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Drawing, Drawing, Drawing...

September 1, 2008 Today's been a good day so far; we've all just been kickin' back and relaxing. I've started a drawing of Lewa Nuva Phantoka, so I'm waiting to see how that comes out. I feel silly asking this, but when I received the Lego Club Catalog the other day, it said this: ...and get ready for the new movie in 2009 with this collection of books, watches, keychains, pens... Is this old news? I had no idea there was going to be a new movie. I really need to stay on top of all t



Things Go

Haven't really made any progress...if anything, I've been talking to her less, which sucks. I think the problem is that she has an annoying habit for almost never remembering to bring her phone anywhere. So if I wanna talk to her, I gotta happen to text her at home...I need to just start hanging out with her a bit. it'd be much easier. She's so fun to talk to..   Also, sorry to everyone who's had pending trades for...probably a month now. -.- I'm desperately trying to not be lazy and get this



The Script: Science & Faith

So happy it's out. Previewing it right now; probably gonna order it on Ebay later. Don't care if it's international...actually, Bricky could maybe pick me up a copy? I think it's only out in Ireland and Australia right now.   Love this band. They're great - The Man Who Can't Be Moved must have inspired me to write at least three of my own songs. Incredible voice, incredible lyrics, and really nice instrumentals. You can't beat it - they're one of those few bands that actually deserve the radi



Miserably Happy-ish Something...no Mood

September 17th, 2008 Miserable. But happy. Miserable because my throat hurts AND I have a terrible cold. My sister gave it to me, I think, and it won't go away for another few days. I had to go home early yesterday because I was feeling so bad. I just hope it goes away soon... Happy because I posted my comic topic the other day! Check it out!



Lol; You Gotta See This

March 1, 2009 MOCs Four hundred pieces. Item #LFH002. $28.36. This would make whoever designed the Disk Fad siggies proud. This took forever on LDD. I made it for a school project. xD But it was really fun. If I had thirty bucks, I would soo buy it. I might just have to make an Awesomedisk category at this rate...



First Concert

December 9, 2008 Now then, let's say that today was...interesting, factoring in my concert. My first two blocks and first elective were the same thing as every day...do a ton more math than I'd like to, then do relatively nothing in language arts. Then go to gym, eat lunch. Gym is...terrible. Terribly set up. I'm getting off track, aren't I? Band was a pretty big twist. We spent the whole period talking about our concert tonight before we finally headed outside to go do a full band p




January 26, 2008 Iza muh bloggy dead? =DD I'm sorry if the Vahki fad killed it. D: I don't blame you. KTHX.



I'm About To Do Something Stupid And Absolutely No One Can Stop Me

Well, I've been thinking about it, and I'm definitely gonna angel. From the Statue Of Liberty's torch.   You know why?   BECAUSE I JUST FOUND OUT I'M A WEREWOLF FOO (they're still werewolves, shapeshifters my...   ...   Yeah. OK.   I'm gonna do a total Vista restore. Completely erase my Toshiba Satellite M300 Series' hard drive. Why, you ask?   Because I'm having speaker problems. Dumb reason, right? But oh well. It's been EXTREMELY laggy as of late. I think I have too much junk on it.




The takeover isn't over. Go on, just...keep...staring.



First Entry From Touch

Well, today's my birthday...and I got an iPod Touch! It's awesome. My sister got me a 3OH!3 shirt, too, which is suh-weet! I've got open house tonight, though, which kinda sucks. UPDATES: I went to open house, and we picked up pizza and soda on the way back home in celebration. My sister made me a cake (man, she loves this birthday stuff xP) and I'm stuffed to bursting now. I'm planning on buying some apps on a $5 budget, and I also hope to update to 3.0 software. A lot of features there tha



The Fray Cd

I got it. It's my first non-digital CD. I love it, even though I already had four songs. I need to get more non-digital CDs, there's something cool about 'em.



