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Bobsledding Requires Three Things...

Strength, Courage, and a Guy named Bob.     Seriously, the special features on the How to Train Your Dragon bonus disk are awesome. The Viking Winter Olympics are hilarious.       Oh, and I get to go to a Tenth Avenue North concert tonight! I won't get back untill 1 in the morning, but that's what you get when you live in the middle of nowhere...



That's Just Us.

So i went into Subway today, trying to track down a sibling who had taken the wrong bus, when i heard a screech outside. I looked out, and saw that their had been a car accident. the car that was most damaged was smashed on the front end. the car it ran into, a greyback bus, didn't have a scratch, as far as i could tell. I stepped back inside to make a phone call, and when i came out five minutes later, the cars were moved and traffic was flowing normaly. no traffic jam. no injuries. no flahsing



Looking Back...

Looking back, I see my life, written on the screen, preserved in time, for all to see....   I see joy, pain, happiness, sadness, surprise, anger, and a host of other emotions that are indescribable to all...   One entry still makes me cry when I read it. Others make me laugh. Some remind me of all the wonderful times I've had.   I wonder how time can go by so fast. how an entry written only two years ago can seem like it was made an eternity away...   I wonder, above all, how we can be so n



Young Life

last night was my first night of Young Life. essentially, a bunch of kids (normally high-schoolers) get together and goof around, like playing music, games, and just playing around. It was a lot of fun. afterward, a lot of us went over to the local Dairy Queen for ice cream. I've been asked to come to Young Life several times before, but I always had homework, or chores, or I just didn't want to come. and now, I won't stop. it's just so much fun!



Greetings From Freeport!

Hello everyone! I just had another wonderful and interesting day, and I want to tell you all about it right now. Unfortunately, I did not get the chance to tell you about yesterday. So today will have to wait, while I tell you about yesterday. Yesterday we arrived in freeport, and we had a blast. We spen the morning in breakfast, and met some new people. I do not remember their names, and I don’t think I will until I get them all and write them down. Anyway, at about 2:00 we got off the boat



Some Interesting Facts...

some are about my dog, others are just random facts.   i made a pan of brownies, and they dissapeared within twenty-four hours, or less my dog has a great liking for my brother's clothes, i've seen her dragging it around. Deer are a common thing in town right now. i just saw one in the backyard, and i live on main street. as far as i know, there have not been any forest fires around here, which is a good thing. my cat bullies my dog, who bullies my other cat, who bullies the neighbor's cat,



Can We Please Go To Brickcon?

yes, i may be able to go to brickcon. i have been begging my dad to take me and my brother, the only problem is transportation. normaly it would't be a problem, but since mom busted our two-or-three-people-going-away-for-the-weeked car, it's harder. (the honda got excellent mileage where we live. so either we don't go, or we sell our old car and buy a new small one.   even if we go, we'll only do the public excibition, because you have to be able to 18 to attend the full convention, and even th



First Lego League Troubles

yes, i am in first lego leauge again, for my final year. and so far, it isn't looking to good. the robot does not have one finished program (altough we're pretty close) the project isn't done (i need everyone together to make the video.) and our new coach does not crack the whip when it comes to the boys. she has no clue what she's doing, and she's way in over her head. at least when we started the team two years ago, with my mom as coach, none of us have a clue what we were doing. but this year



Christmas Tree Blues

yes, it is still early december and we are setting up our artificial christmas tree. which, of course, is stored in the attic, and the door to the attic is in my bedroom. whoopee.   and to add salt to the wound of privacy, since mom had to go make dinner, guess who got to help set up the tree? (they may be artificial, but those branches hurt.)   our lego league team did not do very well at the qualifying tournament yesterday. I made two programs there as an on the spot thing, and ironicaly, th




A lot of people are celebrating centennial-plus birthdays today... 46, to be precise.   weird.           And I completed Phantom Hourglass!




uh... HI!   gotta go.     Jalina sighed. she was totaly bored. it was raining, she had watched all her movies, and all her books had been confiscated by her brother. she could not wait for her surprise next week. or her grades in the mail. she thought about a drawing for the school paper, but she couldn't draw to save her life. finaly, she came up with one thing; her guitar. she made her way up to her room and pulled it out. after tuning it, she began to pick a 3/4 time tune, that macthed th




I Joined.   If anyone wants to be my writing buddy, I'm Artisan J. I'm working on my story right now, and I think it's coming along good.



