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In Trouble Agian.

Lady Kopaka


Now my mom doesn't like me talking to people I don't know on AIM...And then I got a bit mad and asked her about how she feels me being on here, and she said she didn't know.


And what makes the deal so ironic is my mom goes on message boards, she talks to people she doesn't really 'know', so why cannot I on a Lego site?


To everyone, does anyone have advice or help on how to solve this problem? My parents seemingly never want to listen to what I have to say on this matter, and I am always wrong and everyone here are predators stalking me....Trust me, I am not ignoring my mom and dads point, you can never be to careful on the internet, but still, BZP is a seriously great place, and being here for a year, to me it feels safe, and I felt safe talking to some people on IM.


Ugh and it makes me feel worse because I am not hiding anything from my parents, I want to be open, but if they get mad at everything I do on the internet and is always thinking I am doing something unsafe when really…BZP, Bionicle.com and another Bionicle message board is really the only places I go to. I’ve prayed about this, but I am still not sure what I should do.


[/ends rant]


If I don't do something soon, there might be a serious goodbye from me.


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Oh... That's just crazy. They should listen to you. My parents did when I was a ten year old joining BZP, and although they were worried at first now they like it. Your parents should really lighten up and listen, and try to understand. I can grasp how blunt their emotions/opinion on the subject is- I've run into trouble like that with my parents too. Here's hoping the whole problem ends very soon.
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Parents by their very nature (okay, the good ones at least) are protective to a fault.


Especially that you are homeschooled (and don't have a school to hide in), you have to stay up front with everything.

Ask specific permission to do anything on the internet. It may very well annoy your mom, but she will get a feeling for everything you are and aren't doing.

Eventually, she'll understand your online habits, and eventually the permission will become more implicit.


It's gonna be a slow process, but be glad you've got parents that won't let you strike up hidden conversations with would-be child predators.



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I feel your pain. It took them like, forever to finally agree to let me join this site. Now they see that it's harmless, and safely monitored. I guess parents are like that by nature. What can you do about it?


EDIT: Alright. I have a solution. Tell them to join the site. If they can experience that there's nothing wrong here, then you win. If they can exploit some flaw, it's been nice 'knowing' you.



Seriously, though. Tell them that they should try out BZP for about a week, and if nothing happens they'll see what's going on: NOTHING.

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And what makes the deal so ironic is my mom goes on message boards, she talks to people she doesn't really 'know', so why cannot I on a Lego site?

I've dealt with irony before, it hurts, trust me. I gaurentee the it's the Scottish blood in you, the Scots are very stubborn. ;)

To everyone, does anyone have advice or help on how to solve this problem? My parents seemingly never want to listen to what I have to say on this matter, and I am always wrong and everyone here are predators stalking me....Trust me, I am not ignoring my mom and dads point, you can never be to careful on the internet, but still, BZP is a seriously great place, and being here for a year, to me it feels safe, and I felt safe talking to some people on IM.

I can relate in a big way. My mom is almost too cautious, thinking that anybody I talk to is a potential predator. One thing to do about this is (I'm not completely sure this will work, so don't hurt me if it doesn't) try to tell them how in-deapth these people are in Bionicle, how much they know ajnd to what extent they follow the storyline. I'm sure not even extremely cunning predators will stay on a Bionicle website for 3+ years, talking about it and discussing as if they cared. It would be enough to melt their brains.

Ugh and it makes me feel worse because I am not hiding anything from my parents, I want to be open, but if they get mad at everything I do on the internet and is always thinking I am doing something unsafe when really…BZP, Bionicle.com and another Bionicle message board is really the only places I go to. I’ve prayed about this, but I am still not sure what I should do.

Tip of the hat to you, Lady K. Praying is the best way to go. :)

If I don't do something soon, there might be a serious goodbye from me.

Not only for you, but all of us also. Losing Lady K on BZPower would be like losing a certain famous artist from BZP's past all over again (forgive me, I'm not allowed to mention banned members' names). -_-


Luck be with you, Lady K. Not that you'll need it, being Irish and all. :rolleyes:





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I hope your Parents Don't Ban you off going to Forums and IMing, Just have a sit down with them and Talk it thought, do not argue, just calmly Explain, Hopefully it will work.


I just hope this isn't the Last time we Talk...


Rapi-Toa of Elements

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In trouble for misspelling again?


I know how you feel, that sucks. Just be honest. Since you're not doing anything wrong, in your opinion, there shouldn't be any problem talking to them about it.

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Belive me i've dealt with this before and I agree with Rapi on this one just calmly talk it through don't argue don't even raise your voice and if luck is on your side everything will be okay.

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Take KIE's advice, Lady K. It's the best I can think of. Also, I would advise that you let your parents watch you sometime while you're online. I'm sure they'll trust you more once they see that your not posting major personal info or info threatening to your safety (unless you are, in which case I would advise you to stop :P ). Also, I'd advise you to introduce them to any members you know personally in real life (if there are any) and ask them to vouch for the site's safety. If you communicate with members by other means, of course, I'd advise you to keep yourself limited to posting and PMing. My parents would certainly trust me better if they know I'm communicating with members using a well-moderated site.


However, even if your parents do keep you from communicating with us BZPers, keep tabs on the site. We'll keep you in our thoughts and prayers.


I've updated my art topic, by the way. I hope you like my latest work. :)


With all due respect,

:vahi: Aanchir: Rachira of Time

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Pick any member. Get your parents over. Point at the member's profile.


