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Columbia Again!

Yesterday was the first session of the Columbia University High School Science Honors Program (or just the SHP).   We had an hour-long orientation presentation, and it was really very impressive. For one thing the director of the SHP, proffessor at Columbia, theoretical physicist, very nice humorous guy, first gave us a little speech. The room we were in, room 301 in Pupin (it's pronounced "poo-PEEN," stop laughing) Physics Laboratory, was the room in which speeches were given by... oh, let me




Starts again today!   GENERATIONS!   I'm so excited! =D   I'm also really worried about my English timed writing tomorrow. ASDF. >_<  



Ap Chem

Wow, long time no blog. Then again, some haven't posted entries in months, so...   Anyway, first full week of school just went by! Seeing as last week we had a four-day-weekend... so anyway, I actually think I can handle it. AP Chem seemed really daunting at first, I did absolutely horrifically on my thermometer for the summer assignment (whadid I get, a 79? 72?) but while our teacher isn't easy (I hear the other AP Chem teacher just checks: if I heat your thermometer, does it go up, and if I c




*moan*   Head... throbbing... nose... clogged...   Gwauh... ;~;   Should be finishing Lyg comic... don't wanna miss another week... *sigh*...   Dunno what's been going on lately, I mean, it's FALL, not spring, so what could I be allergic to? But my nose has been running, and I've been having nosebleeds, and now this sinus headache... oooooooh...   Very unpleasant.  



3 Hp

I'm currently doing a 3 HP run of Cave Story.   BTW, just so you know, it's a free game. Just google it, and download it. You'd have to download it with the English translation tho.   Anyway, you get these Life Capsules to increase your max HP, but they're pick-up items, so all I do is, I avoid them.   And I'm on Monster X right now and it's REALLY REALLY HARD. Since EVERYTHING does at least 3 damage to you, therefore touch anything = instant death. AND there's no save point immediately befor



New Av/banner

LYG IS EVIL!   Also, AP Chem is HAAAAAARD.   And I can't beat 8 minutes 14 seconds on Cave Story final level.   ... and Lyg is evil.   And there's a cool rock on my desk.   Also, foods have weird names.   I mean, chicken fingers, buffalo wings, and... well there was another one that I forgot. But seriously. Chickens have no fingers. Buffalo have no wings.   Also...   ...   Rock.   And LYG IS EVIL!   VOTE FOR EVIL IN THAT CHAOS IN THE DEEP POLL!   Click!  



Chemistry Safety Video

We watched the same one last year.   HILARIOUS. AS. ANYTHING.   I'm getting this odd feeling of Deja vu, did I already write about this?   Anyway they have the mannequin on fire to demonstrate "stop drop and roll" and the raging inferno, and one guy looks up and goes "hey, fire!" and the really corny acting where the narrator goes "if you follow, safety procedures, chemistry can be FUN!" and the kid gives this huge, fake smile...   The funniest part, unfortunately, I probably shouldn't put h



First Day Of School

Cue Finding Nemo reference.   Today was my first day of Junior year, which was nice, but also my sister's first day of Kindergarten, and she's going to actual SCHOOL now! Never again shall she attend that daycare. She's in real SCHOOL! Wow.   She's rather shy though... gonna have to get her to speak up more, make new friends and such!   My teachers seem okay this year.   I've also beat Cave Story three times now, working on my time. First time I beat it in 15-some minutes, second time over 1



Today Is Labor Day

And school starts this Thursday.   And my sister's going to Kindergarten on Thursday too, and my mom picked out an outfit for her and her backpack and shoes and clothes all match and she looks ADORABLE ^w^   I should get a haircut before school starts... it's a bad sign if I look up and I can see about an inch of my hair...   Also, my sister's going to be really expensive as she grows up... everything has to be brand name. Her shoes are Sketchers (because of the commercials, and someone at s



Victory Dance!

I DON'T BELIEVE I BEAT IT!!!   Third form was easy as anything, and, well, I was kinda cheap on fourth form (there are videos of these crazy speedrunners playing this game, and one tactic is to intentionally get hurt on the spikes so you get the few seconds of invincibility and thus are able to pass through the spinny eye-thingies and get into the safe spot by the eye) but hey, I'm not crazy good at this game like some people are   Ooooh man it feels so good to finally have completed this ga



Back, And Other Stuff

Yeah, I know I said Tuesday. Well, I lied. Thursday.   Bah, didn't get to update the Lyg comic... I've been on the dot for eight weeks! Gah, oh well. Comic 9 will be up this Saturday instead... I mean what really gets me is, this was gonna be the first thing that I could actually get done each week, on schedule, that I have an idea of where I'm going, a very SPECIFIC, comic-by-comic idea, that I could easily get down on paper, but alas life STILL got in the way and I had no buffer zone, and no



Boston! Road Trip!

Yes, one of those college road trips. Itinerary includes Harvard, Yale, MIT, Brown, and Boston University. Not like I'm going to law school but hey, just to see, y'know?   Oy, I actually have a sketch of Comic 9, and the first several frames inked, but I doubt I can get it done before we leave.. may have to put up that filler I had in reserve...   Well, I'll try.   See ya Teusday, peeps!  



