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I Just Got Jthm: Director's Cut In The Mail!

IT JUST ARRIVED SEVERAL MINUTES AGO FROM THE UPS TRUCK! OH MY ELDER GOD I AM SO [some sort of emotion resembling happy] AND THIS IS AWESOME! I'm reading 'Traumatize thy neighbor' right now! Oh... I'm filled with malignant euphoria... *SMEE!* *hugs book* Okay, I just finished 'Traumatize thy neighbor'... On to the next segment! HURRAH! *Head explodes with sheer morbid glee*




I'm listening to "Voices" on my Disturbed CD The Sickness right now. What a great song, I mean, it's catchy and it has great vocals and lyrics... Woo.     Anyways, there's this great online game where you play as a little ninja. You can jump and run around, and cling to walls, but that's it. You have to make it through thirty episodes, each with five levels, with no weapons and lots of enemies. I love playing it, I'm playing it right now. You can find it online yourself, just search for "N Gam



Power Outages And Birthdays

Well, one heckuva storm came our way, and we lost power. So we were looking for flashlights (the basement has barely any light) and trying to get ourselves in order, and it took a while... We (me, my mom, and my sister, my dad had to go to work) went out to Brigham's for breakfast, and man, was it raining like you wouldn't believe. Crazy winds too. So a while after we got back the power came back on but I had no internet access for a really complicated reason. And finally I got back online...  



The Game

That's the name of the song I'm listening to right now, by Disturbed, off of their first CD 'The Sickness', and it's awesome. For some reason it keeps making me think about wolves... Now it's changed to 'Stupify', another good song. Up next is everybody's favorite, Down With The Sickness... I like relistening to albums I haven't heard in a while. Now the CD's on the song 'Fear', which is one of my favorites. Aaaand now, after I took a break from writing, I'm listening to 'Conflict', woo.   I ha




The weather here is insane. We're getting snow and cold weather in April and all... There's ice, there's windyness, there's a lack of sunny days... We got a blizzard in March, and we've had lots of snow. I'd have expected it to be spring already, but this is New England; Who am I to say winter's over?   I finished reading Artemis Fowl and the Lost Colony a few days ago, so now I'm rereading the first book... I like rereading books, it's fun to do that and bring more of it into my memory... It's




"Better learn to laugh, because life's the longest, cruelest joke that'll ever be played on you."   "Puppies are only a viable food source if properly drained of their souls."   "He who laughs last, laughs best. He who laughs at an Anger Management class dropout, never laughs again."   "Christopher Paolini, author of the Poorly Written Plagiarism of All Decent Fantasy Inheritance Trilogy does not count as human."   "Believe in yourself... Because nobody else will, loser."   "... Why am I ev



My Experiment

Can you guess what exactly my experiment is? Can you figure out what exactly is out of wack with my normal routines, and what I have changed? I'll drop a hint. It's like a mirror test of sociable apathetic discriminatorily free-ranged intertransmissions of biased philosophicality. Now, I dare you to guess.     My mom's got some sort of the flu, she's been really sick and cranky. We took her to the doctor today, and my mom should be better soon, the doctor says. She's in bed right now...     I'



Woo! Vacation!

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! *falls over from lack of oxygen* Now I have nine straight days to waste without care. It's going to be great... I got a lot of work done today, and I really feel I need this vacation... I am really burnt out...     I watched an episode of 'Without a Trace' with my mom earlier... It's a really good show, and this particular episode was good.     I have some art I need to get up soon... Or BK will eat me... Or at least sic the Hounds of Tindalos on me...



It's My Lucky Day!

FRIDAY THE THIRTEENTH IS HERE! EEE! Goodie! Send about the black cats and cracks in the pavement!     I had a funny dream but I can't remember now... Argh... It was aaaaaaaaaaawesome...   Some wordage:   "Mmm, puppies."   "You can't get two birds with one stone if they're pecking your eyes out."



Mmn Yes, I Forgot To Remember Again.

"Geeblebleegurp!" Honked out the excessively combustible toad before he was lobbed at a great, lumbering toast gnome to save the burning world of Somewhere Else by a horrific waffle daemon from the darkest depths of a Wal*Mart. This was of course before a rain of puppies disrupted the horrific waffle daemon's precipitous deeds, and thusly the giant, lumbering toast gnome began breakdancing. And then the excessively combustible toad exploded and the narrator was noogied into a stupor, though he m



Gman Got His Own Words Of Wisdom

Yeh, just to push the flow of blog entries back to normal.   "'Love your enemy' means just waiting for the right opportunity to shove them off a cliff."   "Being so need to you stop linear."   "Telemarketers do not count as people. Are they related to clowns?"



