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Bored Much?

Saturday, November 8th, 2008 I have literally done nothing all day. I have sat around on the computer. Talked to a couple friends on AIM. And done...nothing. About the biggest things I did today so far? Eat breakfast and take pictures of a couple new MOCs. You can check out the Brace for Impact MOCs here. Also, the winner of JBBC #1 has been announced: Magna's Scian! For more information on that, just look right below this. Gah, do you think I'm too young to have a girlfriend? x




February 15, 2008 II DB4Z and I decided to bike through town a while again, and I really don't feel like summarizing it again. B'sides, the highlight was, obviously, talking to Kirsten. xP I had DB4Z call her first, to see if she'd pick up. She didn't, so I figured she wasn't home - but then she called back, and DB4Z told her to call me. And, not prepared and kind of tired, I couldn't bring myself to talk. So he snatched the phone and did it himself, putting her on speaker at the



Put The Past Away! Yayy Bbc 51

November 30, 2008 REPLY TO MY BBC 51 TOPIC HERE OR DAI. Pwease? 'Tis a happy day, a sad day, for a couple reasons. I'll go over those reasons really quick before I introduce you to my entry for BBC 51. 1) I'm going back to school tomorrow. 2) I have to redo my blog's color themes today for December. 3) I made my entry for BBC 51. 4) I had the Hannah Montana breakfast cereal this morning. Now then... I chose the song Jumper by Third Eye Blind. Maybe someone's hea



This Song Fits

December 28, 2008 It really does. Stand Up (For the Champions)- Champs United. I'll even go ahead and show you just why it fits with the 2009 Glatorian theme--though I think you'll see without my "narrative". I was built to be the best Number one and nothing less The Glatorian have to be the best, number one, nothing less, to claim Bara Magna's valuable resources for their home tribe. Leave me to my destiny I have waited patiently Their destiny, generally, is to save



I Did Not See That Coming

From the girl I called something I shouldn't have called her back in February. Didn't see that coming. I'll take it the right way this time - friends but not really friends.



Brothers In Arms 4 Is Up!

October 17, 2008 Brothers in Arms 4 is up on Bioniclestory.com if you want to check it out! It's good.. Could someone email this to news for me, please? Yahoo isn't sending on the stupid MacBook for some reason. :S Shank chu.



Big Day- Help Mee

February 15, 2008 Me: G'morning! Her: hi Me: Could u get on that temp aim acc? Her: no. Me: Ok... Me: D'you have any other msgrs? Me: Just so you know, I wont stop bugging you. I have to talk to you before Monday. Her: i cant get on! my mom wont let me ok? so chill Me: Ohh. xP You should have said that to begin with. And sorry. D: Her: its ok. y cant u just txt it? Me: Its too hard to txt. I know that probably sounds strange... Her: um...ok? do u want me 2 ca




It just hit me. Just. Amazingly. All right, well, you know Blue's Clues--everyone knows Blue's Clues, right? Well, I was just thinking about it and... BLUE IS NAMED BECAUSE SHE'S BLUE. Can you believe that? It's like...wow. AND THAT'S NOT ALL!!! I made a connection: Periwinkle must be named for his/her (gender not set?) fur, too! So periwinkle must be a shade of purple! *bows* Now then, I know you're all very excited, so go tell your friends! Who cares if it's 11:00 at night!




January 23, 2009 Reaally whack. :] First off, I guess I should esplain something. See, I like a girl--we'll call her KR for now --but I'm way too frightened to ask her out. And if I did, I'd really have nowhere to, y'know, take her. =DD So if anything I'm going to wait for a dance...if we have one coming up. Well, I still have to explain why I would have a dream about the girl I liked; usually, she's not that...well, on my mind. But yesterday in band she asked to see my band book and g



Decisions Decisions =(

Swan Songs is only $8 at Target. I can get the new movie and a Glatorian at Toys 'R' Us for $23 or something along those lines. Trying to decide - do I want Hollywood Undead or Bionicle...   I probably shouldn't be asking this on a forum filled with Bionicle fans. I think I already know the answer I'll get from all of you. :]



I Don't Know Who Donnie & Flack Are But I Know I'm Not A Catch

I'm sure some of you figured out what that title means. I can't be the only FOB fan here. xP   But yeh. New title. I'm working on a Folie a Deux theme for my blog...I really like that album. While Fall Out Boy might not be my favorite band, they're one of the best I know (with my other favorites being 3OH!3, All Time Low, Cobra Starship...). I always find something new and impressive about that album...it's definitely one of my favorites, right behind Want.   Well, that would be:   1. Want -



You Like Sublime...

"You like Sublime.   We recommend:   Minutes to Midnight by Linkin Park!"   By far the worst suggestion Genius has ever made.



Terrible, Eh?