On Weather

IT. IS. FREEZING. TODAY.   I mean, it definitely gets colder in winter and fall, but for SUMMER... and I haven't a clue how to turn on the heating! It's been raining and overcast for days, and I AM FREEZING. Yesterday was still warm enough to wear shorts, but dang it got cold today.   I'm SHIVERING. That's not RIGHT for summer. It's like FIFTY degrees out. Gah.   Also, LZ introduced me to a game called Cave Story. Quite a while ago, in fact. I'm now addicted to it. I've beat it on easy, and n



I Really Should Add An Entry About Something...

I should. Really. There just doesn't seem to be much to say.   I went to Liberty Science Center yesterday with LZ... it was fun, a lot of different stuff after the renovations, but since it was directly after all that construction half the stuff was out of order >.< AND since I went with his family I didn't get to do the "walk an I-beam" thing because that required a parental waiver form thingy. I mean, did the old skybike require a form? And there was the harness and all, I mean, what're



Why Exactly...

... is Ty Pennington on a Bayer commercial? o_O Shouldn't he be advertising furniture or Sears or something?   On the subject of commercials, that "Sun Setter retractable awning" commercial is so... I mean, that woman's voice is just so horribly fake... like, "But that's not all!" and stuff. Seriously.  



Volunteer Hours

So, I'm volunteering at this kinda small summer camp, it's not really very well organized, one of those school things... I swear, it's like five teachers dropped dead before the last week of camp, I mean it's like none of them want to teach for the last week. Horribly understaffed, horribly... there are literally two teachers there for the entire day, a couple come for only the morning, one for the afternoon, and then there's me.   So I'm "teaching" (rather, handling the class) drawing and math



Party Of Sorts

AKA my Mom unwittingly invites over 40 people to our house after assuming that most would be too busy to come and after colleagues who weren't invited got offended so she had to invite them, too. Really mostly co-workers and their families. But... massive...   Lucky we got a finished basement now, increases usable square footage, and the home theater kept the kids amused. They spent the time watching that Ben 10 movie on Cartoon Network. Admittedly I spent an hour and a half doing the same thin




Psychology seems interesting so far.   But.   I HATE ESSAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYS.   The book was fascinating.   But.   ESSAY! DIE! GAH! WHY!?!?!?!?!?   I think I could really get into this science.   BUT WHY DO I HAVE TO WRITE AN ESSAY!?  



Yay, Bzp Are Back. ^^

Wow that was a long time   Well I updated the Lyg comic, and I am also curious about the revival rules concerning the week-and-a-half hiatus. If the topics could not have been posted in for 11 days, it's not exactly fair to close them then, is it? But on the other hand, it's a lot of trouble for mods to figure out the date discrepancies...   Now that the forum's back, I feel more obligated to finish that chapter of Makuta Rehersals I've been working on. I think I'll definitely start a new to



Identify This Font!

The above is the speedometer for my car.   For the life of me I cannot remember what font I used, and all the type layers were quite unwisely rasterized. I've seriously gone through every single font on this computer without success... I can't imagine which one it would be! I keep getting the feeling it's one of those gothic fonts, or something, but I can't place it... and I have no idea how a font on this computer could have disappeared... oO   If you could identify that font, that would be g



I Hate Mondays

Just about everyone hates Mondays, right?   Have you ever felt that some Mondays just go out of their way to make you feel even worse?   First thing I heard when I woke up was rain. Torrential rain. You can imagine how the rest of my day went. >m<   So after eating breakfast I put on my jacket and grabbed my umbrella and went outside. The puddles were, I swear, two inches deep in places, and not easy to avoid either, and all the umbrella did was channel the water that would have fallen



I Just Noticed That...

In The Lion King 1 1/2 (the only half-serious one about Timon and Pumbaa) at one point, when Simba keeps waking Timon up for something (need to go to the bathroom, thirsty, bathroom again) and each time they walk over the log, and on the third time Timon says "I'm gonna get old walking over this thing..."   Well, I just noticed that they were referring to the scene from the original movie, during the Hakuna Matata sequence, which showed Timon and Pumbaa and Simba walking over that log, with Sim



Day At The Museum

What, was I supposed to come up with a more creative title?   Before anyone asks, NO IT WAS NOT LIKE IN THE MOVIE. I'm not even certain the museum HAS a T-Rex skeleton. I'm not saying it doesn't, it could, and I naturally didn't get to see all of the museum, but if it did, it wasn't right there at the entrance. No, the entrance-- one of them, at least, it wasn't the one I entered through but it was where I exited-- the entrance is dominated by Allosaurus vs. Barosaurus. And Allosaurus is pret



Half An Hour

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows is sitting on my dorm room bed right now.   I haven't even been able to muster the concentration to realize the sheer magnitude of this event in popular literature. I'm far too sleepy. I'm sure tomorrow I'll wake up fully refreshed and say to myself: "OH MY GOsh I OWN THE SEVENTH HARRY POTTER BOOK." Right now my brain is just sorta buzzing "cool..."   I'm not even yawning or anything... it's a really weird feeling, but I can't describe it right now because



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