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As most of you know, the debate that was scheduled for last Saturday night had to be postponed. I did my best to contact all parties involved and reschedule it at a date suitable for everyone. Finally, I set it on Wednesday, the twelfth (tomorrow night) at 8:00 EST.   I hope you all can make it! I'm really looking forward to it.   -JG

Jedi Gali

Jedi Gali


Due to circumstances out of my control, the debate that began tonight kept getting pushed back and delayed to the point where it got too late for me to finish it tonight. Eh, it's okay. We all have lives.   But, I assure you it will take place in the next few days!   I'll let you know as soon as I determine when it will be. Hope you'll tune in!   -JG

Jedi Gali

Jedi Gali

Live Debates!

Coming soon to a blog near you...   As I mentioned before, I will be hosting live debates between two members to discuss an issue. I would like to announce that the first is scheduled for this upcoming Saturday evening, November 8th, at 9:00 EST. The topic? Which BIONICLE year is better: '01 or '08? The debaters? The distinguished members Sorek and Exo-Fat will meet here to defend their point of view.   One thing I'd like beforehand is this: Please keep all comments to yourself while t

Jedi Gali

Jedi Gali

The Big Night!

After what, months of campaigning and darned TV ads, election night is finally here. And after all the nasty lies and debates, the people have voted. (All over 18 that is. . . If only I could've voted!)   What happens today in this election, will I believe, affect the entire world. Just look at the recent economic crisis. What happened to markets around the world? In this time of wars and rumors of wars, we need a strong leader to lead the US ahead.   But, whichever candidate is chose

Jedi Gali

Jedi Gali

'art' From Me...

Yeah, I put the 'art' in quotation marks for a reason.   I just wanted to alert your attention to the new welcome pic I whipped up tonight. The old one looked kind of... dumb, pathetic, or whatever word you wish to use. Personally, I think this is a step up. I hope. Oh, and let me just tell you that I didn't actually draw that pic of Gali. I pulled it from Bionicle Sector01.   I just wish I were as good at computer and graphics as some people here. Oh well.   -JG

Jedi Gali

Jedi Gali

*jedi Mind Trick* Click I Say!

Who of you loves a good discussion? Do you get in trouble with your parents for arguing? Do you have a way with words and writing? Are you good at presenting your point of view?   Me, I enjoy discussing issues and ideas with friends and other people. And in addition, I've been interested in the recent political debates. That led me to the idea of hosting live debates in my blog. You read write. Real, live debates between two members in my blog.   The issues discussed will be varied.

Jedi Gali

Jedi Gali

Political Poll

So this year, Election 2008, I've been following both candidates and am aware of all that's going on. I've watched or listened to parts of the debates and have strong convictions on the various issues. Now I won't go in depth on any of that since it's not allowed and I don't care to start a flame war.   By the way, I support John McCain. (I won't say any more than that. )   But I'm curious. How many teenagers are out there that are interested in and follow politics like me?   If you

Jedi Gali

Jedi Gali


I don't like being sick. Headache, fever, backache, gah. Heh, who does? But, it's especially hard at school where there's no comfy bed or couches to rest on. Desks aren't exactly ideal for sleeping or resting. I mean, as I was outside, the grass looked so nice. I was trying to imagine what other students would think if they saw some girl lying on the grass.   Well, at least I'm feeling a little better now. I love Tylenol!   So, I took the PSAT today. Thankfully, I wasn't feeli

Jedi Gali

Jedi Gali

No One Wants To See This...

I'm sure everyone is getting sick of these story updates. Yet, I couldn't resist....   Hey, you there! In the blue shirt! You look bored! Need a great read? Love epics? Then this is for you! Come and get it while it's hot! Chapter six of the virtually unknown epic, To Be or Not To Be is up NOW! That's right, folks! Freshly written and off the press! With an assorted array of sad and sweet, seriousness and hilarity, this is as varied an epic you can get. So that's right, you know

Jedi Gali

Jedi Gali

Getcha Head In The Game!

