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Comic Book Ritual.

I believe I have found a new ritual to perform while at Cape Cod. When I was little, my dad bought me two Superman comic books from the Stop and Shop on Cape Cod, though I can't remember what issues they are now... I still have them, though. And last year I bought a ton of Civil War Marvel comics from a store in Brewster (located very near the Cape). And now, I've purchased several comics. I'll start with the best.   Detective Comics issue #833: This is brilliant. A brilliant, brilliant plot wi



Home From School.

My day went pretty okay. I'm still bummed out that the Pats lost. Anyways, I got a pleasant surprise at lunch. An eighth grade science teacher walked up to me while I was reading 'H.P. Lovecraft and Others', and we had a short but cool conversation about H. P. Lovecraft. I find that awesome. I hope I get him as a teacher next year.   Oh, and meet Borgie:   ._: <(Resistance is futile.)



What Would Happen To All The Cows?

This is a question about vegetarianism. Suppose everybody stops eating meat and we all eat veggies. Then what? What will we do with the cows? We don't need that much milk, and none of us would eat that meat. Plus, what about vegetarians who consider milking cruel? And what would we do with chickens and their eggs? And all the commercially bred fish and other such animals? It would cost billions just to make farms into partial animal care facilities, and really stupid. In the end, to avoid expens



My Experiment

Can you guess what exactly my experiment is? Can you figure out what exactly is out of wack with my normal routines, and what I have changed? I'll drop a hint. It's like a mirror test of sociable apathetic discriminatorily free-ranged intertransmissions of biased philosophicality. Now, I dare you to guess.     My mom's got some sort of the flu, she's been really sick and cranky. We took her to the doctor today, and my mom should be better soon, the doctor says. She's in bed right now...     I'




You know how when a character is killed off or a big event happens, there's some sort of outrage in the fanbase? Fans riot and yell and make idiotic petitions, and bicker, and complain about how much the show sucks now, and all that jazz. And you know how some creators/writers/whoever cave in to demand and resurrect the character/strike the event from the official continuity? And then there's low sales or viewership? And then there are fans who are angry that the character was brought back/the e



It's My Lucky Day!

FRIDAY THE THIRTEENTH IS HERE! EEE! Goodie! Send about the black cats and cracks in the pavement!     I had a funny dream but I can't remember now... Argh... It was aaaaaaaaaaawesome...   Some wordage:   "Mmm, puppies."   "You can't get two birds with one stone if they're pecking your eyes out."



500 Entries

To say something, first: Contentment is listening to metal, a kitten sitting atop your head, and having that whiny Emo kid buried in your back yard. About that: While I don't actually have a cat sitting on my head, nor do I have one in general, and I will neither confirm or deny the last part of my sentence, it's pretty much true.   Anyways...........Wow. Who'da thunk it, I have 500 entries. Ten times fifty. Five-zero-zero. Twenty times twenty-five. Two-five-oh doublesized. Yike. I (re)started




I have something to confess. For the past several months, I have been using my blog to manipulate and study the human minds by carefully selecting my blog entries' content. You have been the perfect guinea pigs for this project, serving to find how to conquer thw world through psychology. I will subversively take over the world with my knowledge, toppling civilization as you know it and ruling as dictator, harnessing technology to manipulate humanity further. You cannot be allowed to live lest y



It's Just Wrong

The Virgina Tech shootings are a tragedy. Innocent lives were taken by somebody and that can never be repaired. But what's sickening is the media circus unfolding now. The search for blame begins, and the media will move from thing to thing, leeching it dry. They will blame the shooter's parents, spouting out irrelevant things about the family as if they mattered. They will blame musicians for it and their music too, hounding them for sinfulness and blasphemy and all that junk. The teachers will




I went and saw this with my dad on Saturday. I recommend that you see it, too. The CGI was FANTASTIC, and I could only tell the actors had been CGI'd in the beginning. Heck, even Grendel looked natural. The acting, of course, helped. The actors were convincing, realistic, and good performers (though the CGI probably helped brush it up). After the start, you kind of sink into the atmosphere the film sets up, and you can't turn your gaze away from the screen. It's engaging, highly. The plot was no



Grim Adventures Of Billy And Mandy...

One of the funniest dark-themed cartoons out there. Chock full of morose humor, homages to fiction (such as the episode Something stupid this way comes being a Ray Bradbury homage or The Prank Call of Cthulhu being a homage to the Cthulhu Mythos), and double entendres. One of the funniest cartoons I've ever seen, I wish it would come out on a season DVD... A number of quotes: Grim: And what are you supposed to be? Mandy: I'm a ruthless high-prized executive attorney. Grim: Then what's with th



Gee, How Should I Put This?

