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Philosophical Questions:

-- If you do something right, will people know you've done anything at all?   -- If there is no heaven or heck, are we in purgatory?   -- If a tree falls in the forest, and no-one's around to hear it, does it make a sound?   -- If reincarnation exists, will we remember anything from a past life?   -- If we spend our entire life without regret, will we die happy?   -- If we spend our entire life watching Futurama, does anybody care?  

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

I Am Sad.

I'm not sad that I'm sick today. I'm not sad because I haven't posted in my blog for a while. I'm not sad that my dog was just "snipped". I'm not sad because I missed the last Friday of school where we get out early. I'm not sad because The Office was a repeat. I'm not sad that my throught is sore. I'm not sad because Heroes is on hiatus. I am sad because no-one posts in my blog anymore. That is what makes me sad.

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

The Norik Zone...

You are now entering an area adjacent to a location, where you might find a monster, or a weird mirror. The second one. Prepare to enter: The Norik Zone.....     Please find enclosed "The Parallel Prophecy". Norik's Prophecy. What you might call an every day member has just made an interesting and unfortunate discovery. He has awakened in the 91st century, where the human race has been overrun by enormous computers.     They disabled his BZPower account, and had exterminated a

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

First Line!

Back from the Bar-Mitzvah. I left at around 11:45. Stupid cotton-candy machine broke. No, seriously, it was boring. And awkward. 'Cause I ran into a girl who was in my class in elementary, and we hadn't seen each other for nine months. It was weird. I fell asleep at 2:11, then I got up at 10:48. My schedule's so messed up.   Visorak Cooper might be coming over today, but I dunno. Bleh.   Behold! The first line from my novel, Dreamwave:   There's nothing quite like waking up and not knowing

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik


I am writing a novel! It's a sci-fi fiction about how the world is so sped up, you can't sleep. So, instead, you get wired up into this machine that dreams for you. If you've read "The Reality Bug", it's like that. The machines, I mean. The plot's completely different. I call it: DREAMWAVE. Bow down to the Dreamwave! Yeah, I know I'm just in high-school, but it's been my dream to write a novel. Or become a cartoonist. I'm happy either way.     It stopped snowing, and it's nearly waist-deep.

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

It's Been A While, Hasn't It?

Woah. I haven't updated my blog in, like, forever. Not since Florida. I've been back since Sunday, so that means I need to fill you in....   SUNDAY: Planes, planes, and more planes. My ankle was in pain for no reason, so I had trouble walking. Nothin' much happened on the plane, but we got stuck in 'taxi' mode when we landed. So we were stuck for 30 minutes. Bummer. Then we saw the Oscars, woohoo to The Departed! (I've gotta see that movie....)   MONDAY: My ankle was killing me and I couldn't

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

I've Been Drugged!

I bet your all thinking: "Oh my goodness! NP's been drugged by someone trying to destroy humanity!" If you weren't thinking that, well shame on you. Also, if you weren't thinking that, you'd be correct. Whadya know. Yesterday, I had a killer headache, eyeache, and my nose wouldn't stop dripping. I think it was my grandmother's idea to give me a Benadrill. NEVER TAKE A BENADRILL. I took it, my aching stopped, as did my nose. I felt great. I logged on to BZPower, made a few posts, then things

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik


Well, it's not yesterday anymore. It's today! But what is today but yesterday's tomorrow? Ungh, I hate being philosophical in the morning.... Today shall probably be a rich, full day. Full of swimming..... and fun..... and my mom needs a desperate break, so we're probably going to see a movie. LOST: We got nowhere in the story. So what, Kate and Sawyer made it back to the island? So what, Jack saved Juliette? The only good thing was that we now know what Jack's tatoos mean: "He walks among u

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

Outer Space Potato Man

Today, something rather odd happened. An odd pod from the sky (presumably outer space) crash landed into my grandparents' condominium's pool. It sizzled and cracked until it cooled off, which left, by that time, not much water left in the pool. The pod had absorbed it like some sort of... Evil veggie. I dunno..... The pod sprouted tiny strands of what looked like roots, and, using them as a propeller mechanism, swam itself over to the pool's ladder. The little thing popped up over the edge. I

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

Dose Darn Ellipses (...)

Ooh! Ooh! Yesterday, I saw a turtle, seven really big fish, dozens of birds, four lizards, and a gator in the lake in my grandparents condominium area! Whoopie! Well, I'm leaving my grandparents for West Palm Beach in 10 minutes. So, before I get into the car for three hours, let me tell you a story.....   Once upon a time, there were ellipses.   ...   These ellipses hated mankind.   ...   So the evil ellipses (...) invaded the computers of Earth (...) and caused countless humans to put ".

