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I finished drawing the first pic of Mr.Freeze, from before his redesign. Now I'm working on the redesign version, and aside from a few errors, I'm doing great. Copying these images has really improved my skills, because it's helped me see how light and shading can be put to use. When it's over, I'll be great. Next target: The futuristic awesome version of Mr.Freeze from Batman Beyond, and then Batman from Batman Beyond himself.   Speaking of, I have the first two seasons of Batman Beyond on DV



It's Snowing!

IN THE MIDDLE OF MARCH! AND IT'S A HUGE SNOWSTORM! THE SCHOOL LET US OUT FIFTEEN MINUTES EARLY! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! It is so beautiful out, with all the snow falling and spiraling around... It's just wonderful... And I'm planning on staying up super-late again, so the snowing will make my experience (Midnight Syndicate+darkness due to the time being the middle of the night+sitting at a computer=a really spooky night, which I like) even better! YAY! And I only have a bit of homework! SMEE!  



And So I Will Be Poked With A Large Needle...

See, I take medication for anger and depression problems (Not like they work too well) and every year (I started taking them last year around this time) I get a blood test to see what the pills do to my blood. So yeah, I'm gonna be prodded with a sharp needle and lose a small amount of the good ol' oxygen circulatory red stuff. Doesn't really hurt, but having a needle pushed in my skin looks scary (but it isn't). So I gotta go get tested. See ya.   Oh, and I'm still listening to "Shut Me Up" by



Strange Captions...

I started coming up with weird things in my head and decided they'd be hilarious captions to accompany an image... But I wasn't up to drawing the images, so I decided to just post them.   "The chainsaw-wombats would be back the next night, Steve knew, but for now he slept comfortably with the hedge clippers at his bedside."   "...All that was found of poor Lloyd after the hideous incident involving mittens were two fingernails and half of his left foot."   "The group heard a loud, ominous




Egads! The b-thing has found new corners to lurk in... Run for it! RUUUUUUUN! Where are the children?! Where are the children?! Oh wait, I ate them. SAVE YOURSELVES!     ...     Anyways, the server was binging yesterday, I couldn't get an entry in. Anyways, those people who think that removing COT and LGD did any good are irritating, but so are the noobs who overreacted and flamed and spammed and plastered everybody with a fresh layer of stupid goo. But I'm glad COT's back... A very bad prank



Shrek 3

I went to see it yesterday, and I liked it. Lots of the same great sort of humor, and great animation. The jokes were funny, and the plot was witty and clever... I think that Weird Al should have gotten a role in Shrek 3... That would have been absolutely terrific if he did... I mean, come on, a ton of other people have gotten roles... Even Regis Philbin and Justin Timberlake. Weird Al would be perfect... Man, I love the Shrek movies. I wish I could say more, but I would spoil it for everybody..



Duck And Cover

The ignomious waffle goblin has been aimed at your head. You have negative infinity divided by zero times two point eight seven three four twelve hundredths of a millisecond times pi to evade. BADGER!     I'm ducking and covering a bit myself... Coz you never know when the ones who aren't there will turn on you behind your back right under your nose while you trust them.       My day was hectic. First I had Math, and we're starting on new problems and all... The subject always changes just wh



Back To School...

*cries* Well, my vacation's over and I must go back to school. Ah well, I only have a four day week! But I only got ten days of vacation... I wish vacations were longer... Oh well.



Back From The Concrete Death Trap...

Aye, the one that was built to mindlessly shove an alleged 'education' into our skulls and make us 'smarter'. My day only gave me a minor urge to go on a psychotic rampage, I'd have to count that as good. Hoo-ray...   The little gnomes in my head say hi- I mean, um, uh, er, heh, erm... YOU SAW NOTHING!



When You Sit Back And Think...

When you take a moment to simply chill and relax from the world, you enjoy life. You can feel a breeze on your face, you can appreciate the crisp air, you can just sit against a tree and ponder everything. You can see the beauty in a forest, or feel the spectacle of a cloudless starry night. Taking in the little things about life that seem to go unnoticed in the hustle bustle of everything, and letting yourself breathe, clarity and peace of mind come to you. Things as everyday but beautiful as w



An Addendum.

I'd like to point out that the Joker was voiced by Mark Hamill both in the original and the followup Batman Animated Series. What a great character. He looked amazing. He was wily, insane, clever, and had this great sense of dark humor. His new looks in the New Batman Adventures were good looking, and I loved it. Both visual versions were great. They shared the same creepy, humorous, insane personality, same style of crimes, they were the exact same except for their looks. So I love both version



Snow? Yay!