September 28th, 2008 Ungh, I've been doing a terrible job keeping up with my blog! New week's resolution: try to get a blog up every day. Anyway, we went shopping at the mall for my brother's birthday--he got a bunch of video games. Then we went to Red Robin for dinner. AND THAT is how I sum up Saturday. My brother's birthday is actually tomorrow, but we celebrated yesterday; it's a school day tomorrow, after all, and you don't get a lot of time for fun on school days. See? There a



Help Meee...and Some Other Stuff

September 9th, 2008 I cannot take it, cannot take it, CANNOT TAKE IT ONE MORE SECOND!!!! MS Paint is completely messed up on my Windows 2000 IBM ThinkPad; I get the following error message whenever I try to open it: mspaint.exe has encountered errors and needs to close. An error log is being created. This has gone on for months, so shutting it down and restarting won't help... I know a lot of you are pros at this stuff; could anyone help? I'd much appreciate it, because... I



In Honor

November 12, 2008 It was a day. I had off yesterday for Veteran's Day, and today we had a really fantastic assembly. A veteran named Dave Wilson of the Marine Corp came in to speak with us. He had lost both legs and his arm in the Vietnam War at 21 years old. "Pain can be a good thing; if you can feel it, that means you're still alive." Dave Wilson, Marine Corp Veteran A rather frightening prospect, but true nonetheless. The band and chorus performed, and a couple school staff me



It's Depressing...

My brother's in occupational education, and he came up today saying he wanted to move back into regular education. One of his biggest problems before we moved him to occ ed was Algebra I, which I'm taking for high school credit. So we decided to see how he'd do out of my algebra book.   We tested him on writing a problem from words (like "the sum of j and 12"). Then we tested basic problem solving, stuff like 3*5-4^2 and all that. Then we did very basic algebra, where you just replace variables



Videochat - Anyone Game?

Terakk and I just spent an hour and a half talking on an MSN videochat (my Skype was acting up). Mostly him putting masks over his face and me trying to grab stuff from his room. Aaanyway...   Anyone game for a videochat Sunday night? It'd be awesome to get a huge group of BZPers together in one chat. xD Or as huge as Skype allows...




You gotta admit - these are always fun.   1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, etc) 2. Put it on shuffle 3. Press play 4. For every question, type the song that's playing 5. When you go to a new question, press the "next" button and continue   1. What is my life's philosophy? Smoke Two Joints by The Toyes   2. What will my last words be? A Fool Will Fall by Wailing Souls   3. How am I feeling today? Don't Forget Me by Red Hot Chili Peppers   4. What is my theme s



I Took Quizzes

As it turns out, I'm lavender. Wow. And I'm a bran muffin... Last time I ever let my sister trick me into taking girl quizzes. Help me in my quest to kill online girl quizzes. Please. :] And keep the aweshumer, more exciting quizzes, liek how long you could survive trapped in your own home or your level of emoness. Those are good quizzes, the important stuff to know in life. Then again, knowing what type of muffin you are is also very important, true?



To All Once-vahki (read)

Just figured you should know that you'll be able to change your name back somewhere in the period between February 14 and the end of the month.



I've Been Working On The Railroad...

October 22, 2008 (I) New laptop's doing me great so far--I can finally get on. I'm going to get Stuck back up and running if the topic didn't die. I have an early release day today--about two hours earlier. :/ Which, judging by the amount of homework I got last early release day from Mr. Mathguy...I'll probably be done with my work just about when I'd be getting home. So I'll try to get on to blog the ER day when I come back in here at 12:20. So...five hours from now. xP Keep my blog



Flying By

September 10th, 2008 Today was really fast for me; don't know why...this week has been flying by, which I like. Fast weeks are great; more weeks like this and it'll be summer before I know it! Let's see...what's new... Tomorrow's 9/11. I plan to do something like BZP on a forum I moderate, with the avatars to remember that fateful day. I've been a-working on my comics, but I can't seem to adjust the eraser on Paint to recolor with ease. And by the way, Miz, recoloring is a whole l



Silver And Gold No More: Contest Winners!

After way too long a delay, the results for JBBC #1: Silver and Gold No More are in! Our winner: Magna's Scian! This proud silver and black Toa must be very happy. He might even drop that knife, who knows? Magna's one his very own Content Block on my blog with his own information and all that good stuff, along with a congratulations signature which he should receive within the day. Thanks to all for participating! A new contest should begin in December.




October 27, 2008 Gah! I had an awfully busy weekend--what little free time I had was spent experimenting with my webcam or downloading new programs. And then, when I realized I need to start voting for the next round of SaGnM, BZP wouldn't load! :angry: So now it's the last scheduled day for voting in this round and I haven't even started it yet. I'm going to have to switch up the dates...again. Sorry about that.



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