is getting Seasons and THE NEW RELIENT K ALBUM! <3 So I hope I go asap.   Well, once again voting is going weird in the finals and not w

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka

Ac13, Botw, And Sims 2

Current Mood: Flustered Currently Listening to: Apathetic Way to Be - Relient K Currently Playing: Sims 2 Going to Watch: The Railway Children Going to go read: Scewtapes Letters - C.S. Luis   Well, I am in a mood similar to Nikira. A bit disappointed as how our ACs going; and basically have the same opinion as she does (Read recent blog entry). So I won’t get into that since the dear already said what I was goin' to sah.   But yeah...I was so excited about AC13....WAIT A MINUTE. 13 IS AN

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka

Aww Shucks...

NO! [/Luke Skywalker scream]   I am stuck in a poll with Nikira and B_D...and I am already loosing to most in the poll. Oh well, good luck to the others, the art is all so good! But thank you so much to the people who voted for me.   Sorry I haven't been on in awhile(again); my internet went down(again!) and dad finally just called for some help and got it fixed...what is with men and asking for directions?   Anyway....What is there to say?...Nothing much I guess; have to finish a chapter

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka


What's YOUR quote?   Ok anyway, I was having fun making banners, so I decided to make one with a quote I liked in it...Then I go, "Hey it would be cool to do requests like this!"   So yeah...Post a quote you like in the comment thingy, and I will make the banner for you. I'll do colors, font, size available for choices, but nothing to fancy.   But if this line gets long, please be considerate for me. XD   Don't forget to give credit.   Also make sure quotes are not to long.   EDIT: Here

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka


Mood: Dreamy Currently Listening to: Escalates- Falling Up Currently Doing: Nothing?   I found this small conversation from that post to the bottom very hilarious. XD My dress is the talk of the news!   Ok, yeah that is a little old news...But I have an excuse for being dead!   My internet died on my computer, and I wasn't able to get on for a few days(TORTURE!) and I have been able to get on my moms computer just recently...But the darn thing is SO slow to do almost anything...So no artwo

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka

New Mp3 Player

Mood: A mix of being sad and hyper (Can that be an emotion?) Currently Listening to: What Have You Been Doing Lately? - Relient K Currently Doing: MP3 Player shopping   Well, my mp3 player (Sansa, 4GB) just broke. Well, actually it works fine, but for some reason when I plug it up to listen to music, I only hear it through one ear. And it isn't the headphones because I have tried many different pairs lying around our house. So...Yep.   I don't want to blame on the mp3, it is a good, sturdy

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka


Mood: Ego boost'd Currently Listening To: The Brothel - Prince of Persia The Two Thrones Soundtrack Currently Doing: Nothing   Homg, I posted fast. But I like how it ended up...I really need to use watercolor more often.   And so far I have gotten decent good(No, they were good) reviews, this is one of my few drawings that has not that many flaws...or in my opinion. So wish me luck, and here is the link to the topic!   And I need a shower. My hair is all messy and gross and stuff like t

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka

Art Tutorial, Part 1: Supplies

Well everyone, I finally got the first part up, enjoy. Though remember I am a bit like wiki, don't trust on everything I say throughout the tutorial because some things or my opinions and so on.   Art Tutorial by Lady Kopaka   Part 1: Art Supplies Opinions and What to Get     Well now mates, ladies, germs, Great Beings and so forth, before I go to pointing out how to draw, let me first point out an important thing: Supplies. I mean, seriously. You wouldn’t get very far in art if you didn’t

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka

Tin Tin!