Say, "This member has been on for one year, has acquired 1000-odd posts, has an avatar, banner, has written several works of fanfiction and drawn several things for the art forum. Every single one of their posts shows knowledge of Bionicle and the willingness to participate in discussion of it. Does that sound like something a predator would do just to be able to stalk kids?"

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I apologize for talking to you the other day then.


I hope you can settle this well. If not, I hear England's nice this time of year.


I know someone who'd love to take you in. -Swert

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Its funny how she brought that up.


Cuz if I can recall, you drew a poster for someone you didn't know well, and sent it to that person, which in the process gave me your personal info. :P



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I agree with Etcetere. Avoid using AIM to communicate with people you don't know personally, like your mom says, and she'll be more likely to trust you on BZPower. Please take this advice. We don't want to have to see you go.


- :vahi:

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Omi's got a point there.


I do think that pointing out certain members to them that you are in contact with the most, may help them realize that BZP's not as bad as they think it is.


Like I told you, pray for there to be a time soon where you and your parents are having some 1 on 2 time, in a relaxed environment, where you can be open to them, and they are willing to listen and not freak out on you.


- :t::l::h:

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Well you never know about some of us.





Seriously though, talk to you're mom about the AIM thing and try to convince her that the people here are cool and all that jazz. If she continues to say no, just drop the whole thing. The more you push, the more you agitate. The more you agitate, the more you get grounded. Trust me, I've battled with my mom and the AIM/MSN/YIM for a little bit and then just let it go. You won't be missing out on all that much.


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One question.


If you like BZP so much, then why do you assume (in your blog post) that "everyone here are predators" stalking you?


You can't prove your parents that BZP is a safe place unless you stop thinking that everyone here is a stalking predator.


Feh...irony. It's sweet.

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One question.


If you like BZP so much, then why do you assume (in your blog post) that "everyone here are predators" stalking you?


You can't prove your parents that BZP is a safe place unless you stop thinking that everyone here is a stalking predator.


Feh...irony. It's sweet.



No, she said that her PARENTS think that everyone here is a predator.


Irony is sweet.

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No, she said that her PARENTS think that everyone here is a predator.


Irony is sweet.


Ah. My bad then. Cursed finals.


But anyway, I would like to say that I used to be in the same position as you are, LK.


I can tell you that, eventually, your parents will grow out of it. It's just that the time it takes for them to do so differs for every person.


I probably don't know what I'm talking about, but whatever floats the boat, I guess.




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It looks like you have more than enough advice, but I thought I might as well throw in my two cents. Me and my two sisters are all members here, and my parents are pretty much fine with that - I think especially because we tell them the kind of stuff we're doing on here. My youngest sister will tell our mom what contest she's entering or what people said about her latest epic...and I think our taking initiative to tell our mom what we do here makes her feel more comfortable with our talking to "real people" online.


I pray that everything will get worked out for the best.

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Parents by their very nature (okay, the good ones at least) are protective to a fault.


Especially that you are homeschooled (and don't have a school to hide in), you have to stay up front with everything.

Ask specific permission to do anything on the internet. It may very well annoy your mom, but she will get a feeling for everything you are and aren't doing.

Eventually, she'll understand your online habits, and eventually the permission will become more implicit.


It's gonna be a slow process, but be glad you've got parents that won't let you strike up hidden conversations with would-be child predators.



Take KIE's advice, Lady K. It's the best I can think of. Also, I would advise that you let your parents watch you sometime while you're online. I'm sure they'll trust you more once they see that your not posting major personal info or info threatening to your safety (unless you are, in which case I would advise you to stop :P ). Also, I'd advise you to introduce them to any members you know personally in real life (if there are any) and ask them to vouch for the site's safety. If you communicate with members by other means, of course, I'd advise you to keep yourself limited to posting and PMing. My parents would certainly trust me better if they know I'm communicating with members using a well-moderated site.


However, even if your parents do keep you from communicating with us BZPers, keep tabs on the site. We'll keep you in our thoughts and prayers.


I've updated my art topic, by the way. I hope you like my latest work. :)


With all due respect,

:vahi: Aanchir: Rachira of Time

Pick any member. Get your parents over. Point at the member's profile.


Say, "This member has been on for one year, has acquired 1000-odd posts, has an avatar, banner, has written several works of fanfiction and drawn several things for the art forum. Every single one of their posts shows knowledge of Bionicle and the willingness to participate in discussion of it. Does that sound like something a predator would do just to be able to stalk kids?"

Omi's got a point there.


I do think that pointing out certain members to them that you are in contact with the most, may help them realize that BZP's not as bad as they think it is.


Like I told you, pray for there to be a time soon where you and your parents are having some 1 on 2 time, in a relaxed environment, where you can be open to them, and they are willing to listen and not freak out on you.


- :t: :l: :h:


My sentences seem disjointed.

I have to agree with all of the above, lk. The best thing you can do is pray.prayer has gotten me through a lot of ######.

heck, the second best thing to do, just ask your 'rents to here you out, then make a decision. that is all i can think of.


If you ever need help, ask. third best thing you can do.


Eo Out.

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That's not completely ridiculous. Bet you didn't know that I'm actually a 40-year-old alcoholic who sits in his basement all day playing Dungeons and Dragons-- and drinking alcohol.
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Anway Lk my advice is to figure out preadtors...Just watch some Law And Order Shows and and reasearch some and figure out their personalities. You will be able to point them out instantly. In fact..For the subtle ones...I yell out PEDOPHILE! And tell all my friend he is a pedophile. Of course not all pervs are pedos. So be care ful..and since when do pedos type right? They type like steroetypical teens. lol u r funny.

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