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Proof That I Broke My Blog

Well, yesterday I said that I broke my blog, and you guys said you couldn't see it. I guess that means it only applies to me, so I got pictures so you can see. Each picture is scrolled down more from the last. The red boxes, text, arrows, and circles and that black box were added to show things. This is really weird.   Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6   I wonder if this has ever happened before... and how to fix it.   UPDATE: Bfahome fixed it with his Blog Assistant-like power



The Thoroughbred Of Sin!

Bad Horse, Bad Horse   Bad Horse, Bad Horse   He rides across the nation, the thoroughbred of sin   He got the application that you just sent in   It needs evaluation, so let the games begin   A heinous crime, a show of force   (a murder would be nice of course)       Bad Horse, Bad Horse   Bad Horse, he’s bad   The evil league of evil is watching so beware   The grade that you receive’ll be your last, we swear   So make the bad horse gleeful, or he’ll make you his mare   You’re sadd



Started School Today

Yes, I too have started a new year of school. I'm now in high school. My school is pretty big, there are all these different lettered sections of the school (A, B, C, H, K, and Q, for some reason ), but it's pretty easy to get around. The most annoying thing so far is that I have very few of my friends in my classes. Also, my lunch is pretty early (period 4), so I'm not hungry at lunch and then hungry at the end of the day. Oh yeah, and Javi stole my gradients. So yeah. School.



No Beach For Me

Well, we ended up not going to the beach today because it was kinda cloudy and it was late by the time we were all ready to prepare. We'll be going next weekend (my brother's birthday) if it's hot enough. Instead we went to a park with a waterfall today and hiked a bunch. There was a sign that originally said "No Swimming," but someone had written "Lots of..." above "Swimming" and an exclamation point below, so it looked like   ___________Lots of... NO Swimming _____________!   and so I kep



Out With The Old, In With The New

So, yesterday a bunch of things changed, most in my life and one on the blog. Obviously the one on my blog was   New Blog Title and subtitle. It used to be "OH MY GOD A GIANT TACO!" and now it's An Unusually Large Taco, at least for the time being.   The rest were in my life, and I'll start with the one most relevant to BZPower:   New Computer In the morning a few days ago I sat down at my computer. For some reason, it was on, but the monitor was not displaying anything. I tried a bunch of




My computer asploded, so I wasn't on for the last few days. It's late now, so I'll post an actual entry tomorrow. See ya.



A Trip

...to the eye doctor. I just got back. I had to get my pupils dilated, and everything was really blurry on the way home. To the point where it looked like the moon was a cloud. A very small, round cloud alone in the middle of the sky, but still. And you know, a comment or two wouldn't hurt around here.



Went To The Beach

During the time when I wasn't a Premier, I went to the beach with my family. This particular beach was on Long Island, and is about an hour away from my house.   It was surprisingly uncrowded. My brother and I built this big sandcastle-ish thing that kept getting destroyed. There were tons of dead jellyfish on the beach, and I kept stepping on them. It was annoying. >.< But overall it was really fun, the waves were like 5 feet at some points. And we got ice cream!



Premier Again

Well, I'm a Premier again! During the time where I wasn't (a few days >.> ) I gathered up quite a few things to blog about, so expect some entries in the next few days. Right now it's kind of late, though, so I figured I'd just say that the blog is back.     Oh, and I decided to discontinue the BZPQotEs. All of the ones I've done will be put into a content block, and I'll sometimes add more quotes (Not very original, I know ).



Could This Be The End?

Of my blog, that is. With the Premier Perks coming to an end, will my blog follow suit? The answer, of course, is maybe. But, because that is a bad answer, the answer is no.   This year, I'm going into High School, so I don't know how much time I will have to spend on BZPower. I may be inactive during certain times, and perhaps even cease to exist altogether. No promises.   However, I will be renewing my Premiership in the next few days (should I get one year or six months?), so I will



Good Deals And Marshmallows

Wow, eBay is useful. I just got all six Bohrok, (which I didn't have because I took them apart foolishly) with Krana and everything, for only about $12. Now the Bahrag have a swarm! Also on the subject of good deals, I got the Thornatus V9 and the Skopio XV-1 recently. You want to know the price? Standard retail price. The sets are just so cool it's a good deal, seriously. On an entirely unrelated note, after much experimenting I found that marshmallows are really good with brown sugar on the



My 3 Year Bzpower Anniversary

is today. *Blows one of those party noisemaker things* Um... yeah. Woohoo! New spinny! Ooh, and anyone want to suggest two colors for me to post my next blog entry in? (In gradient of course)   The BZPQotE:



Well, I'm Slightly Back

Obviously, I'm never a very active member. In two days, I will have been on BZPower for three years. In all that time, I have only made 168 posts. However, for a few months, I was entirely inactive on BZP. This was mostly because of school and such. Now is a very convenient time to return, though, because of Premier Perks. While I was gone my Premiership expired, so otherwise I wouldn't be able to post this entry. So yup. I'll be around again, but of course I won't post much. I'll try to make a



I Figured It Out

Hey guys, I just figured out how the BIONICLE storyline is going to end! Obviously, Mata-Nui is going to return to his body and take it back somehow and then he's going to meet more people his size and find out that they're all in the body of a Great Being who's asleep and dying and Teridax (who's still alive) finds out and takes his body over when he dies and... *gasps for breath* Mata-Nui sacrifices himself to bring him back to life but Teridax is in him!! Oh, and then they all implode. It's b



Welcome To 2009!

