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Ahoy Mateys!

Avast ye swashbucklers and misanthropes and adventure-seekers all. Welcome to me schooner, I be Admiral Six, and ye be workin' fer me now!   So git ta work! Hoist the sails! Swab the decks! Raise the anchor! Set a course for Treasure Island!   Yo ho! once we git there I'll be an even richer man than I am now. But don't ye be gettin' any crazy ideas 'bout taking any of me gold booty or ye'll be findin' yerself walkin' the plank and spending a long evenin' in Davey Jones' locker.   What're ye a

Black Six

Black Six

Weekly Update - 12/28

Intro This is going to be a real quick post tonight. I have places to go and people to see tonight. Read on for a few new things though.   Updates Not much has happened recently. With the holiday season in full swing many staff and members have been less active, so there's not as much to do. Unfortunately there still seem to be some problems people are experiencing. We are looking into it, but so far have not found anything on BZPower that could be causing the problems members are reporting.

Black Six

Black Six

Weekly Update - 5/30

Intro So tonight brings us some nice discussions that cover a variety of recent happenings on BZPower. Some interesting stuff, I hope.   Updates First things first, congratulations to Shilo and Ben (Omicron and ChocolateFrogs, respectively), who, along with myself, were BZPower's nominees for the Lego Ambassador program. The latest I've heard is that the selection committee is having a hard time narrowing down the pool since there were so many great candidates. Hopefully that means one of us

Black Six

Black Six

Weekly Update - 4/10

Intro Weekly Update time again. What am I going to talk about? Well I wish I had that answer too.   Updates So things have been light this past week, as is wont to happen every now and then.   There's a new story serial up on BionicleStory.com, the third chapter of Riddle of the Great Beings. They definitely aren't releasing these as frequently as they were last year, which is slightly disappointing, because I think it's a great way to get a lot of backstory and other content out there to th

Black Six

Black Six

'tis The Season

For what, you ask? Why all sorts of things. Lots of videogames, for one. Mass Effect has been sucking up my free time, and when I'm not playing that it's either Guitar Hero III or Halo 3. I haven't even been able to touch Hellgate: London for more than a few hours, which is ok, because I hear it needs some patches. Aside from that, my school recently subscribed to Ruckus, which gives me access to a whole lot of music for essentially free. It's covered with DRM, but hey, music is music, and you c

Black Six

Black Six

Weekly Update - 9/5

Intro Brickfair is over, so now it's back to the grind. Let's see what we have in store.   Updates First thing I'd like to do is mention a poll I recently started: The Future Of Bionicle Videogames. We haven't had the best of luck in this department over the years, but with TT Games' popular Lego games that have been coming out over the past few years and Lego Universe on the horizon, maybe it's a good time to get Lego thinking about a new Bionicle game. I'm looking for your interest and feed

Black Six

Black Six

Weekly Update - 7/24

Intro It's a late update this week, but that's because I've been so busy with BZPower stuff!   Updates So I heard it's like, our anniversary or something. Nine years is crazy, right? It boggles my mind to think that our site has been going on and thriving for this long - our members really are amazing, even though they whine and complain a bit. We wouldn't be here without you!   We like to try to celebrate things in as big a way as possible on our anniversary. Of course that means Premier pe

Black Six

Black Six

Once More Unto The Breach

Last Friday was the last day of my internship. Today was my first day of summer classes. Sometimes it seems like I never get a break, but summer classes aren't too bad. Sure I may be taking 25 credits this summer, which is probably twice what some schools require during a normal semester, but I'm crazy like that. I'll probably end up having more free time than when I was interning, since there will be less commuting and more downtime during the day when I can log on.   But nonetheless, it's sch

Black Six

Black Six

Weekly Update - 4/24

Intro Friday again. What fun! Let's see what there is to see.   Updates First up, the Fourth Chapter of the Reign of Shadows has gone live. Hooray for you story gurus.   Next, we found out that LEGO and RockBand are joining forces to release a new game this holiday season. The reaction so far has been mixed, but I'm willing to give it a shot. I'm definitely looking forward more to the Beatles RockBand game that's coming out, but the LEGO one will have The Final Countdown, which is a pretty

Black Six

Black Six

Weekly Update - 11/13

Intro I'm writing this Thursday night and will be posting it early Friday morning. It's going to be short, sweet, and to the point.   Updates Not much has happened this week. As some have pointed out, even our front page has been rather devoid of news relating specifically to Bionicle. I guess this is just the lull before the 2010 storm.   If you haven't already, make you go fill out LEGO's survey - they want to hear from you!   Mailbag 1. This one. 2. Today. 3. Ah, the infamous triple

Black Six

Black Six

Weekly Update - 1/8

Intro It's that time again already. Come see what's been happening on BZPower or some such thing.   Updates A piece of feedback we've received a lot recently is that you guys want to see us highlight fan creations more on the front page. We had started doing that before the forums went offline, but the effort kind of fizzled out. We're trying to get this moving again, and we started things off with Makuta Sethuldur by Stroxx. We followed things up by spotlighting Fractures by GSR. The BZPower co

Black Six

Black Six


I hate to have to talk about things like this, because I always try to believe that people are inherently good and can be trusted to follow the rules. And then they let me down.   It has recently come to my attention that for the past few contest, there has been some cheating going on in the RPG Forum. I thank the people that reported the cheating, it will make the contest voting fair, as it should be. Please note, that if someone reports another member of something, we do not blindly accept it

Black Six

Black Six

Weekly Update - 1/30

Intro Lots of stuff to look back at this week, but not so much moving forward. Anyway, Weekly Update ahoy!   Updates So, first and most importantly, I finally interviewed someone in our awesome Member Interviews feature. Read what FireDawn had to say.. Also, head over here if you'd like to be interviewed yourself.   Lots of news this week. Ray reviewed Strakk and Yannick reviewed Berix. And of course there are more to come, with the next hopefully being sometime this weekend.   Then there w

Black Six

Black Six

Weekly Update - 5/2

Intro We've definitely hit a slow period here on BZPower, slow news, slow updates, slow server. Oh wait, that's been going on for a while. Anyway, thanks for joining us for yet another Weekly Update.   Updates Thanks for all your input in the spoiler policy poll. Bones and the rest of the Reference Team have been poring over the results to come up with a unified spoiler policy that will be implemented in the future. You will follow it or face the penalties, which have yet to be determined.  

