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That's It!

What a weird year this has been...busy as heck too ^^ Oh well, bye bye 18,  I am 19 now   But 19 years is still too short a time to live among such admirable and excellent Hobbits! I don't know half of you half as well as I should like; and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve.

Vezok's Friend

Vezok's Friend

The Last Day...

Close, oh so very close... A lot will be left behind then... In just one silent change... I wonder who'll notice...

Vezok's Friend

Vezok's Friend

Utter Misery

So, a bit of a 180° turn from yesterdays good mood.   Not because the party turned out to be bad, it was quite awesome, no, but because I woke up this morning just to sprint to the bathroom, go back to bed, sprint to the bathroom again 30 min later, go back to my room, and suddenly realize if I don't turn back and head to the bathroom again I'll empty my stomach over the keyboard...   So I've spent the last 12 hours either in the bathroom or in front of the TV...   Fever and dizzyness includ

Vezok's Friend

Vezok's Friend

This Is My Day!

Today was my graduation ceremony, with music to go on stage and all. Everyone of us got a rose from the youngest kids, just like we handed the youngest kids sunflowers last year.  And tonight it's PROM!   Have a really good day everbody, I'll go back to feeling like the king of the world now

Vezok's Friend

Vezok's Friend

They're Here!

Hey ^^   My grandparents are here until the 23rd Yummy food ahead. But I'll need to keep my workout-schedule then, otherwise the food will have effect ^^

Vezok's Friend

Vezok's Friend

Your Fault

Have you been annoyed today already, has it been a bad day? Did you ask yourself again why nobody's doing anything? You don't need to accept what you dislike, If you've got your head for more then wearing a hat Woohoo!   It's not your fault that world is the way it is, It'd be your fault if it stays that way! It's not your fault that world is the way it is, It'd be your fault if it stays that way!!   Don't believe anybody who says you can't do anything, Those who say that are just afrai

Vezok's Friend

Vezok's Friend

No Climate Change? Yeah, Right.

No, I am not going to do a debate on global warming here, but a subjective impression:   Today was the first time in my life that the weather reported tornado-warnings. Not in my Area, but still.   Of course this is not the first time we had Tornados in Germany, but they a so rare that this report actually to me seems like an increase...  

Vezok's Friend

Vezok's Friend

New Divide

If the new TF movie is as good as the song I am hooked   I'm looking forward to District 9 too ^^ (Niels Blokamp will direct it. And if that works out I bet they'll finally get on with the Halo-movie as well)

Vezok's Friend

Vezok's Friend


*looks out window* I didn't know it was that festival in town again   Pretty colours in the nightsky ^^

Vezok's Friend

Vezok's Friend

Oh Joy!

Sooo, as some of you know I made an entry about Crysis, the most awesome FPS for PC out there (and a piece from german software-smithies ), around last year.   I've played through the game several times now, but something went missing after a while. Though I played on 1280x800, I couldn't put in any better shaders or shadows, not to mention particles and rendered light. But after some experiments I gave up...until I got Asassins Creed. Now, there I played on 1280x800 as well but had the same p

Vezok's Friend

Vezok's Friend

Holy Cow!

I surprised myself again today...I actually like it...Either I'm going emotional or I am still confused.

Vezok's Friend

Vezok's Friend

Come Around

Have you seen the little pieces of the people we have been? Little pieces blowing' gently on the wind They have flown down California They have landed in L.A. Little pieces slowly settling on the waves   I'm one of a million pieces fallen on the ground It's one of the reasons when we say goodbye We'll still come around We will come around   I have waited for tomorrow from December 'til today I have started loving sorrow along the way I am calling from some city And I won't be there too

Vezok's Friend

Vezok's Friend


I've come to notice that a lot of younger, or newer artists here on BZP, don't resize the scans of their sketches.   Please do so! Especially when you add the picture directly into your posts!   It is no fun at all to watch a 2000x3000px image slowly build up, even with DSL, which not everybody has (Yes, I am looking at you Sisen, with you and your dial-up ).   And I am not just saying this for the viewers pleasure, but also such large images with a big loading-time increase the rate of look-

Vezok's Friend

Vezok's Friend

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