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I Wish I Had A Tail



Does that make me a furry? :unsure:


But c'mon it might be cool. You could attack something spiky to the end of the tail and flail it around. :3


The downside is that it could get caught in elevator doors.


So if you could have any animal trait or ability, what would it be?


Also 222 entries get.


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If you had a tail, how would you sit down?


As for me, I'd take Ability to Hold Breath for a Long Time. Then I'd commit crimes near the water and make amazing escapes.

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>So if you could have any animal trait or ability, what would it be?

Wolf. B)

Hehe saw that coming. =p


What beautiful creatures they are~


If you had a tail, how would you sit down?


As for me, I'd take Ability to Hold Breath for a Long Time. Then I'd commit crimes near the water and make amazing escapes.

They make chairs with holes in the back. :P


Also you'd better be a fast swimmer too because sooner or later they'll start sending torpedoes after you. :rolleyes:

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Do pokémon count? Then Raichu.

If not, Dragon or Pheonix.

Well I was mostly thinking normal animals but Pokémon do have some pretty slick abilities.


Also I'd love to install some TMs onto myself. B)

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Definitely a bird. I'd love to fly without fear of falling.


How sweet it would be

To be a bird so free...


That's true. Flying would be so much fun. :3

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3,000 lb per square inch biting force like a american alligators so i can bite someone and shatter their bones :D


or just wings dunno first seems cooler to me :psychotwitch:

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Electric eel's electricity.


"...Step right up to get the EEL-ECTRICITY, folks! This amazing ability will SHOCK and ASTOUND your friends, causing them to LIGHT UP like a Christmas Tree out of sheer jealousy! Plus, you'll be SPARKIN' HOT! Try it today, and NEVER worry about your electricity bills AGAIN! Are you ready to become...EEL-ECTRIC?"


Plus, you get to short-circuit annoying electronical devices, such as a radio when it is playing Country.

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Do pokémon count? Then Raichu.

If not, Dragon or Pheonix.

Well I was mostly thinking normal animals but Pokémon do have some pretty slick abilities.


Also I'd love to install some TMs onto myself. B)

Cholie learned HM # 06: Rock Smash!


*Shadonix is talking to LNU* "So I was just reading that new MSPA update when" --


*Cholie breaks through wall, Kool-Aid style* "ROCK SMASH OH YEAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!"


You would totally abuse being a Pokémon. |:/


I'd probably make my tail an arm so I could hold a vaudeville cane. I freakin' love those things. That or put a spork on it. Eating and updating BZP at the same time. B)


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Electric eel's electricity.


"...Step right up to get the EEL-ECTRICITY, folks! This amazing ability will SHOCK and ASTOUND your friends, causing them to LIGHT UP like a Christmas Tree out of sheer jealousy! Plus, you'll be SPARKIN' HOT! Try it today, and NEVER worry about your electricity bills AGAIN! Are you ready to become...EEL-ECTRIC?"


Plus, you get to short-circuit annoying electronical devices, such as a radio when it is playing Country.

I still wish we could find a way to harness electric eel discharges. That would be so cool.

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Hmm. Some sort of tail. Dunno what specifically though.


Fox tails are fluffy, otter tails are epic for swiming, and cat tails are epic balance.


Of course if I could have the abilities of a Shinto kitsune... :rolleyes:


Also for sitting with a tail, just have it run against the side of your leg... Pay more attention to cats and stuff and think about how it would work...

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I'd like to be able to regenerate lost limbs like Frogs/lizards/whatever.


Although flying might be cool too, being amphibious could be nice as well.






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22 posts and no one mentions night vision?



It's the same reason Whenua is never really mentioned: It's not one of the better abilities out there, especially when compared to everything else.

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