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But Most Important Of All

Two things are mostest! Co-mostest!   1. My MP3 player is currently now transfering 2500 songs on it without a hitch.   2. ALLLLL THHHEEE RRRRRRAGE   This episode was made, like, a month ago, and is why there are predictions on it. Yay procrastination!   3.64 MB 5:15 time here download  



Woohoo, Wait, No.

I'm sick today, which is both good and bad. Offa school, but I'm going to be catching up on it all tomorrow. Bah.   Oh, and no Black Light today. That's coming tomorrow.



Daaa Bears

Go Chicago.   And there was a new chapter of Black Light on Friday, didn't make a notice of that. No one really cares.



Title Award Ripoff

I give a Title Award to Black Light for being the most blatantly advertised epic in my blog ever.   Not a real TA, just wanted to inform everyone there was indeed the third chapter up there now.



All The Rage Episode 1

Link: Right click, Save As, or just click on it Time: Just under 7 minutes Size: 6.7 MB Stupid: Yes   El oh el   Get that fanmail in, that's the most fun part of the show And the microphone sucks, so the voices sound weird. But it works.   And it's .wma, but I'll try to get a mp3 or RealPlayer type up tomorrow, and I'll offer both mp3 and wma formats for the next episodes.



Ta-da >_>

Black Light   I can't use the acronym "Bionicle Legends" for this. >_>   Bee Ell.



Title Award Number Whatever

Well, I didn't enter BBC. Probably next time. I already have some builds, but eh.   No introduction necessary.     Our coveted Title Award today goes to Binkmeister, who gets our coveted "Coolest BZPer With The Name Binkmeister" award. Aren't I clever, ha ha ha, etc...   I'm out of ideas, you say?   No. No, not hardly.   For you see, I am giving out another Title Award! For the two!   Most Uncalled For Title Award Award goes to the Allais paradox, for being something I got to through lik



Just A Head's Up - Yes, A Posessive Head Thar Lawl

I'm entering BBC 40, but all I've got done so far is the weapon and maybe the head. Not sure about the design yet, and I can't decide between a black and red design.   Jungle Protector failed to get past the first round last time, but I'm not giving up on humongousnormous MOCs. The weapon (undisclosed so no one gets ideas - so sportsmanlike ^_~) is about a foot or two tall, and the rest of the MOC is going to have to be that large too so he can wield it.   So yeah. Since I didn't enter the las



Bio Not Mech

Exo enjoys many hobbies, such as soup licking, and being awesome while hosting spam on blog which is on fire and should be extinguished with toxic methane gas. Exo wubs Biomech eternally. Which was fruit cakes. I am Bagel Man. Exo eats many squirrels without their own acorns in his magic hut while wearing thick socks on some Goodyear tires. He also eats people who are all fat with salt and ketchup while dancing around town and riding park rides while ignoring cheating Miobech who nobody really l



1 And A 2

1: For the folks in the talkback thread...   THERE'S NO BIONICLE HEROES 2 CONFIRMED. GRAGH.   NONE.   NOT YET.   COMMENT BY BLACK SIX. NOT BY THE GAME COMPANY. IT WASN'T TOTALLY SERIOUS.   Had to be said.   2: I realized I haven't been Pippin'in (thanks CD) Black Light much, and the first chapter comes out in TWO DAYS. So I'm going to ask all you Abnormal Peoples, staffies, unsuspecting newbies, etc., to help out advertise and use this suh-weet banner that I slaved for five minutes over.  



Chocolate Wacko

It makes everything better. Even milk. It deserves a blog entry for itself.   But unfortunately, I'm not going to give it one, as I'd also like to talk about current events and major issues in the world, politics, and religion. But then I realized I don't know anything about any of those.   "What's Russia, is that a drink or a verb or something?"   So since chocolate and against-the-rules stuff is already out of the question, I'm going to talk about the smiley.   Yes, it's famous because o



Blogus Entrius

At Biology today (we're back S WOO) our group had to do taxonomy. Y'know, classification of species and all that. So each table, group of 5, had to empty their pockets on the table, then we gradually took stuff away to get like the genus, kingdom, class, and ultimately narrow it down to one item for a species.   So to sound smart, we went with fake Latin names. Randomus Sporadicus was the kingdom. Then we went down to like, Randomus nopaperus, taking off notebooks and stuff, Randomus circularus



Hey, Read That Thing

this one, the thing   Because it's useful.   And also, why do we call it BBC #--? It's not Bionicle Based Creations 40. Is it Bionicle Based Contest 40? Jus' asking.



Comedies Aren't Funny

Don't work towards 300 words. Let your creative juices flow as they please. If you have to add filler in it to make it larger, writing comedies may not be your thing.   Any comedy with "Ask" in the title has been done before. Don't think it's original just because the character hasn't been used before.   If emoticons aren't necessary to your story, don't use them.   And just a personal rule/suggestion/tip of mine: If there is any sort of joke, and I mean any, that mentions, alludes, talks abo



Oops - Zap

I went to plug in a radio, but I had left one of my guitar strings by the power cord, and it had gotten almost intertwined with the plug...and I didn't notice. So yeah, when I plugged it in, sparks flew everywhere for a second or two. It was awesome.   Oh, and now the power outlet is burned. Like, black.   But I'm okay. Not that you care.   Similar thing happened a few days ago, I was setting up my new computer speakers (SUBWOOFER YAY LOL) and I had to hold the end of the cord in my mouth




I'm going to find a way to change my cell phone number to "E-X-O-1-3-3-7".



This Is The First Blog Entry

ever posted on Monday, January 1, 2007, 4:56 PM, US Eastern Standard Time   Bet you're jealous.   Happy New Year's! What did you do?   I fell asleep eventually.



My New Year's Resolution.

1024x768.   o u c wut i did there lol.   Seriously, how 'bout your New Year's resolution, or just your resolution?   UPDATE ON EXO'S LIFE LAWL   I saw MST3K's dubbing of Manos: The Hand of Fate today. Wow. Let me give you the typical movie scale...   Very Good - A well-done movie that you'd love to see again. Good - A movie that you enjoyed. Okay - It was alright, but you don't wanna see it again. Less Okay - You put up with it. Bad - Wasted two hours of your life. So Bad It's Funny -



Thee Yea Annivesay

No R's? Gah!   I was going to make some joke about the R's, but I forget it. So yeah, at 11:03 tonight, it is my third year on BZP. Awesome.   (Never mind, I got it already. Awesomer.   I was in the "beauty" aisle in the grocery today, and I noticed this face wash with green tea and peppermint in it. But I think there's something wrong with your cleaning formula if I'd rather eat it then put it on my face.



Date Announced!

You're going to be getting a fistful of Black Light on January 12, '07, and then one chapter each Friday after that until the middle of May, where the story leaves off for the sequel to arrive sometime far later next year. Celebrate, I'm not procrastinating!



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