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Please Join My Club

I'm making a club like Adventurer's Club. It will have a purpose unlike Adventurer's, those who have joined will be known as members of the Knights of the Round. I'll announce our point later if I get joiners. Please join.

Grey Snow

Grey Snow

Icarax! And Rebirth Of Chaos News

Phoenix of Ice bought one and sent it to me, I paid about $43 for it, but worth it. My winter 08 collection is finished, now just to get the Mistika, Taka, Vultraz and Mazeka, no T sets for me as I said in my last entery, but Icarax is great, better than the MoMN by far.   Also, I am taking a bit of a break on Rebirth for some time so I can do some other stuff like school work and working on some other stories and that sort of thing, I'll try to get another chapter up by the end of the week, b

Grey Snow

Grey Snow

08 Summer Sets

My opinions.   Tahu: The best images, he's good as far as I can tell, the spinning blade like weapon, not as good as his normal sword by my standards.   Onua and Gali: Too hard to see to say much, so I'll leave it for now.   The Makuta: All good, the insect look makes them incredible, Krika is great, the green one (Gorast?) is great with the four arms, the yellow one not as great, but still good.   Titans:   Taka: I hated the leaked images, but now he's decent. The white and black don't lo

Grey Snow

Grey Snow

New Moc's Announced

For the first time in a long time I'm Mocing again. I have one built, Toa Tuyet with only Takadox, Gadunka and Hahli feet, head and mask parts. I had a Twilight Taka but got pictures and took it apart. I now know that I had the element limbs backwards, so that's a problem, but I'll explain that when I post it. I'm also working on some Phantoka MOC's. Vehicles for the Toa and possibly Matoran. Like Kopaka's which I'm working on now, is a stealth bomber. Lewa's will be like a hoverbike sort

Grey Snow

Grey Snow

2000th Posts!

I have reached 2000th posts today. In about ten to fifteen days I'll have been here for one year, so in under one year I've made 2000th posts, I'm pleased with these results.

Grey Snow

Grey Snow

Now Is When Everything Changes And You've Got To Be Ready

Yes, Lightstone is here. The motto of Lightstone:   Above the Toa, outside their knowledge, below the Order. Their mission is to track down any enemy, native or alien, and protect the Matoran and any others. If knowledge of you is found you will be terminated. Now is when everything changes, and you've got to be ready.   The original from Torchwood:   Outside the government beyond the police. Tracking down alien life on earth and arming the human race against the future. The 21st cent

Grey Snow

Grey Snow

Matoro Fans, Take A Look!

A new story, the first chapter will be done as a short story and then made as an epic. Matoro fans will like it, as it says in my title, it's called Lightstone, a Bionicle version of the show Torchwood.   » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Matoro is back as the main character and leader of an organization that's below the Order but above the Toa, Lightstone (refrence to Torchwood), and with four others, possibly Order members, they have to keep the Matoran and others safe from

Grey Snow

Grey Snow

Great Quotes From House Md

House MD, great show, I've become somewhat obsessed with it. Some of my favorite quotes, they are all also in my quote content block.   [Cuddy pulls the guitar cord out of the amp]   Dr. Cuddy: You've spent the last two weeks doing absolutely nothing. Concert's over.   Dr. House: In what twisted universe does mastering Eddie Van Halen's two-handed arpeggio technique count as absolutely nothing?     Dr. House: Imagine that the roof of the storage closet collapses on your favorite floor bu

Grey Snow

Grey Snow

Can't Wait For Class

I have gym class and we're swimming and then math with a test and then lunch. Well my friend and I in both the gym and math class are going to do this tommorow. There's a lot of stuff in the ten to thirteen feet deep water, stuff we were supposed to swim and get and those were thrown too far, so tommorow we can stay in the pool and just dive for that stuff and get a pass to math and take the test later. It'll be great, I hate math and it'll be fun.

