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Killzone 2

I fight a war I don't fully understand with a weapon that I do not truely master with the excitment of a mans innner child.   Ok, actually that's just me saying: Gosh that game is freaking awesome even though I never had a Playstation before and don't know the prequel and suck at playing with the controller!

Vezok's Friend

Vezok's Friend

Did You Notice...

When there is something wrong, when there is trouble, when you have an argument or a problem with a person you really care about, do you notice how all other things suddenly become minor and not as important as that one issue that needs to be resolved?

Vezok's Friend

Vezok's Friend


System readout>>error  Motivation drive: 0   Level of interest: <optimal   Take countermeasures: Activate nerd-control 101   Artwork commenced.   Internert Forum contact established.   Creating message...   ENTERTAIN ME! Save me from the dullness!

Vezok's Friend

Vezok's Friend

But I Know The Rage That Drives You.

That impossible anger strangling the grief, until the memory of your loved one is just poison in your veins. And one day, you catch yourself wishing the person you loved had never existed, so you'd be spared your pain.

Vezok's Friend

Vezok's Friend

I Can Do Those Things Because I'm Not A Hero

I am whatever Gotham needs me to be. Call it in. They'll hunt you. You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes...the truth isn't good enough. Sometimes people deserve more. Sometimes people deserve to have their faith rewarded. Why is he running, Dad? Because we have to chase him. He didn't do anything wrong. Because he's the hero that Gotham deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So, we'll hunt him, becau

Vezok's Friend

Vezok's Friend


Take off your shoes... Take off yourself Take off your rented mental health Take off your raincoat... settle down Take off your nightmare and your frown There is a place for you to go To see another ringer in a rock show Take my pretense for a time Cause I want to say to you   I'm nobody without you...buddy My long lost friend   If you're not here to hear me scream Am I silent like a dream Where all the dragons are my friends Each night we meet our bitter ends Do I

Vezok's Friend

Vezok's Friend

Pig Flu

To put a famous quote here: DON'T PANIC! It is far from being a Pandemic. The reported cases are people who have been in Mexico and are already in hospitals for it and they are conducting checks in airports. Just remember when your mommies all told you: Wash your hands, don't sneeze without putting your hand up and don't touch everything around. You'll all be just fine ^^ The media needed something else to get hyped over besides the financial crisis. Peace out.

Vezok's Friend

Vezok's Friend

English Final!

Status: nervous. Hands: Not shaking yet. Feet: Not tapping yet. Head: focused. Thoughts: In order.   I need breakfast...and a good biro.

Vezok's Friend

Vezok's Friend

Anybody Want A Cookie?

I got some and a glass of milk? Who wants some too!? Hands up!  PS: On the more serious side of things, tomorrow is my English final. I could use some crossed fingers and maybe one or two prayers that I don't write a text that doesn't answer the asked questions.

Vezok's Friend

Vezok's Friend


So, I got like, 500 new brushes for Photoshop. And I decided to try out the set called "bloodwork"     Mwuhahahahaha! Let's see how I can use that in future art

Vezok's Friend

Vezok's Friend

I'll Get A Job!

My mom came home with great news today: There is a spot for civil service in the hospital of the next town (less then 30 min away) and she said since most who work there start later, if I start on July 1st, I have high chances of getting hired   Either in patient care, surgery or emergency room. I am definately going to call them to apply for that spot!

Vezok's Friend

Vezok's Friend

Ask Me Anything!

It's time for another round of questioning me. Mainly because I am bored. Secondly because I want to know what you people are curious about.  I would appreciate it if the questions were actually related to me in some way this time ^^ I can make another entry for all the spoof-questions another time.   So, go ahead, ask

Vezok's Friend

Vezok's Friend

Romeo And Juliet

Two households, both alike in dignity, In fair Verona, where we lay our scene... Let's see who can continue. 12 lines are missing

Vezok's Friend

Vezok's Friend


My entry for NtM's contest hosted in the inofficial German Bionicle Magazine.   Clickey! It's biiig!

Vezok's Friend

Vezok's Friend

This Is Where The Magic Happens ^^

And you can find:   1. Acer Travelmate 2. Cintiq 3. Sketchbook 4. old Genius Tablet, serves as Mousepad for now 5. Speakers 6. Wireless Speaker Antenna (improvised surround-sound ) 7. Stereo 8. broken lamp 9. Ultimate Ear earphones (gooosh these things are awesome!) 10. iPod Classic 120GB 11. Malum 12. Gresh (and to the right, my proportion puppet, a picture of my in Victoria BC and Skrall) 13. old guitar 14. Biology Textbook 15. Bill Bryson "Shakespeare" 16. My old Sketchbook (w

Vezok's Friend

Vezok's Friend

Life Is Prescious

I just remembered somebody today, who reminded me of how prescious life actually is.  In 2004 I was in Africa with my mom, who is/was involved in a healthcare project in Tanzania.   We met some great people down there, including a Medical Assistant who worked in the Healthcare center my mom helped in.   A year later he contracted the HI-Virus and despite medication died a few months later.   Our time on this little blue planet in the milky way is so darn short sometimes...   I don't want t

Vezok's Friend

Vezok's Friend


My CS3 Portable Version killed itself yesterday. Now I must wait until I can get CS4...  All digital art is on hold right now >_< But I wanted to work this weekend, darnit!   At least I've got some good-looking sketches in the works. Those Skrall are a horror to design though.

Vezok's Friend

Vezok's Friend


25° C (That's somewhere inbetween 60 to 70F I believe...I am not sure though)  Not that I'd mind the temperature. I mind that it's sweltry.   But anything is better then the dull grey we get from autumn to spring.

Vezok's Friend

Vezok's Friend

Happy Easter!

So, today we celebrate easter again (well, today beeing my central european timezone).  I wanted to wish you all a fine holiday, wether you spend it in church, with your family, away from home or just like any other sunday   And to throw in a little extra fun-fact: In Germany the younger children believe in the easter-bunny as well and usually that is celebrated by hiding hand-painted eggs in the backyards and gardens for their scavenger-hunting pleasure ^^ (Good memories)   So, have a happy

Vezok's Friend

Vezok's Friend

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