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Mata-nui Olympics!...chapter 1

So before, I mentioned that my siblings (Israeli Toa and The White Lady) and I are writing a story about the Olympics on Mata-Nui. It's been a lot of fun 'playing' them and writing the chapters as well.   I just wanted to let you all know that the first chapter is up! My sis wrote it, and did so very well I must say. If you're looking for something lighthearted and fun to read, I think you'll enjoy this story.   And meanwhile, I've been working on some of my own stories. I've got one chapt

Jedi Gali

Jedi Gali

Gali's Makeover!

2nd pic 3rd pic   I told you I'd get pictures! The background could be better but at least they're not blurry. I changed the weapons and some of the limbs. I wanted to put a lot more blue in because she barely looked like a water Toa before...Guess where I got the pieces from??? My brother's Vahki Bordahk! (He does have two of them)   So please, tell me what you think! I do think she looks a little better, but I want to know your opinion.   -JG

Jedi Gali

Jedi Gali


Since the Opening Ceremonies, I've watched the Olympic Games and have followed the medal count. It's been a lot of fun to watch, especially the swimming and gymnastics. Maybe it's been so exciting because I couldn't do what those Olympians do. Well, I do swim a fair amount, but gymnastics??? You've got to be kidding me. I can't even do a cartwheel!   I have been supporting the United States throughout all of it and will continue to. But, I still think it's so cool how all these countr

Jedi Gali

Jedi Gali

Come And View 'em While They're Hot!

Anywho, I just wanted to draw your attention to one of my custom content blocks. In case you hadn't noticed, I started one called 'Movie Scene of the Week'. What I do is simple. I look up the exact quotes to a scene I like and then add a little description to 'em. The last one I did was from A New Hope where Han was talking to the Imperial over the com in the detention level.   But I love the current one. It's so hilarious in the movie. You guys (and girls) remember that part??   So

Jedi Gali

Jedi Gali

First Bionicle Since '06!

So yesterday, I bought my first my BIONICLE since Hakaan in '06. Wow, it's been a long time. Since I've gotten both Gali Olda and Gali Nuva in the past, I had to buy Gali Mistika.   Building it, was an adventure to say the least. First of all, I dumped the pieces on a shaggy rug, which the instructions specifically say not to do. Oops. Then while building, I had some problems getting pieces to fit on right. My brother looked at it and finally figured out that I put something on backw

Jedi Gali

Jedi Gali

Driving! *crash*

So, I've been studying for my permit of late and it is really tedious work. I mean, there are so many rules and regulations that have to be followed. But what makes it confusing is that there are exceptions to those rules. So many things to remember. Ahhh!!! I think my brain is going to explode...   But then once I get past the test, I'm going to get behind the wheel. Yikes. My dad is going to teach me but it still seems pretty scary. It would not be cool if I crashed the car. Heh. Th

Jedi Gali

Jedi Gali

Fbi, Local Police? I'd Like To File A Missing Persons Report...

Missing persons? Nah, that's not the correct term. It's more like Borrowed Persons...Rather borrowed toys.   So a few months ago, on the fourteenth of February, a large containerful of BIONICLE sets were taken/borrowed from me. I first mentioned this when I created a topic about it. (Don't revive that topic!!!)But now on the twenty-sixth of July, my sets have not been returned to me...   What to do? That is the question. I mean, I can't just walk up to the kid and demand them back.

Jedi Gali

Jedi Gali


Of all the sports that can be played, basketball, baseball, soccer; my favorite would have to be football. So a few nights ago, I played a game of two-hand touch with a bunch of guys. Let me note that I was the only girl playing. It was tons of fun, even though my team did end up losing by a touchdown or two. Amazingly, I actually got the first touchdown. But on a sad note, I missed most of the other passes thrown to me...*Sigh*   I also did a lot of defending and chasing people all over

Jedi Gali

Jedi Gali

Narnia: Prince Caspian...the Official Review

So last week, I think it was Saturday, I went to see Prince Caspian in the theater. Now I've read the books and I've seen the first movie a number of times. Actually, I'm going to see the first again tonight but that's hardly the point is it?   I've heard many negative comments as well as some positive. If you like things to be strictly canon and want the writers of a movie to stick to the book, tough luck. They definitely changed and added alot to this movie. The White Witch was in it bri

Jedi Gali

Jedi Gali

Ahh! I Can't Get 'em Out Of My Head!

Does anyone ever get songs stuck in their head? 'Cuz my sis sings a lot and she is always, and I mean always, getting a large variety of songs stuck in my head, where they play over and over. It's my fault too, I suppose because I tend to listen to songs repeatedly. Maybe that's not such a great idea...But then again, it's not always such a bad thing. If I ever want to annoy someone, I can just start singing.   The current song is Reach for the Stars, the first few lines. But by the time

Jedi Gali

Jedi Gali

I'm A Highschooler!

First off, I apologize for not posting for...months? Banjon Wildlough reminded me of that today. On to the entry.   Woah! Before, I was homeschooled and took a class or two at the public middle school. But now, now I'm in the public high school full time!!! It's a lot different. For example, tonight I had (have) homework in two classes, two quizzes to study for, and a test to study for. I'm sure you sixteen and seventeen year olds are thinking, "That little Freshie knows nothing! I'

Jedi Gali

Jedi Gali

Ah! The Lazy, Hazy Days Of Summer

This is that time of year, when exams are finished and school is out. This is the time when we sit around, drink lemonade, and do all those things we never had time to do before....Like recently, I made a goal of getting four hundred posts before my two year anniversary-*glancing at post count*-not gonna happen. I also told myself that I would add a chapter to each of my current stories. Such as Toa United, To Be Or Not To Be, The Toa Go Surfing. If you know me and how long it takes for me

Jedi Gali

Jedi Gali

Backround On My Blog Name

This is my first blogging experience so my first few entries may not be too great. I love reading and writing so I'll probably spend more time in this section of Bzpower.   The White City Bigger picture   My blog name comes from The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien. Some of you may not know anything thing about the Tower of the Sun, so I decided to share some information with you. A picture is above. The Tower of the Sun is in the heart of the city of Minas Tirith, which in turn is

Jedi Gali

Jedi Gali

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