Grey Snow

Grey Snow

New Short Story Idea

I came up with a new one last night. I was listening to Jack Wagner-"Going Back Again" and I got to thinking. A short story about Axonn vs. Brutaka. Instead of them fighting a few times in 06 having Axonn confront Brutaka as a storm rolls in as the Piraka and Inika move down the stair case. He tells Brutaka he knows he's been betraying the Order and knows he defeated the Nuva. Brutaka replies with he can't do anything and absorbs the energy of ten antidermis zamors in one and mutates to a s

Grey Snow

Grey Snow

Great Mata Nui Theory

A great theory I developed in the Status topic.     The island would be the head/face         And something from Greg.         Beyond stating he has a physical body, I am not allowed to discuss Mata Nui's appearance. As far as the Maori evidence goes, I was not involved with BIONICLE when the original names were chosen, so I have no idea if those names were chosen on purpose or at random because someone liked how they sounded. Certainly some names, like Tahu, seem to have been chose

Grey Snow

Grey Snow

She's Back!

That person I said was gone has returned today. I was suprised at lunch when I heard that and found her after school. I have yet to speak to her after about ten months, I will tommorow. But I'm just happy.

Grey Snow

Grey Snow

Karzahni Contest Winners

The voting round, I know it's been a while since I've done this, but I just want to announce a winner. Here are the top three.   Phyre’s with 2 votes   Scorpion Kings with 5 votes   Elemental Rahaga's with 1 vote   I originally was going to do multiple rounds, but I decided not to, and just to finish this. I was going to use all the old ones from BBC and put them up against the five that were entered, but I decided not to. So the winner is Scorpion King. Congratulate him for his excelent

Grey Snow

Grey Snow

Where Is Icarax?

Can't find it on Toys R' Us's website, the Lego or Bionicle site, ebay and Toywiz is very expensive and Amazon has nothing. So anyone know where I can get one, like a website?

Grey Snow

Grey Snow

Into The Shadows

Yes, a new epic I forgot to mention earlier. Basically only a few, four or five, Toa live: Kopaka, Pohatu, Hahli and two others, not sure who yet, but not Taka. The Makuta have stopped Mata Nui again and from a new, permanent base, they are attacking and invading. Only one thing can stop the Makuta and drive them back to try to save the universe, and that is an item lost to time, and despite that, in multiple pieces. The Toa must find a new way to the enemy and locate the weapon to defeat th

Grey Snow

Grey Snow

I Saw Cloverfield!

Just saw the 5:25 showing after school today. Saw it with three friends and it was great. Though they didn't really like it that much. Ask me about it if you want, but I might not give a synopsis, and if I do, not a full synopsis or into a lot of detail.

Grey Snow

Grey Snow

New Epic And Short Story Information

Well, Defection which is a short story of Nidhiki is up, and now I have one s.s., Seige of the Tower of Toa.   Information on it:   The Toa and Rahaga are in the tower with the Rahi in it that survived battle. Sidorak takes the hordes around and open fire, trying to break through the elemental barrier and get in with the help of a new general of Sidorak's, I won't say anything about him/her, because I haven't started yet.     And my epics: Rebirth of Chaos.   Information:   Chaos was re

Grey Snow

Grey Snow

New Projects

Some new projects.   Epics:   1. Oban Star Racers Season 2   2. Something probably based on the 08 story   3. Rebirth of Chaos, follow up to Birth of Chaos   Short Stories:   1. Siege of the Tower of Toa, follow up to Battle retold   BZP Contests:   1. Archives for BBC 47   Other:   1. Avatar the Last Airbender: Expanded Universe     That should be everything.

Grey Snow

Grey Snow

I Need Help Deciding My New Epic Name

I asked but no answer, so which name is the best for an epic? The epic is Oban Star Racers Season 2.   1.Shadowed Destiny 2.Shadows of Twilight 3.The Darkened Twilight 4.The Darkened Dawn   Which name?   I called it Shadows of Destiny or something like that.

Grey Snow

Grey Snow

Choose A Name For My New Epic

Title says it all, I'm working on a new epic: Oban Star Racers Season 2 and I need input on which name to use:   Shadowed Destiny Shadows of Twilight The Darkened Twilight The Darkened Dawn  

Grey Snow

Grey Snow

New Computer

Well I have a new computer with internet access, so I can be on normally again instead of only a few times a week.

Grey Snow

Grey Snow

Defection Preview

Well I decided to post a part of my new short story Defection since it'll be a while until I finish since I have other things to work on and not having a computer at my home with internet is a problem for posting as well. So here's what I have so far of Defection which is my take of Nidhiki's story.     Defection  A hideous green four legged two clawed creature stood on a beach, looking at its reflection in the ocean, tears running down its eyes. It wasn’t always like that as it remembered

Grey Snow

Grey Snow

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