Jignle Snow, Frozen Toes, And Somethings Screwy With The Fourms!

well, i am currently sitting at the computer, enjoying a warm fireploace, indiana jones and the last crusade playing in the backround. here's a memory from earlier, in the form of the song. *ahem*   jingle snow, frozen toes, mommy ate an egg! i wiped out 'bout fifteen times and my sled almost got away-ay!   oh! jingle snow, frozen toes, mommy ate an egg! i am tired of singing now, so i'll finish another day!   i came back to find a wierd suprise on BZP. apparenty, links to all the pos



The First Annual Ccc Awards!

It has started! Nominations are taking place now, and will go until the 15th of February. I may consider an extension if three weeks seems a little short.   Feel free to nominate your favorite comedy. You can even nominate your own!   Here's the topic. Nominate away!     And actually, I did get the Kindle. I've heard the most about it.     Now I just have to study for finals...




I dressed up as Catwoman. My costume, for one that was put together from scratch, was pretty good. the high heels really hurt, though.   My BFF Numi dressed up as Batgirl. we followed my siblings trick-or-treating (mom wouldn't let us T-O-T. we had to stand on the street and watch.) and did a lot of walking.   it was fun. but I was going to do some pranks on some friends....   I can't wait for next year.




I can't wait to start working on my webcomic again, but I'm pretty much crunched for time until soccer's over. Until then, google it and check it out. I'd love to hear what you think!   Oh, and I got my SAT scores. Did pretty good... I think. I won't get the details for almost another week. >_>   I get my Senior Pictures tomorrow!




Or: Why TinkerTech should not be allowed near a sketch pad.     I'm really happy with how Toa Gali turned out.



To Snowboard Or To Ski, That Is The Question.

hey, i'm back. i'll make this quick, i want to get to bed after getting up at five in the morning.   i got to go on the ski and snowboard trip the school has, so i decided to try snowboarding., after about an hour or two, i decided i wanted to try skiing, isnce i perfer having more control. yes, i crashed a lot, but i succeded in making a crashless run on my last try, if you don't count getting away from the tow rope.   anyway, i better get to bed. i'm tired, and i need sleep!




okay, enough sappy stuff. time for good news.   Homecoming was last night. As the sophmore class princess, I, of course, had to attend. I stood in the cold for half an hour with out a jacket. finally my car arrived, and i dove into the nice, warm backseat, semi-ruined by the fact that the car was a convertible. Then all the princesses got together for a group picture. we then realized we had all dressed in the school colors (red and black) with out meaning to.   Half-time came. we all piled in



Laughin' Man Was In My Computers Workbook!

I'm serious! in my computers workbook was the name Talbot, L.M. Laughin' Man's Initials are L.M. therefore, he was in my computers workbook.   kinda like when he (Laughin' Man) found Omicron(sp?) in his math book.



Is back!

So BIONICLE's Coming back.       ...Yeah, I'm a little excited. Dunno how much of a presence I will have on the forums though. I got this really complicated thing called a life while I was gone. It includes college, a production, a part-time job, and taking care of your very own house! (Roommates sold separately.)   I may not be frequenting the forums as often as I used to (at least after the novelty wears off) but I'll hang around a little. I'm also updating my profile and stuff to reflect chan



Clone Wars

i got to see the clone wars today. it was awsome! the music, the animation, the story, it was all amazing! but i personaly think the best part was the separitist droids. they got more of a personality in this movie. here are some examples:   Droid 1:"fire in sector ################### ( forgot the numbers)" Droid 2:"fire in sector#####... what was it again?" Droid 1: "just fire over there!"   (the droids are trying to hack into a door lock) Droid 1: "the blue one?" Droid 2: "no!" Droid 1:




the all-state honor choir results have still not come in, so i don't know if i am in all-state or not. it's driving me crazy!   oh. and i like the new staff fad. i've hardly ever watched batman, but it's still cool. wonder what they will do next...



Farmers And Pirates

another day, another blog, and another cahnce to relive myself of stress and preserve memories.   the other day, i showed my little sisters My lego Network, and they started doing it. i am not sure it was a good idea, because ever since, the younger of the two has been thouroughly convinced that farmer john is her uncle.   yesterday was a fun day. we went all the way to a neighboring state so we could watch a great movie; the pirates who don't do anything, a veggietales movie. we all enjoyed




My author friend sent me an advance copy of her next book to read!   Just what I need after a LOOOONNNGGG day of work...



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