Happy New Year, everyone! 2008 is over and 2009 is starting. I'm going to be writing 2008 on papers for a few months still, though, out of habit. My BZPower resolution is to make it to 300 posts (yeah, like that's going to happen). I hope you all have a good New Years Eve! The BZPQotE:



Just A Random Update

Time for a random update on my BIONICLE-related life! So, in the past few days I got Malum, Vorox, Zesk, and Metus. The stores near me are starting to have some more 2009 sets. Malum is awesome; he looks great but his shoulder armor really restricts movement. Vorox is also a good set, his mask is insanely detailed. Zesk is ok; he's basically a Matoran of Light but a quadruped. Metus is also just a Matoran of Light, but his shield is cool. Oh, and I also started a new MOC yesterday. I'm almost do



Hope You're Having A Joyous Christmahanukkwanzaalidan

Well, it's that time of year again. There's no school for a week, lots of holiday cheer, and piles of presents. That's right... it's Arbor Day! Err... It's Christmas time! As BZP says, "Whether you celebrate the holiday or not," have a merry or happy or nice or fun or joyous something! I didn't get any Lego this year, seeing as I have most of the BIONICLE from last year and the '09 sets aren't easily available yet (but I do have Tuma (see last entry)), but I did get some other stuff. I got this



I Just Got Tuma!

Well, that was unexpected! I went out to Toys 'R' Us to go Christmas shopping and when I walked into the BIONICLE aisle, there he was. Tuma was the only '09 BIONICLE there, though. I just finished building him, and he is way better than I expected. The new launcher (what is it called?) is great, I just wish the gold spikes weren't rubber. His new parts are going to be amazing for MOCers, there's this T-shaped thing and this new version of those gray pieces with a ball joint on one end and all ki



Somewhat Inactive

Yes, I realize I've been kind of inactive. I could go on about how I was kidnapped by a gorilla and taken to Hawaii where I was held for 2 weeks, 1 day, 6 hours, 3 minutes, and 14 seconds (not that I was counting) then promptly returned for no apparent reason, but that never happened. I just had a lot of homework. I am working on something for the blog that will be revealed in a few days. At least my blog isn't quite as boring as a blog I found with this entry: The BZPQotE:



*dusts Off Blog*

Well... yeah... I may have recently neglected to update my blog for a little while. As in one month and 13 days. To the minute. Even though only about 2 people probably noticed. The thing is that school has been taking up a lot of time and I generally have not been in the mood to post and entry here. And one time about two weeks ago, I started an entry but accidentally closed the window with it in it. So that's the reason I haven't blogged for a while. I'll try to make an entry every couple of d




WHY!?!? WHY MUST RUBIK'S CUBES TAUNT ME SO? Ugh... they're impossible. Just trying to solve one makes me want to devour each and every one. And this one is a 2x2! My current theory is that every time someone has solved one, it was just a hoax. I mean, come on, they're just ridiculous. But I digress (whatever that means). The true pressing matter of the day is this picture: Any thoughts?And for the BZPQotE: Wise words.



The Queens Of The Bohrok

Cahdok and Gahdok have arrived! I built them in like 40-50 minutes each and they're pretty awesome. Two things I don't like about them, though- 1. The gears in their necks are always slipping because it's only held together with a rubber band and 2. They're nigh on (hehehe... nigh on...) impossible to fight with seeing as you pretty much cannot pull out that thing at the bottom with their teeth. It's like one of those skill crane things, trying to pull out the piece. They are pretty good for gra



That Inavoidable 2009 Entry

How could I NOT make an entry about them? Sure, hundreds of blogs are doing it, but that's what makes it fun.» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «There are so many amazing new/recolored parts; Malum's chestplate, Strakk's axe, armor, and mask, Gresh's shield, Skrall's shield, and Metus's shield. I hope the hand pieces are good, I always thought the 01-08 hand pieces were kind of wierd. Also, the tan/black color scheme seems interesting. I wonder if the spikes on the zamors will affe



Stuff And Things And Stuff

Hi, people of BZP! I'm not dead, in a coma, etc. I haven't been on BZPower much for a few days because of a few reasons- 1. I've got a really annoying cold, 2. School in general, and 3. I got Spore and I've been playing it a lot. I also got Brisingr for people who've read Eragon and/or Eldest, and Bionicle-wise I'm getting Cahdok and Gahdok in a few days. So that's what's happening. Spore is awesome, I just reached the Space stage. My favorite stage was the Creature stage and my least favorite w



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