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Locked And Loaded



(Though really, it's the other way around.)


Birthday celebrations happened a few days early with another friend who's birthday was yesterday! Tonight my friends all celebrated our two birthdays halfway between each, having some waffles and a bit of cake.


Also, with two friends visiting to see the Blue Man Group, my mom had them bring down a cake she baked and some presents from my family. We cut into the cake after BMG, but I saved the presents for my birthday tonight.


Aside from my friend getting me a red Dalek desktop figure (which is super awesome. It moves around a table and won't fall off at the edge, all the while yelling "Exterminate!") direct from Scotland, and my family getting me Inception and Serenity Vol. 2 Better Days, my brother got me a Nerf Maverick (and 20 more darts)! This is exciting because 1) it's a neat gun and 2) I've never owned a Nerf gun before!




Note: We're not supposed to have these in the residency, but all my friends do and haven't gotten caught (my freshmen year roommate did though), and now I can join in on the action.


tl;dr: I have a Nerf Maverick! My first Nerf!


-CF :kakama:


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I've never owned a Neft gun before either! :P


This Dalek I want to see.


Oh I see. lol

Here's the Dalek, though I assure you it didn't cost nearly that much. It has sensors and stuff to make sure it doesn't fall off the edge (though it has trouble if the angle is really acute and so it just slides off) and when it runs into something it says "Exterminate!".



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The Maverick is really a great first Nerf gun. I also highly recommend the Recon (a sort of assault rifle shape, with a six-dart clip), or the new Nerf Spectre for a kind of mix between the Maverick and Recon (similar in shape and customizability to the Recon, but has a 5-dart revolver mechanism rather than a clip). Both offer decent range and are pretty fun to use.



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