Mood: All happy...And stuff! Currently Watching: The Adventures of Tin Tin (TV series) Currently Listening to (After Watching): Prisoner of Society - The Living End Currently Doing: BZP and Writing   Well yeah, my dad earlier were talking about if there was a Tin Tin cartoon series, and I told him I think there was, so after looking around, I found a few episodes to watch with my brothers. They were really fun and entertaining, though now my dad and I are looking to buy a box set or somethin

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka

Feeling Better

Mood: Good, but sick Currently Listening to: Underwater - Switchfoot Currently Doing: Working for dad, and on BZP   Real quick, that drawing down there, the MatauXNokama, it was done with Prismacolor marker and also just some cheapo markers I found around the house. So...Yeah.   Your guys prayers must be working, because I have heard that the Flu lasts usually for a week or so, and this is the 3rd day for me...And I feel fairly fine; I mean, my throat hurts a bit, and I still have that sicki

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka


Happy belated Valentines.   ...   I was going to update some art, but I don't feel very well. My brother got the flu somehow, and of course we will all probably get it.   ....   And I got it. So I feel awful, so if you guys don't mind, pray for our family to get better.

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka

Bad Internet! *wacks With Frying Pan*

Mood: Tired, but well. Currently Listening To: Guardian Sunspears – Guild Wars Nightfall Soundtrack Currently Doing: Opening math and going through PMs   Sorry I've been gone, and if I have been on, it's only to check some topics and PMs. >< My internet keeps on killing on me, and my comp was moved to my room for awhile because mom and dad were having this church-party thing. So...There is my excuse. But do not fear, I will go reply to PMs now, and do some needed reviewing on art and ep

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka


Gah! It's been all day and I have been finally able to sit down at watch Appleseed. >< I've been trying to watch that movie all day, but I kept getting kicked off the dvd/computer everytime I wanted to watch it. *Dies*   Anyhow about my epic, I been wanting(and have had time) to write on it, infact I have a few pages written out, but I don't like how it is working out. I always get a terrible case of writers block. T_T Oh I hate writers block, and it always happens when you want to write-

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka

Member Spotlight!

Thanks for the people who Pm'd me yelling "YOU'RE ON MEMBER SPOTLIGHT!", because I probably would have missed it. I'm a terrible blonde.   But yay me, I feel so happy, and pretty and witty....Eh forget that song.   On another note to those who saw my last(But now draft) Entry, I didn't delete it, but I am currently writing up all the names for the fanart, finding the links, and organizing it the way I like, when I get it up again I'll link it for everyone to view. =)   So now, I be all be w

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka

Check This Out:

1. Get your Thok weapon   2. Carefully pull off the blue plastic thing from it...Don't worry you can slip it back on.   3. Put your mouth on it and blow in and out.         ...         Congradulations, you just wasted 5 minutes of your life!     .....but it is still cool. XD

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka

Thanks Everyone

I would like to say thank you everyone for all the advice, I would love to personally quote everyone, but to simply go down the line to everyone’s main points I would point out:   I wish my parents would listen, they always complain about what I am doing, but never accepting or even care to listen what I am up to that I am enjoying. Or maybe I should talk more to them, I dunno...   I think I will stop going on AIM/Yahoo/MSN as much as I have been, but I might go on once and awhile, even though

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka

In Trouble Agian.

Now my mom doesn't like me talking to people I don't know on AIM...And then I got a bit mad and asked her about how she feels me being on here, and she said she didn't know.   And what makes the deal so ironic is my mom goes on message boards, she talks to people she doesn't really 'know', so why cannot I on a Lego site?   To everyone, does anyone have advice or help on how to solve this problem? My parents seemingly never want to listen to what I have to say on this matter, and I am always wr

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka

Bionicle Short Movie...<3

That BIONICLE short film was, without better words to describe....   BLOODY AWESOME CHAP!   ... But what I loved a lot about it was the music, it reminded me a lot of Evanescence, and it suits the Bionicle theme. It really gets me gittery for 2007, and I think now I am slowly relaxing to the bad guys. Barraki are pretty cool after all. Though what a depressing ending! Not a bad one, but funny for Lego to show that a poor innocent Matoran will get dragged down.   Who sings it? I guess I will h

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka

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