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A Brief Note On Ben 10

Initially, I was going to go into some sort of rant about what abominations these sets are, but I've come to realize that that would be quite pointless, for a number of reasons. Instead I shall explain why I am disinclined towards them, including those reasons. It's possible, even, that this entire entry will be filled with things you already know.   First, for clarity's sake, the best adjective to describe my feelings towards them is 'disappointed.' Not in the way I was disappointed with the 2

ToM Dracone

ToM Dracone

Might As Well

Current thoughts and impressions:   I mostly like the Makuta Mistika. They're original, have mostly good designs, and the Avotoran limbs don't bother me much, but I know that's one of my eccentricities. Aside from Gorast's incongruous dark grey body (silver would make slightly more sense, to match his her claws, but black would really be best...), and Bitil's red spikes (which look fine but are odd as the only red he has), they look good overall... Krika is both an awesome new design and actual

ToM Dracone

ToM Dracone

Meet Akuna

Here's one Tohunga you probably never expected to see here, and in fact I never did either.     It's Akuna, the heroine of Torn Identities III: Torn Dimensions by CrypticIdentity. And she plays no small role in the first two either, Torn Identities and Stones of Malice. (They're great epics. You should read them.) By CI's permission, she's a background Matoran in QfLD and the whole Chronicles of Ea-Nui, one of the few female Ko-Matoran on Mata Nui in the time of the Toa. And here she is!   A

ToM Dracone

ToM Dracone

Death By Frog

A rana necatus equus mortuus medico declaratus est.   Most entertaining Latin example sentence to date. I burst out laughing as Dr. Jones wrote it on the board (the original had the horse killing the frog, but we decided that made too much sense). Translation on request, but I'd love for someone to try it first ...   I really do need to make a language category. –ToM

ToM Dracone

ToM Dracone

Yellow And Company

It never fails, I come up with a bunch of things to blog about and then forget all but a few of them when I actually have time to write...   Today's subject of discussion is the yellow Jetrax. I have gripes about it. First off, I love that there's more yellow. That in and of itself is awesome, but I don't really like the distribution it's in – it looks sort of garish to me, too bright. The arrangement doesn't put the yellow in any specific place; it's all over the vehicle, both in the lower lay

ToM Dracone

ToM Dracone

The Black Kanohi

First time I've ever been able to do this.   ________________________________________________________________ || ||   It might be a tad better with the gold Pakari on top, but that's still on my list of things to get... And I don't have six Toa heads with trans-green eyes, so I had to add in neon green. But anyway, I finally have all six of Onua's masks, so I'm quite happy about that. (Ignore the canister-stickers, though. I never took them off of most of my cans... maybe I will eventu

ToM Dracone

ToM Dracone


Wow.   My Bionicle folder now has more than thirty thousand views. That's quite a lot. I guess... um... thanks to everyone who viewed it? I should have some new MOCs up soon... I hope...   Also, we are now translating an invisibility spell from a medieval spellbook in Latin. It begins by effectively saying that not many people know how to become invisible. And then it has all sorts of strange requirements – it has to be on a Wednesday, the moon must be waxing, you must have recently cut your h

ToM Dracone

ToM Dracone

Done At Last!

Euro and Bio are OVER. At last. Two hardest exams done.   Euro could have been worse; the multiple choice was pretty easy (except for those random questions they always throw in), but the essays were terrible. One of those sets where you look at them and go "...I don't know what to do for any of these." But eventually I managed to pull together what knowledge I had on two of the subjects and got them done with some degree of proficiency... And the DBQ was an easy topic, but I don't think I orga

ToM Dracone

ToM Dracone


Just a few art-things I've done in the past week, some of which are relevant to this blog in particular...   First, Avo-Matoran using my ideas for them, since I would still absolutely adore designs like those. Pardon the lack of tools for most of them... And yes, these make use of sprites that will appear when I repost the ToM kit. (Like the masks they're wearing, all of which are either new or have been redrawn from the original sprites.)     Second, doodles of the Volitak and Araho (if an

ToM Dracone

ToM Dracone


I love snow. Especially when there's lots of it and it's fluffy and wet and quintessentially snow-looking. We're supposed to get a lot more overnight, which will hopefully mean a snow day... But even if we don't, it's still great, because it looks awesome and like a proper snowfall, which we haven't had much this winter. ^^   And there's been almost no wind, so there's a thick layer of snow over everything, including trees and bushes and making them look much more volumous than usual... quite e

ToM Dracone

ToM Dracone

They Could Be Flashier

For some of the most powerful beings to control their elements in the world, the Nuva aren't really acting like it this year. The Phantoka did have some nice moments, like Kopaka pummelling Mutran with ice or Pohatu conjuring boulders out of nowhere, but even those weren't half as powerful as what we saw the Nuva do back in 2002 and 2003.   One of my first thoughts after we learned about the Phantoka half of this year was Lewa and Kopaka teaming up to conjure a raging blizzard, or all three fly

ToM Dracone

ToM Dracone

The Sprinkler Did It

Let it be known that one of the great joys of life is running through a sprinkler on a hot day. And getting soaked as a result. My hair was completely drenched afterward because I stood under the spray and walked with it. It got me a lot of entertaining looks and was the worst after Ally's skirt...   *shakes his head and gets water everywhere* ~ToM

