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Tv Watchings



Some TV shows I have started watching, am continually watching live on TV weekly, and shows I hope to soon watch:


Currently on, or soon:

Stargate Univsere

Community (the Excel Saga of sit-coms.)


The Big Bang Theory (just renewed for another three years!)

Castle (I don't watch this weekly, but I should.)

(Doctor Who Series 6)


Catching up, just started, in the middle of:

Primeval (I just finished the first season. Loved the ending!)

Life on Mars (BBC)

Being Human (BBC. I'm weary about SyFy's version starting up.) (I might not keep watching, but it's been enjoyable.)

Doctor Who classic (I'm only a few Tom Baker episodes in, but I look forward to him and Peter Davison. Maybe Sylvester McCoy.)

Andromeda (seasons 2, 4 and 5. I heard 3 was pretty much episodic. Unless I have some season confused.)

Stargate SG-1 (from the beginning. I became a regular viewer around the time of the Ori/Atlantis. I'm halfway through season 1.) (Subsequently SG Atlantis will be viewed I reach that season.)

Santuary (I'm struggling though. I hear the Tesla episodes and finales are good though, and I can skip the rest?)


To start:






I have given up on V (for now), and decided against watching The Cape (despite Summer Glau), which was probably a good idea considering the reports I've heard from fellow geeks on another board. My roommate liked it though.



Maybe more important however are the books I want to read this semester: Mockinjay, A Game of Thrones, Storm Front, Solar, the 5th and 6th books to Hitchhiker's Guide, and much of a Sherlock Holmes collection.


-CF :kakama:


Recommended Comments

Farscape Farscape Farscape! Still my favorite TV series of all time.


I'd suggest not skipping Andromeda Season 3 though. Yes it is kind of episodic, but it's not like the events just get ignored later. It all comes into play. (And then your mind gets confused. So, so confused.)

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Eureka is a really good sci-fi show. So is Warehouse 13. Sadly, they only seem to make about 8 episodes at a time...


I liked mockingjay, but I personally thought it could have ended better.

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Glad to see Fringe on your "To Start" section, that is just a phenomenal show. Season 1 starts off a little slow, but stick with it because once Season 2 starts, it just gets better and better. It's still on that upward trend right now. Fringe is my favorite currently-weekly-airing show.


On my need-to-watch list is The A-Team (the original 80s series), which I found in its entirety online; and classic Doctor Who, if I can find it somewhere.


I'm actually surprised you became a Stargate SG-1 fan during the Ori storyline. Seasons 1-8 are much, much better, and I think you'll highly enjoy watching through it.



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Once you've finished Life on Mars, watch Ashes to Ashes. They're both brilliant (assuming you're watching the UK version), but the finale of Ashes to Ashes is amazing.

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Eureka is a really good sci-fi show. So is Warehouse 13. Sadly, they only seem to make about 8 episodes at a time...


I liked mockingjay, but I personally thought it could have ended better.

1) WH13 had 12 episodes (or the equivalent) for both seasons.


2) Thanks so much for that Mockingjay spoiler. It'll really have an effect on how much I enjoy the book, now knowing the ending isn't good.




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Ha, glad we finally made you into a Chuck fan. And Castle, while not great every episode, still is very fun to watch every now and then.


Fringe is a good show, and while some episodes are totally amazing, others are a bit lackluster. (At least the first two seasons, I didn't keep up with the third season)


I also think you would enjoy Psych. I wouldn't recomend watching every episode, but there are some that stand out in terms of geekiness. ;)


And I think I'll watch a bit of The Cape. Yes, it looks a little cheesy, but it could be done in a fun way. (I dunno, I've only seen the last half of the first episode)



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Fringe Fringe Fringe Fringe Fringe Fringe Fringe Fringe Fringe Fringe Fringe Fringe Fringe Fringe Fringe Fringe Fringe Fringe Fringe Fringe !


My favourite currently-airing show. Absolutely amazing every week.

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I am disappoint about SyFy Being Human. If I wanted to watch Being Human I would watch BBC. I don't want some American adaptation that airs during other good shows. I'm going to watch one of the many re-airs but I'm on edge about it.


SGU, Chuck, Castle, Doctor Who, Primeval, Sanctuary, Eureka, and Fringe are amazing. I actually just started watching V, but I missed the first season. I watched bits and pieces of The Cape but don’t have much of an opinion. I see a lot of raves about it but there are rants too.

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