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Answered: Y/Ν Game 2



If you don't know the rules, they're simple. I'll ask you a riddle and you can ask me yes/no questions. If it's irrelevant, then I'll say so.


Here's question #2:


A woman walks into a bathroom and screams. Why?

Perhaps the woman -a nun of some sort- walked into a women's only bathroom, and saw the toilet seat has been left up. She screamed because no other women would ever leave the seat up unless one of them is a man.


Please, no toilet jokes here and this is a clean riddle. Be sure to think outside the box with your questions. If you know the answer for it already, don't tell anyone, mkay? If you figure it out, feel free to post it :D


So, start asking. B)


Night Fury


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Is the room dirty in anyway?

Is she a farm animal raiser?

Is she a waitress?

Is she a mom?

Is she a dad? :P

I can't see it being.



No, excellent question, remember that.



Is it a public bathroom?



Is she an owner of the bathroom?

By "what she does" do you mean physical action, or occupation?






Night Fury

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Is she any type of inspector? Like a health inspector, sanitation inspector, makeup inspector? Doesn't have to be any of those, Im asking if she went in there to inspect something.

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Was her mind filled with subliminal messages?

Did she work at the place that had this bathroom inside?

Was it a gas station that had this bathroom inside?

Was it a grocery store?

Was it a mall?

Was it a fast food place?

Was it a place that served food?

Were the toilet/toilets sink/sinks pouring water out?

Is she a plumber?

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No, she's official alright.


Alright, I'm tempted to give you guys a hint because you aren't really getting there... what should I give you... ok, there is something key about the toilet and it's current setup. Go from there. :P


Night Fury

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Is the toilet upside down?

Is the toilet blocked?

Does the toilet not have a door?


Also, you say she's official like she's important...

Is she a manager?

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<question removed>


On second thought, this question would give everything away if yes. So, I'll ask this instead:


Is it a foreign-style toilet?

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Is the toilet upside down?

Is the toilet blocked?

Does the toilet not have a door?


Also, you say she's official like she's important...

Is she a manager?



It has a door, good question.


Has the toilet over flowed?



<question removed>


On second thought, this question would give everything away if yes. So, I'll ask this instead:


Is it a foreign-style toilet?


Don't be afraid to ask anything :P


Night Fury

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Is the toilet any where besides where it should be?

Is anything missing from it?

Is there anything added to it?



Edit: Im going to take a wild guess. The woman is at constuction site. The restroom is one of those little potable ones and its tipped on its side, thus the scream if she were to walk in.

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It's in it's correct location.






Good try but no. I might need to give you guys another hint...


Night Fury

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Alright, I'm tempted to give you guys a hint because you aren't really getting there... what should I give you... ok, there is something key about the toilet and it's current setup. Go from there. :P


Night Fury

Did someone leave the seat up?

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Alright, I'm tempted to give you guys a hint because you aren't really getting there... what should I give you... ok, there is something key about the toilet and it's current setup. Go from there. :P


Night Fury

Did someone leave the seat up?

Exactly, good question.

... is the seat gone?


Is the toilet gone?


Seat was left down. :P


Night Fury.

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Was there urine/poo on the seat? :sick:

Eww, no.


Was a man in the womens room?

Ah, you are on the right track. Keep working on this. Think about occupations and whatnot.


Night Fury

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Perhaps the woman -a nun of some sort- walked into a women's only bathroom, and saw the toilet seat has been left up. She screamed because no other women would ever leave the seat up unless one of them is a man.

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Brave, you nailed it. Exactly. With that said, I need to get another one rolling don't I...


Night Fury

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