ToM Dracone

ToM Dracone

Aiya Aldar

So ... I have a blog.   This actually came about in an interesting manner. About a week ago, I was in Toys R Us deciding whether or not to get Toa Hahli. I was already getting the Viking Fortress (for which I have Ninjo to thank most directly), and I eventually decided not to get her, as one set that I had been wanting for ages was enough, not to mention quite euphoria-inducing by itself. I later decided that Hahli's $10 price tag, plus an additional dollar, could very well go to Premier Member

ToM Dracone

ToM Dracone

They Are Coming

We cannot get out!   ...   Sorry.   This really ought to be titled "They have come," but I couldn't resist. Because the last three little pieces have indeed come, and now Reidak is completed at last!   ~ ToM

ToM Dracone

ToM Dracone

October Nights

:: ::  The annual Halloween redecoration is begun... I may add to it some more, or tweak some of the images, but I'm quite happy with the appearance right now. I had a lot of fun with Photoshop brushes and fonts and subtler effects.   I might even like this more than the normal Le-Wahi. It goes with the feeling I get in October or so, of mystery and magic and darkness and the moon... and of course semi-bare branches are wonderfully eerie, especially with the noise they make in the wind. And i

ToM Dracone

ToM Dracone

And We're Back

In several senses of the word. The winter decorations are back up, I'm back here on BZP... and an awful lot of things have happened since I last blogged here.   My life has been extraordinarily busy for the past month. I've had a research paper, several other papers, massive amounts of homework, an all-weekend camping trip with my earth science class (in 30ºF weather). I bought three scarves. I've spent more than a couple nights staying up until 5 AM talking about, in a word, love. I could go i

ToM Dracone

ToM Dracone

The Onset Of Midterms

It's that time of the year again. From Tuesday to Thursday this week, I have midterms, and for perhaps the first time in my life I'm actually a bit worried about them. AP Bio especially.   Tuesday: Latin ~ Probably an easy test, but studying for it is exhausting, because it requires reading about 800 lines of the Aeneid in two days... Euro ~ Not sure... I'm fairly confident that I know what I need to for it (in this case, studying = reading through my notebook), but I also don't remember what

ToM Dracone

ToM Dracone

A Lesson From Politics?

People are much more inclined to cooperate with you, even if they disagree, when you personally serve them cookies.   This has applications in many aspects of life. I think it works along the same principles as why it's much harder to insult or slander someone or other such unkind things when you're saying it to them in person than with some sort of distance between you.   (and if anyone starts talking about politics I will have to hurt you.) ~ ToM

ToM Dracone

ToM Dracone

White Is In The Winter Night

Finally! I had hoped to make all of these new images about a month ago, but then I kept having a ton of other things to do, and I only got to them yesterday. They aren't very tree-ish, but they'll do. I was going to include some of the frozen trees from Ko-Koro somewhere, but in the end they never looked quite as good as the rest, since the nearly pure white behind them wasn't as dramatic as the blues from other things...   So we'll just have to do with Ko-Wahi until spring gets here. There are

ToM Dracone

ToM Dracone

The First Rain Of Spring

Hm hm hm, it finally rained today... went outside in it and enjoyed myself, just got back in a few minutes ago. It reminded me of why I love rain and spring so much – rain turns every color vibrant and rich, from delightful greens to even making asphalt a pleasing shade of deep grey. And of course everything is shiny and sparkling, too, even under a cloudy sky...   And then it's just amazing what can happen in spring. In just three days, the trees have become twice as green, our cherry trees ha

ToM Dracone

ToM Dracone

Senior Skip Day

My school has a tradition that, one day of the year, none of the seniors come to school. That day is also always the day of the Senior Prank(s). It's usually quite interesting – depending on the quality of the pranks – and then there's always an interesting few minutes halfway through the day when all the Seniors show up in cars and drive around and around the school, horns blaring.   Since half my friends are seniors, and I spent most of yesterday afternoon with a bunch of them (seeing The Mer

ToM Dracone

ToM Dracone

Integral Of Cake

We basically took the integral of a cake in Calculus on Monday. It was interesting. And then we ate it. All of it, which made Marc and Henry feel sick and left Dani and I stuffed, even though the two of us were much more reasonable and moderate in our portion sizes...   And the reason I'm posting this today is because my internet's been wonky all week and pretty much died around 5 or 6 on Monday, then again on Tuesday (though it worked earlier on Tuesday), which was before I had gotten around t

ToM Dracone

ToM Dracone

The Mahri Revisited

Now that the Mahri are occuring in stores, they have an amazing mini-site and animations of their own, and there's been plenty of time for my opinions on them to stew since their appearance at ToyFair, I figured I'd post my current thoughts on them.   Jaller – Ho hum. Not bad, but not exceptionally good either. I might get him – I never got Jaller Inika, so his Inika bits (the many of them) would be effectively new for my purposes... and the orange double-sockets I could use.   Kongu – Take th

ToM Dracone

ToM Dracone

About Those Names

So, that thing about trends in the names from 2001-2 I mentioned a earlier. Specifically relating to two consonantal sounds: f/v and s/z.   V was all over the place in 2001, but f much less so. This led me, in considering the name "Faxon," to wonder whether it was a question of the following vowel that determined whether the hard v or soft f were used; for instance diphthongs like ai or au or stronger vowels like a or o or, apparently, u. For instance, Vakama, Vuata Maca, and Amana Volo, contra

ToM Dracone

ToM Dracone

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