IT SNOWED! Just a little though... It'll probably melt quickly... ARGH! It's sad but... At least it snowed. Heh. Anyways, I forgot to mention since our school is having a concert Friday, we only have double periods today and tomorrow, and then on Thursday we have all four classes and on Friday we have super-shortened classes.   Anyways, I think that Bionicle short film is pretty cool. Very good, although I saw it without sound on and liked it better, the music is a little stupid, especially fo




Caffeine is rushing through my blood... I feel kinda empty... What is life, anyways? Is it some sort of conception preprogrammed, even irreversibly hardwired into our minds generations before we are even thought of as a possibility? Why do we find meaning in what we do? Why do we dedicate ourselves to causes with no cosmic relevance, or bow to a little green slip of cotton fiber that is mistaken for paper? Is life truly shown at face value? Are we human, or are we higher beings, on another plane



And I Thought It Was Over...

Outright plagiarism again... It's not nice at all that that person knowingly stole the photos and images I scanned. I've contacted him and I hope he removes the images. *sigh* I specifically warned in my gallery that the images were not to be stolen... Ragh.



Crackdown On Cartoon Unawareness.

Alright folks, it's time I give you all a refresher course in great cartoons that have been abused, forgotten, or not released on DVD. I'm bringing the hammer down on the issue of awesome cartoon unawareness, and I must educate your brains for the good of all existence. Let's start with one show in particular:   Beetlejuice: Oh, Elder Gods, this show is great. I watched a few episodes, and I forget most of them,. but the show had fun monsters, and of course it was funny. It was based a little



Smells Like Nirvana

One of the greatest parodies of all time. I felt you deserve to see the lyrics. --"Smells Like Nirvana", by Weird Al, parodying "Smells Like Teen Spirit" by Nirvana.   And because I'm so nice, I'm going to link to the video, on Google Video. Here it is. Enjoy or else.



Back From School...

My day went fairly well except for some stuff in Math, but it's all smoothed over.   Now I'm eating Cheezits (the reduced fat kind, my fave) and drinking Diet Coke. And reading Squee!, and it ROCKS.



"fish! Egads!"

The dialogue returns... I had so much fun writing it the last time I decided to produce more... Here it is:   Likey?   My school day was dull, I did have a math test and get called to the vice principal's office, but really it was boring. As usual. Day after day, sitting in a big concrete death trap, memorizing data. Hoo-ray.



200th Entry... Wow.

It dawned on me earlier today I was darn close to two-zero-zero entries. All this blogging in just the span of two months. I guess I have a lot of things in my sick head don't I? Which means so much more to pour out. It's amazing I got this far, even though considering if I hadn't had some school problems that resulted in me losing computer access, I would have reached this a long time ago. I'm the first member to reach 200 entries. I'm just astounded at how much I've changed since I became prem



Wait... Hold On...

I's confuzzled... Even if a woodchuck could chuck wood, why would a woodchuck chuck it?Wouldn't the woodchuck upchuck what he chucked when he chucked the wood? I mean, wood's not something most mammals can eat... So, would calling a woodchuck a woodchuck be libel or something? And what if we're pressuring them to do what they can't by giving them that name? Man, just with one word we may be destroying a whole species and then the ecosystem... I think... Whatever, cool!   More standardized test



Contemplations Of An Insane Man........

I'm just thinking today............ I really miss my childhood. I just do. I miss the cold Autumn nights where the moon was full, the sky was pitchblack, and it all just made me think of how man is insignificant, so small, a thought beyond my years...... I miss the winters where it snowed so much and I could just sit down and watch shows that were and are my favorites, like Batman: The animated series or Batman Beyond.............. I just feel depressed today. Nothing new about that, I'm actuall



Over A Year Ago...

Over one year ago, a not-too-well known member decided he wanted to share a story with BZP. He drawn from some of his painful experiences to create this story. It detailed a day in his life as a Bionicle fan and how he was treated for it. This story would be the most touching story he ever wrote. Members identified with the tale, and the story would become the member's trademark short story. You are reading the blog entry of this member right now. Over a year. 12 months. 52 weeks. 365 days. 8,76




Alright, folks, me have hadded this idea for a looong time now. A while ago I found the lyrics to the song, and began working on my parody. It's Wii themed! Yay! *Smurp*   'Wii Will Rock You'   Aah Buddy you're a boy make a big noise Playin' games 5 hours straight gonna be a big man some day You got fanboy on yo' face You big disgrace Bringin' your PS3 all over the place Singin'   Wii will Wii will rock you Wii will Wii will rock you   Buddy you're a dumb man XBox fan Shouting in th




My school day was okay, really, after Computer fun I had Assisted Studies, and then in French we watched a movie. Then English was pretty easy and I got to read the Lewis Carroll poem 'Jabberwocky' to my class coz I brought it in a while ago, and the words used in it got my teacher inspired, so she had us do some work about it. Oh yes and watch out for the frumious Bandersnatches I keep here. *THROK* Too late.   Anyways, I gotta say some of the things I see on BZP are funny. I remember seeing o




Lemme explain how I got the chance to get in a blog entry, and this one too, in my school library, on one of its usually inaccessible computers. See, some dopes were messing around in the library and mistreating the computers and messing around with them, and such, so the principal decided that we can't play games on computers until next Monday and can only do homework, and if we don't improve our behavior we won't be allowed to play games on the library computers for the rest of the school year



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