Hard Update To Is It Shall But I

Wrong is ways what with you linear your and. An time so our snapping created from is prevent to illusion minds. htwA? Order the by lack you worthless of confused? iefN. See instead when anagram like you how I words the! Own ear uyo pphay thwi uyor eeussls rdroe? Tusm "ahha" ysa ta I ouy.     I'm working on Social Studies right now... I haave to rewrite some essay paragraphs... That were written by other people... And extremely poorly...     Words of wisdom time...   "Point the sharp side at t



I Really Am Morbid

I have the proof... The following is an excerpt from a conversation between Cthulhu the Dreaming and I...     GMan: Oh, don't worry... I'll bury your corpse somewhere where a stray dog won't find it and... Stuff... Maybe a clogged drainage ditch?   CtD: Nah, not a fan. Ooh, a fan. We could work with that!   GMan: Hmmm..... Depends on the availability of pickaxes, stain removers and incinerators...   CtD: Got the stain removers, and A pickaxe. That's all... What can we do with that plus a fan



I Wish I'd Had Time To Write This Earlier

Okay, so yesterday I woke up early to go to an early church service in the cold, at a place called Missionary Rock. I'm not very religious, but I felt like seeing the church officials, like our pastor and our minister, because they're very nice people. Then I went back home and tried to sleep, then went downstairs and existed. Later, we left for our cousin's house in Marshfield. It was a while getting there, as usual, as Boston traffic is heavy on any holiday morning, or Sunday morning for that



Air Travel Companies Are Evil

Think about it. Flights are a hassle to arrange, half the time expensive, and get cancelled or moved or changed often. It's a pain to deal with the conditions on a plane, like a cramped economy section, the lack of actual food and the *choke* lukewarm soda! Plane rides are bumpy. You have to deal with whiny children, annoying people who are talkative, which is even worse when they sit next to you, ignorant people who make messes, people with no concept of personal space who sit next to you and b



The Itching It Hurts So Much

For some reason I've been so itchy today and it hurts so much and I have to scratch it but it only goes away for a while... Ow it hurts... I'm not kidding, my legs and back itch so much it's not funny... AGH! I've tried so much... Skin moisturizer doesn't work. I just tried some anti-itch and it still itches somewhat- but now I have to try not to scratch or it'll itch worse...   Anyways, it actually snowed today. It snowed, can you believe that? The fourth of April, and it snowed. Awesome.   T



Woo, Sleepover

Turns out my friend's sleepover was at his house here, not the one up in New Hampshire. Ah well. It was great! We played around at first, then another friend brought his Wii and we played some Super Smash Bros Melee and some Mario Kart Double Dash. We goofed around, and it was great. Then we went bowling! There were around eight or nine of us, and we split up to bowl in two lanes each. It was Candlepin bowling, by the way. I enjoyed it, even though I lost badly in the second round. We were taken




Well, I woke up and dragged myself out of bed to flip off at the world once more, hurrah. *yawn* I have school today then I have tomorrow off...   I'm going to be at a sleepover tonight, yippee. My friend (the one who started the band, of course) is having it at his other house up in New Hampshire. Lemme explain. He lives here, but a while ago his parents considered moving up to New Hampshire, and bought a house there, but didn't move. My friend lives in the second house sometimes, like takin




Egads! The b-thing has found new corners to lurk in... Run for it! RUUUUUUUN! Where are the children?! Where are the children?! Oh wait, I ate them. SAVE YOURSELVES!     ...     Anyways, the server was binging yesterday, I couldn't get an entry in. Anyways, those people who think that removing COT and LGD did any good are irritating, but so are the noobs who overreacted and flamed and spammed and plastered everybody with a fresh layer of stupid goo. But I'm glad COT's back... A very bad prank



I'm So Happy My Head Could Explode.

Yay, COT and LGD are back... Oh I was getting so many mixed messages I was confused... Nur... But oh joy the place I met a lot of my BZP friends and continue to interact with them there beyond Bionicle discussion is back... *smee* Wait, I said 'happy'... Oh goodness I will expl- *BLAM!* And now I hafta go.




I have something to confess. For the past several months, I have been using my blog to manipulate and study the human minds by carefully selecting my blog entries' content. You have been the perfect guinea pigs for this project, serving to find how to conquer thw world through psychology. I will subversively take over the world with my knowledge, toppling civilization as you know it and ruling as dictator, harnessing technology to manipulate humanity further. You cannot be allowed to live lest y



*twitch* *twitch*

This April Fools prank is the WORST EVER... I'm getting sick of it... I NEED MY DEAD RPG 2 FIX BAD! *eye twitches* It's a very cruel prank... And what's worse are all those members who want it to go because they think it's making board messages better and that there's no need for a Lego forum or a forum for discussing things other than Bionicle... I want to strangle them... RRGH this better be over tomorrow... AUGH they just closed the talkback topic... I'm going to go insane... Wait, "going to



Irony Is...

...When a 'Stop forest fires' march/group is supported by a cigarette company. ...When someone thinks they're cool for making fun of a new member. ...When an animal lovers parade on a beach accidentally tramples a mother turtle burying her eggs in the sand.     I was kicked off of or lost my chance to get on three computers in a row before this. I was kicked off because a stupid kid who didn't do their work when they should have was lazy and decided to do it now. I wish I'd stayed in bed, I



I Smell Like Burnt Marshmallows.

I slept in til nine thirty today after I went to bed...   Anyways, I was just outside with my mom a while ago doing some brush burning. We gather a bunch of dead wood and brush, pile it up, wet the area around it so nothing catches fire but what we put there, bunched up some newspapers, and then set them alight. I got to strike the match and do it. My mom did get the license neccessary to burn the wood, so it was okay. We threw tons and tons of wood on the fire, and the heat, smoke, and ash we



I Saw A Movie And Went Bowling!

My dad took my sister and I to see 'Meet The Robinsons', which I actually liked... It was way better than the Ant Bully, animated by the same people... But since Pixar is in charge of CG now, the script and plot for MtR was much better, way more than I expected. The theme of time travel was neatly used in a mostly original way, although who's who in the future was obvious. I had a blue raspberry Icee and a medium popcorn... Perfect food for a movie...   Then my dad got me and my sister home ar



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