Anyone familiar with the song-title of my entry? Did I just say something in treespeak?   But, as I was saying, shouldn't all teenage guys on a BIONICLE site know High School Musical? If you don't... shame. What is wrong with our culture these days??     So I should change the entry title to Get my head in the mood! I really, really want to finish my epic To Be or Not To Be. I mean, I've been working on it for sooo long. So, in order to finish it soon, I really ought to get cha

Jedi Gali

Jedi Gali

Whee For Homework!

Anyone notice the sarcasm? I don't enjoy homework that much... One thing I don't like are word searches. I have one for my Spanish class that's due in a few days and gah I'm terrible at them. You guys might be thinking, "Easy! I wish I had that!" But for me, I just can't pick out the words easily. I have to go slowly. "Pajaro? P, p, p, where's a p? Ooh, now I have to look at all the surrounding letters to find an a."   Yeaaaah, laugh all you want.   Oh, and then I have to make a b

Jedi Gali

Jedi Gali

'splaing Bionicle In School...

I haven't talked about BIONICLE in school much, only mentioned stories I've written to my best friends. Never to just random (not entirely) people I don't know well. So of late, I've been talking to my friend about my SS, Confessions of a Dark Hunter, written about above. I mentioned to her today in English class that I had finished it, and so as we were talking, another girl was listening. It turns out she wants to read it and then another girl wanted to read it.   I'm thinkin', "You'r

Jedi Gali

Jedi Gali

*jedi Mind Trick* You Want To Click...

Well, if you're reading this, my mind trick worked.   Anyhoo, for the past week or so, I've been busy writing a short story. In my opinion, it's the best SS I've written yet... Even though I haven't written too many. But this story, Confessions of a Dark Hunter, I'll admit is for a blog contest.   I'll be honest. It's one massive short story. Over 4000 words. Yeah. I spent a lot of time working on this. It was kind of funny really. If I had a spare minute in a class, I'd whip out

Jedi Gali

Jedi Gali

Randomness... Whee!

Yeah, I just like adding an entry, so this might be sorta random, jumbled sentences. But wait, isn't that what they're always like?   Oh! Anyone ever see the Broadway musical 'Wicked'? I haven't, but heard it's really good. I say this, because right now, I'm listening to the song, Defying Gravity. I also love 'Popular'. So hilarious.   Sometime in the future, I'm planning on hosting a blog contest. Since I don't Moc or draw, it will be short story contest. So I'm asking you, th

Jedi Gali

Jedi Gali

New Content Block

Today I realized there was something I needed to do. I had put it off for too long. Ready to hear it?   I cleaned out my inbox. It had been nearing 70% full and I knew it would have to be done sometime. So I ransacked through it and deleted hundreds of PM's. The end result, you may ask? I got it down to 28%... but I haven't finished yet. I know you're wondering what this has to do with the title. It does, trust me. B)   So anyhow, during my rampage, I came across a PM from Arch-An

Jedi Gali

Jedi Gali

Imma Bad Driver...

Blech. So today, I was doing a driving exercise in my Driver's Ed class. So after the first person in my car goes around the range several times, I get in the drivers seat. In my first time around, as I'm weaving in and out of cones, I cut it a leeeetle bit close and knocked one over.   For anyone who's been in Driver's Ed, that's not cool. It's like... say, hitting a person in real life. Yeah, and I just had to do it. So the coach yells at me to stop the car, so I do. And then I have to

Jedi Gali

Jedi Gali

12 Angry Men

When I was younger, I had certain preconceived notions about various things. Many of them were about movies. And so this, 12 Angry Men, was like, number one on my list of movies not to see. I just knew that there were no girls and that the entire (mainly) movie was set in one room. Yes, I said one room.   So naturally, I didn't want to see it. I didn't ever think I would see it. But then, one Saturday night, there it was on TV. Since I don't have cable, there aren't too many other opti

Jedi Gali

Jedi Gali

We're Still Fighting

It's been seven years since that fateful day. Seven years since two planes crashed into the Twin Towers and killed so many Americans. So much time has passed and so many things have happened in that time. It's so easy to forget that event that caused the death of mothers and fathers, sons and daughters, brothers and sisters. It's even easier for those of us who weren't affected directly. But just because we don't always remember that day and the war that is being fought to protect our land,

Jedi Gali

Jedi Gali

My Children!