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik


Yup. I'm in my grandparents' appartment's computer room, and, yes, it's in Florida. But first, let's give a little update. I arrived in Orlando Thursday night at around 10:15. Really late. We checked into our hotel (Holiday Inn Express) and fell asleep instantly. For those of you who don't know, I'm travelling with my dad right now. At around 10:30 AM, Friday, we visited my dad's friend. That's where I was able to blog on Friday. Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd then we went to MGM studios. It was so

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik


I'm in Florida! Yay!   Now, let me tell you something: I almost ended up in Alaska. Yup. My dad went to the wrong gate at the airport, so I was almost flying on Inuit Air. Dang. Well, the flight went through Toronto, after an hour on the plane. Then we ended up flying for 3 hours to Florida, but at least we had TV. The Office, Scrubs, and 30 Rock. Booyah. We're about to leave to MGM studios, yay.   ~Shadow Lurker~

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

So Long!

magna Two words: Snow Day. Hahahaha! I got to sleep, and I''m heading to FLORIDA! Haha! Which means I probably won't be able to update my blog unless there's a computer in the hotel. I dunno. Anyway, I gotta get ready to leave, so, as my last words, I shall say: Frabbalackawoopdydoo.     .....       Wait, wait, wait. The flight was delayed. My dad says that we actually won't be leaving until 3:00.   Frabbalackawoopdydoo.

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik


Tired- need sleep. Can't sleep. Blogging..... Augh...... Tomorrow I'm flying to Florida...... 10 days in Florida...... Yay....... Boy, is it snowing. Take a look at the new content block- it's an animation! LOST - So cool. Desmond relived his past, 2 years ago during the explosion. Charlie's gonna die eventually, I wonder how... Next week is the day that Cindy and the kids return... I bet that they were brainwashed, just like Carl. Gotta go now..... Tired..... But can't sleep. Wanna sleep,

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

Happy Valentines Day!

Yes, Valentine's day. Where couples exchange kisses and express how much they love eachother. Unfortunately, I do not yet have a girlfriend, so for now I just make cards for my family... *sigh* I'm so lonely.....     Anyway, today we got out at 12:26, so that was good. Easy math test 2nd period, and snow. Lots of snow. Unfortunately, it didn't start snowing until 6:00, so there wasn't enough to cause a snow day. Now there is, but it's too late.... Dang. Tomorrow I don't care, 'cause I'll be i

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik


Terrible, TERRIBLE day. Got 2 hours of sleep.... That darn 24.... But it was cool.... French test first period. Probably failed. Ungh. My mom was late to pick me up, so I was outside in the cold waiting for 20 minutes. *sigh*   But the Marhi rock. Lost is tomorrow. Thursday I'm going to Florida.   Member of today be: .:STABE:.

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik


Well, because a picture of Gadunka has been posted in the news, I can actually get this pic back up! Yeah! Also, today we had a public speaking tournament. A kid in my class made it to the finals, but he didn't win. He talked about Charlie the dog . Yeah.   The grim ripper.

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

Today.... And Yesterday.

Well, to start things off, congrats to **Kalmah Forever**. Huzzah *throws cheap confetti*.   Well, I've pretty much wasted the first half of today sleeping and watching Futurama. Go Zoidberg. Anyway, I just finished the homework for monday, and now I feel as if I must tell a story..... Pull up a chair! Once aupon a time, (yesterday), I was walking my dog, when we spotted a large metal object in the middle of the street. It was surrounded by what looked like chunks of the street, which was tru

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

A Day Not To Remember.

Well, it hasn't been a very exciting day so far. Au contraire, I bored. Congratulations to today's member: Master Howl. 'Kay. I've been helping to clean the house for some random people since 10:15. Then we had lunch. Whoopie, exciting. I'm waiting for my friend to come over now. He's like, 10 minutes late. Some of you may know him as Visorak Cooper.   That's about it.   And Live from (place), it's not SATURDAY NIGHT YET! Yup. Tonight's Saturday Night Live. Can't wait.

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

Some Members, Gadunka, A Mark And A Poofy Dress...

Well, let's start with the mark, shall we? Okay. Well, today I g ot my term marks back.... And let me say that I dropped only 0.1% from last term! Oh! Awwww.... Anyway, you may have noticed that I said: 'Some members'. Well, let's just say that I've been drawing for every single period today. Haha. Behold! GMan:   Lyger: Huzzah.   Now, you probably noticed that I said: "Gadunka". It's not a leaked pic. Don't worry. I just caught a glimpse of the leaked pic, and drew it. It doesn't have to

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

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