I have something to relegate along the lead-poisoned veins of the interweb.   Right when I was leaving school, literally, right as I was stepping out the door to where everybody waits for the buses, I saw a seventh grader I know, looking upset, with his hands over his throat, and a special ed teacher holding his backpack, standing there. I would never have known what was going on, had not the Social Studies teacher I had in seventh grade been right ahead of me, and the teachers conversed, and r




I saw Spider-Man 3 again last night, with my dad and sister. I liked it, as I did before. It was really fun to get to see it, we went to the 6:45 showing, and got home at about 9:20 or something. Woo. And when we came out of the theater, the moon was in the sky, and it was just a beautiful night... Mmmn...     *GASP* I just realized... I theorized like a maniac over how Harry Osborn could be alive after SM3 and obsessed over details... I'm crazy for comics and sci-fi and horror and fantasy and




I got my braces yesterday, and they hurt. Bad. Very bad. It took about two hours to get them on... I got to sleep in since I was having the day off (my teeth would be hurting pretty bad after the operation)... I found out there's a bunch of foods I can't have, and I'm ticked... And I also can't have much Diet Coke, or soda in general, since chemicals in it weaken the cement holding my braces to my teeth. Nutttts.   And it hurts still. I'm taking Tylenol and stuff, but it still hurts. Even soft



Snooooowday! Woo! Yes!

I HAVE A SNOWDAY! YESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYES! WOOOOOOOOOOOO! It snowed overnight, as predicted, and I HAVE NO SCHOOL TODAY! WOO! So I slept in and relaaaxed... Mmm....     And I've avoided the commercial monster we call Valentines Day, too! WHEE! A snowday and none of that commercially brought on guilt crammed down our throats over not buying as much kitschy romantic junk as we could! HAHA!     I had a a weird dream... I was in The X-Files and I had to go do something strange and I remember



Cigarette Conspiracy

Have you ever noticed how many cigarette butts you'll find in one given area? Or how many stores and locations are "No Smoking" places? Or how high cigarette sales have been and remain, and the same for the number of smokers? It's all connected. Every time a smoker goes into a no-smoking establishment, if they're smoking they have to put out the cigarette. Once they leave, they probably light another one up. Add that to laws about smoking in public places, your home, and wherever, and you realiz




What do you call somebody who's neither right wing or left wing, and tries to understand opposing views?   Clipped wing.



I Am Sad.

My aunt and uncle who live out in Dayton, Ohio, had an eighteen year old cat named Maggie. She died yesterday. I am very sad. She was a very good kitty. I'mma go cry now.



Long Awaited Comic

There was no point in beating around the bush, because I'm kind of in a motivational slump. I don't feel like doing more comics for a while, but I wanted to post the last unpublished comic I'd produced. I think you understand what I'm hinting at in this one...



Disenfranchisement Theory

GregF just posted on 2009 in his blog, and it put my mind into overdrive. It gave me a prediction on what will happen concerning fan reactions in 2009: Following a heavily flunctuating acceptance level from angry fans, 2008 will sharply divide the fans... There will be a sharp spike upward in the number of topics debating whether or not Bionicle now sucks. This will be reflected in topics going on about how 2004/5/6/whichever year occurring after 2003 that the member is biased in favor of manage



Paris Hilton (yet Again)

So, the world's not-at-all-really-so-favorite blonde blunderer will only serve 23 days due to "good behavior". So wait, what, does going into withdrawl from not having her daily fix of expensive makeup, items, and pets with really dumb sounding names and weird species names and refusing to realize she's even worse than the "common folk" count as "good behavior"? Man, it's like Arkham Asylum, in Gotham City in the DC world. The villains are admitted, and then faster than you can say "bad decision



Twelve Angry Men

It's raining out, and it was a chilly but sunny day earlier. Woo! I like it when it rains, it gives me good ideas and creates a fun atmosphere for me. So sue me for liking gray skies and the pitter-patter of rain on the roof, I also like sunny, crisp fall days...     My day was fun. In English, there was a substitute, and we watched Twelve Angry Men, and took notes on the jurors in the film. Then I had Math, which was actually easy, and I got a head start on my homework. Then, onward to lunch.



More Light-hearted Pixel Fun

...This is actually my sixth one, I just felt like making this instead of posting what I made previously.   ...You can tell this is just being silly, right? Coz I like my readers to have a sense of humor, especially when I post complexities like this. See, I'm making fun of both sides of the subject at once. And just having fun.   EDIT: Republished for lack of comments.



Heyyyyy, Comic.

Well, let's just say I said I'd update 'Late Saturday' instead of 'tomorrow' in my last entry, 'kay? Because pretending makes all the bad things go away, even the stupid people on the internets. Today's comic is my fourth. Yeah, I know you're all tired of me posting them out of order, or at least that's what I think, but hey, it beats not updating at all.  



Paris Hilton

Alright, so most of you know by now that everybody's not-really-at-all-favorite woman of questionable repute is in jail, correct? I was talking to my dad about that today while we were in the mall getting presents for my mom for mother's day, and I realized something: Paris is idolized by young girls because she has fancy phones, fancy cars, desirable objects, boyfriends, and money. Girls, and other people too of course, want these things. But Paris has these things because everybody else has on



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