Haha, I couldn't pass up the chance to use that as a title. I'd love to see the looks on your faces... But that's the dramatic side of me coming through. So, I told you I'd let you know when "my children", aka BIONICLE sets, were returned from a sevenish month loan. And guess what? I got 'em back!!! Yeah, it was a few weeks ago, but still. And I didn't even have to break any noses or anything. Now I can set up decent scenes on my dresser again...   On another note, for my English cla

Jedi Gali

Jedi Gali

My Attempt At Art

I'm no artist. Never have been. The extent of my abilities is stick figures, flowers, and simple things such as that. Today in English, I was supposed to draw a dog (don't ask ) and so I did. Later, a girl leaned over and said, "It looks like a cat." Ya' see? And people? Oh, never! I mean, I've tried but rarely are they decent looking. Once when I felt in a drawing mood, I drew a human version of Sunari, a made-up villainess from the Epics Contest Four that I entered. It was one of my

Jedi Gali

Jedi Gali

Give Me A Break! Nah, I'll Just Take A Break...

*Hums that one KitKat song to self*     Anywho, I have a pretty creative mind. As some of you may know, I've written lots of epics, SS's, and even a comedy here on BZPower. But my problem is not finishing things. It's not like I've stopped writing them, rather that I add a new chapter once every few months to each story.   So what am I going to do? FINISH THEM ALL! THEY MUST BE FINISHED!!     As I was saying, I definitely want to complete every single one of my stories. But here

Jedi Gali

Jedi Gali

Homework Music

I don't know about you guys, but when I do my homework, it helps to listen to music. I know I would do fine without it, it just makes the process that much more enjoyable. So whether it be an essay I'm writing, Spanish verbs I'm conjugating, or flash cards I'm making, I like to turn the good 'ol CD player on. (And no, I don't have an Ipod, MP3, or small music-playing gadget.)   As I'm making this entry, I'm also working on some English and listening to 'Across the Stars' from Attack of the C

Jedi Gali

Jedi Gali

Kopeke: "..."

Yeah, maybe that title isn't very specific. Can you guess what the entry is going to be about?   No?   Fine, I'll tell you. I know I mentioned the Mata-Nui Olympics epic that I'm co-writing several times, but I'm really excited because I posted the second chapter today. My sister wrote both the prologue and the first chapter so it was cool to put one of my own up.   So you still haven't figured out what Kopeke has to do with this?   Well, this chapter is from Kopeke's point of view. It w

Jedi Gali

Jedi Gali

Huzzah For Permits!

Y'know how I was talking about studying for my permit test? Well, today I went to the DMV and took the necessary tests...and amazingly, I passed and got my permit!!! Woot!   This means the start of my driving 'training'. That ought to be fun... "BRAKE!" "THAT'S A RED LIGHT!" "TURN RIGHT, NOT LEFT!"     Look out, here I come!!   -JG

Jedi Gali

Jedi Gali

A Record For Bzpower?

So today, I have a hunch I might be setting a record for BZP. Maybe not, but I've never seen it done before. If you go to the epics forum, you'll find four topics started by Jedi Gali, all in a row. To put it simply, I'm posting a new chapter in two of my epics. Yeaaaah, one epic is left out.   Though both written by me, they're sort of different. Chapter 10 of Toa United is mainly a battle, while chapter 12 of Toa of the New Republic is a heated debate and practically all dialog.   I

Jedi Gali

Jedi Gali

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