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Maybe Some Future Project Of Some Kind...

Far Sea -- Somewhere in the far Southern Atlantic Ocean -- 2020 Captain Beauldegard was a big man, about 40 with a steel gray mustache that seemed to cover his lips like a gourmet platter top, the thick cookie duster of a brush in stark contrast to his shiny, bald head. His eyes were vivacious despite looking worn, though he liked to call them "experienced," not wanting to make people think of them as the eyes of an oftentimes stressed, insomniac commander, something he went to great pain



Somehow Intelligent Monolougue After Midnight

Somehow I am still Premier. Did I really buy it this late? Or did someone mysteriously gift me some? Huh. If the latter: thanks! If the former: no soup for you!     So, as you may have heard, rumour's on the street I'm a Bionicle coordinator for BrickCon. I'm actually quite pleased I got the post and especially a Bionicle coordinator (I previously always thought the Administration somehow held a monopoly on it, but it came easier, and more forced, than anticipated. The things you learn!), and h



Dams: The Solid Block

Well, two entries in the same day. Hm. Ah, well.   The essay presented here is a conservationalism essay concerning the issue of dams and their impact on nature (or something of the sort).       Dams: The Solid Block   Out of the blue, a dozen or so salmon emerge out of the salty sea. The species is not important; for this happens to all salmon. The migration of the salmon sends them from the sea back to the rivers where they were born. But this trip is not like other salmon had taken in



New Blog Art

Thanks Nukaya! =D   Also, stay tuned for something awesome later on in the next... Oh... Month or so. Also from Nukaya and I. =3   ~EW~



Dividing The Properties

Since I'll be gone for a while, the length of which I'm not even sure of, my RPG characters and other responsibilities will have to be delegated to people. All characters being handed off will have posts to help in the transition, so no worries; I'm not going to pull a Sera.     RPGs Star Wars RPG - Crimson Jester, the General Manager, will assume full control in my absence. Requiem - Since we have a lot of staff anyway and I'm not really a core member, no need to delegate anyone.     RPG C



You Know What?

You know those days when nothing is going right and nothing cheers you up? This is one of them. Not even music is cheering me up.   I feel worthless, useless, unimportant, and that the only person I really care about is myself and my philanthropic talks are just lies. It's warmed today, but that's about the only good thing so far today. I've accomplished nothing useful, and sometimes I just wanna end it all when I fail myself. Seriously, even my Scouting career, one of the biggest parts in my l




Well, I got a mouse now, but no laptop. :-| It has been delayed until Monday by the delivery. But at least I still have something to look forward to in life!   Tomorrow might be more exiting as we will recieve company during the afternoon.   ~EW~



What Is This I Don't Even

It's December.   It's Oregon.   It's 60o outside.   WHAT IS THIS SPARTA   Clarification: I'm not saying it is cold. Not by a looooongshot. I think it is too warm for an Oregonian December. ;_;   ~EW~



Update On Life: Mark Ii

Dad- Friday night he snapped. I mean, not phisicaly snapped, but mentaly. He neraly broke a mirror, tore a wall down, destroyed several vases and such. On a tyrade, so to speak. So, of course, I yearned for some sort of combat (as I am known as a troll of a sort). So, in order to avert from a fight that and in his underwearwould likely end with a lot of red, I was forced to fut my staff away. Dad went all over outside, bearfoot and in his undies, so it was rather chilly for him. But we know that



The State Of Honesty

The State of Honesty - - - - - - - - - - Can you imagine a community where nobody can be trusted, everyone keeps an eye on everybody, and nothing is what it seems? Though easy to depict it, one cannot truly grasp the problems that would persist in such a case. Not even I, for that matter, but then, I don't have to in order to talk about it. The problem with such a community would be the fact that there is no honesty, a factor that would inevitably wreak havoc on the entire society as



Faster Internet In The Way!

So Mom and I agreed to finally order the sattalite internet service!   I made the order last friday!   They delivery and service people will be here on wednesday!   So soon I will have broadband!   ~EW~



More Water Woes

The creek is not running anymore. Thankfully, I filled in our water tanks before, so we have about 5000 gallons of water for now. I hope.   We really need to update our archaic water system.   ~EW~



Ready... Fire!

Today Drew and I had an indoors Airsoft war. He had a decent blowback spring Glock pistol, I had a semi-automatic electric pistol that could just cream him. Which I did do. Whenever I could, my gun went *WHAPapapapapap!* and his went *pop*.   It was fun!   ~EW~



I Feel Like Killing Myself

So my laptop has been giving me problems for the last few months or so. Made me pull my beard out a couple times, beat my chest in anger, devolve into a rabid ape in frustration, etc. So I decided, after much deliberation, to do a complete system restore to factory settings, the ultimate superweapon to computer software problems, and this system, being Vista, needed a superweapon.   It didn't work.   The recovery disk apparently has errors and won't finish system reinstallation, and even that




I'm so tempted to go to BrickCon.   ...   But, hypothetically speaking, if I were to go, anyone in the Oregon I-5 corridor interested in a ride in exchange for part of the gas bill?   ~EW~



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