Black Six

Black Six

Weekly Update - 2/19

Intro Welcome back to our heavily Toy Fair-themed Weekly Update.   Updates While I'd love to talk about Toy Fair this whole time, there's actually been a bunch of things happening recently.   First up, the thirteenth and fourteenth chapters of the Mata Nui saga have been posted. In addition, the first chapter of The Journey's End has gone live as well.   In other Bionicle.com news, Agori Defender went live too. It's a fun little Tower Defense game that's pretty diverting too.   In controve

Black Six

Black Six

Weekly Update - 2/29

Intro This week seems to be another Mailbag Extravaganza, so there probably won't be a whole lot else here. I'll see what I can do though.   Updates So first off, I'd like to once again congratulate Nikira, Taka-Tahu-Nuva, and Takuta-Nui as our newest Forum Assistants. It's always how funny how nervous they are at first but how quickly they settle into their new roles. What can I say, I pick them good.   That's pretty much all I have to say this week, things have been very slow and life has

Black Six

Black Six

Cereal Disappointment

So I went to the grocery store today because I needed some food. One of the things I needed was cereal. A&P has select General Mills cereal on sale for $1.99, which worked out to be ~$3.50 off, so a pretty good deal. Of course it was on the end cap of the aisle showing it off, which made me notice the big LEGO logo on some of the boxes, saying that a free Lego Racer was within. Having gotten small Lego sets in cereal and such before, I simply thought, 'Sweet! I can get the cereal that I need

Black Six

Black Six

New Digs

So for the past week and a half or so, I've been in the process of moving from New Jersey to Maryland. I'm down here now (as opposed to up there), but there's still a lot of unpacking and organizing to be done.   I also recently purchased a diffuser for my camera flash to hopefully take some better pictures at BrickFair and other events in the future. Big props to Digi Acc.com - I ordered it from them on Wednesday (through Amazon) and it was here on Friday. Now that's service!   Anyway, despit

Black Six

Black Six

Weekly Update - 11/1

Intro As I forewarned, we're a day late this week. Such is life.   Updates We should be getting a very large set review up tomorrow, and I mean that in two ways. You'll have to wait until then to see what I mean.   We finally got our Fair and Con coverage up this past week. Better late then never?   And as the year draws closer and closer to its end, the final 2008 Bionicle Comic has begun to appear. Many things are revealed, or so I hear. But don't forget to use spoiler tags and not ruing

Black Six

Black Six

Weekly Update - 6/5

Intro Seven days have come and gone. It is time once again for our Weekly Update. Read on!   Updates This week was pretty busy. If you're a videogame fan E3 took place, which meant a lot of announcements and new games to look at. But if you're a LEGO fan there was some news too. Two new games were announced, LEGO Indiana Jones 2 and LEGO Harry Potter, and we got a new look at LEGO Rock Band.   Of course, one of the biggest stories was that the Glatorian have begun appearing in stores and are

Black Six

Black Six

Weekly Update - 6/20

Intro Welcome back to Celebrity Jeo... wait, wrong intro. Thanks for joining me once again as we talk about various fun and exciting and maybe some not-so-exciting things.   Updates So there hasn't been a lot happening of late that you don't already know about. The pruning has been continuing and tens of thousands of posts have been deleted so far, with many more to come. It's a slow process, the Forum Leaders have to go through every topic to make sure it's something that can be deleted. Bel

Black Six

Black Six

Weekly Update - 5/16

Intro Short update this week. Someone need to give me an idea for something to discuss.   Updates So, first up on the list is that Lego is taking applications for new Lego Ambassadors, and BZPower (along with other Lego communities on the Internet) get to help nominate candidates. We get to nominate up to three people to be considered for the position, with at most one from the community being selected. If you're 18 or older and are interested (no matter where in the world you live) by all me

Black Six

Black Six

Weekly Update - 6/26

Intro Update's going up late this week, but it's still Friday! So read on brave reader!   Updates So, contests are starting to wrap up! Got vote in the final polls for RPG Contest #14 and BBC Contest #54, or else Tufi will come after you, and it won't be pretty.   Also, we got another set review up last Saturday. Go read Shannara's thoughts on Stronius. The next review might take a little bit before it shows up for certain secret reasons.   Don't forget BrickFair is coming! I have a persona

Black Six

Black Six

Weekly Update - 12/12

Intro Welcome BZPower Members to this week's update. Let's see what we have this week.   Updates So first up, we have a new Reference Keeper. Congrats again to Adventurer on his new position.   Posting ranks are coming along, they will be live in some form or another before long. Patience, my friends.   Aside from that, I hear some 2009 sets have been spotted recently at a Target. There should be a news story on that soon.   Mailbag 1) About as many as you see posted. 2) Members that a

Black Six

Black Six

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