Set Review: #8941 Rockoh T3

Date Log: I-E-9 I2-IAPM Unit #JVVJ...scanning. Review found. Review has been reformatted from speech to text. Will continue scanning review... Presentation From the design of the box to the instruction manual, these are the first things you see before building the set. I gotzeed Rockoh T3. And he's awesome. REALLY awesome. I feel terrible about him, though, because it's a $40 set and my friend's mother paid for it as a Christmas present to me...but really, $40 can't be spent this well



Mocing Table? =o

I've been bugging my mom about getting a table for my MOCing, and she finally agreed. She's out at Lowe's getting it now. Very advantageous for me, cuz now I don't have to sit on the floor with all my pieces all over the floor. It's impossible to MOC without my obnoxious cats, or tripping over bins in the middle of the night. The table should hopefully change all of that, hopefully make my work a bit easier. Maybe I'll even be absolutely insane and take it as an opportunity to sort all my System



$$ Problems

I'm gonna hang out with my friends (we do this pretty much every week) and go to an all-you-can-eat pizza place. I need $10 a week; without a job, I can't afford that. I ask my mom for money, but I hate doing that because I know we don't have that much to blow. Today, she told me she can't afford to give me $40 a month. I have suggested several times in the past that I sell some stuff for money. She always says I can't because it'll be worth more later or it has too much sentimental value.   S



Lots Of Extra Time For Bzp

If you didn't know from any of my earlier blog entries (I don't think I made one on this), my school initiated MacBooks to all the students in the district. Pretty sweet, eh?   Yeah. I was just thinking about it, and I could be using BZP in a lot of my classes after I finish my work. Considering how little time I'm able to spend on here otherwise, it would be a good idea to try to use it during the school day...



Two Things That Get Old

December 27, 2008 1) Mutations. Mutagen. Mutants. Toa Hordika, Rahaga, Barraki, Swamp Makuta...it's starting to become truly commonplace in the BIONICLE Universe, and it gets kinda boring. At least this time around, there's no real "mutation" going on, by the looks of it. Just deevolution. 2) Cataclysms...three now. One in the MU, when Mata Nui fell, one on Spherus Magna, and one on Bara Magna. Those last two I think might be related somehow. Maybe. I just hope there aren't anymore--they



The Table

It's awesome. I already got all my pieces sorted back into the bins, and I found a bunch of little balls with the + hole. 16, actually, which is a lot more than I thought I would find.   It's just generally useful. I can use it for building new sets, MOCing (of course), posing, taking pictures, and even playing with sets. Not to mention that it'll be good for doing school/home projects, eating ( ), playing board/card games...and I can move it around the house, too, so if I want to do somethin



Sad For No Good Reason

But considering how common that is for me, I guess it's nothing to blog about.   Today was actually pretty good. I'm just sad. You know...for no good reason. I entered a writing contest at my school with a prize of $250. Everyone told me my piece was gonna win...so I hope they're right. I'd really like to get a bass guitar..



I Might Be Bipolar

I have pretty extreme mood swings throughout the day. Like today - I went from pretty calm and normal to extremely happy and a bit hyper to sad and almost depressed. If any of you actually keep up with my blog (which I'm sure you don't), I was rejected by a girl last year and I went into something short of depression. And apparently I come from a long line of emotionally traumatic family. So it's not entirely impossible; how much of it is regular teenage stuff and how much might actually be bipo



I'm Mad

December 24, 2008 I'm absolutely positively furious. Disgusted. FURIOUS. See, on a different forum I use/moderate, I started doing these gifts, one for each day until Christmas, twelve gifts total. For the last gift that we released today, my sister and I made a song. Then these DISGUSTING, DESPICABLE, IDIOTIC members started dissing it, practically made my sister cry... But I won't let them ruin my Christmas. So I quit. Not exactly an easy thing to do for me--I loved that forum...s



Back-alley Football And A Rejectee

First football game of the season was last night, Blue Devils against Bandis (we're the Blue Devils). 'Course, we lost all our seniors, and they were the first string and all that, so of course we sucked. Baaad. 40-22 by the end of the game. :/ Meh, I wasn't watching anyway. The football game isn't nearly as fun as the back-alley football game.   All I mean by that is that I was way far from the game in a patch of grass near the football field with all the...well, y'know. Hood, pimpin' kinda p



Need To Get Over Her

So I let my old crush from last year borrow a CD from me. She was really happy...like insanely, over-the-top. She hugged me and everything. And I realized that I wasn't really over her. I also realized that it's mostly her fault that I'm depressed. If it wasn't for her, I probably would be pretty confident and happy right now...   ...ah well.



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