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Had It Up To There

Kevin Owens


It's time to bring down the hammer and dispense some indiscriminate JUSTICE!


It's time for a new segment in my blog called Hammer Time. In this segment I tend to rant and rave and bring down the HAMMER!


And today I'm bringing down the hammer on perhaps one of the biggest things that irks me. The quality of artwork on General Artwork. Have you even dared to look at the crud people put up there? It's the kind of stuff that makes babies cry. Honestly, there are too many edits out there (not even good ones to boot) and too little hand drawn art. And even when the hand drawn art is posted, it's not all that good!


Now then, I know for the most part that you can't stop the nubs from being nubs. I learned that from my Artpad boycot. It acomplishes nothing to fight the masses. However, what really rubs me the wrong way is the senseless praise that people will throw upon these horrible artists. Fine, post your crud, but at least have people call it crud instead of "Awesome work. I love the weapon. 10/10" It makes me despise BZP more on a whole than ANYTHING else can.


Now then, I am issuing a declaration of war right here and now. I'm done with boycotts, they accomplish nothing. However we CAN turn the tide on this senseless praise by dealing out our own harsh constructive critism. I want everybody here who reads this blog entery to go out and dish out some harsh constructive critism. There is no such thing as a perfect piece of art. I have managed to find errors in even some of the best pieces of the best artists. So get out there and bash some heads!


-Hammer Time-


Edit: I've just had a sudden stroke of brillence. Mayhaps reading comprehension is directly related to drawing skills.


Or maybe I just need to define my terms more correctly. My definition of 'harsh' constructive critism is seeking out every sing flaw in a drawing and then telling the artist about it. Here's an example from Raka because I wub his art so much and still manage to find flaws.

The Art in Question.


Goodness, it's been awhile since I've seen you come out with any artwork. Awesome artwork as alyways. Hope you don't mind if I nitpick at it a bit. ^_^


First of all, too much fog. The fog in itself is a very nice touch and adds a lot to the art. But as is, it looks blah.


The female Toa's pose is off. She's leaning far too much to the side. She appears to be holding a guitar on one side of her hand, but on the other the guitar is oddly missing.


As for yourself (that is assuming that is you), you look pretty snazzy. The studs don't really suit my fancy, but hey that's just me. His medallion really shouldn't be flying out there. It looks odd.


Other than that it looks good. What program did you use?


There, see. Nigh perfect piece of art that's a nigh perfect in my book and I still manage to find flaws.


And there's my definition of 'harsh' constructive critisim.


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Don't say that, please. It's not mature or nice at all. :uhuh: EDIT: Thanks!


But I do agree with you...to a point. Bringing down harsh criticism on everyone will only make it worse. It could possibly trigger flaming. ;) And honestly, will the new members, or the members who draw bad drawings even listen to this, "harsh criticism"? Besides, they're trying as hard as they can, it's not they're fault that their drawing aren't all that good. Seriously.


This is my advice: Don't bring down harsh criticism, do it in a nice, loving, and orderly fashion. ;)




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I kind of object to this, as my style is gritty and may be interpreted as 'bad', but that hasn't happened yet. I do agree that the bad art needs to get constructive criticism, and lots. The only problem is that Artpad and scribbles posing as Toa make my eyes sting.
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What? Mona Lisa's eyes were closed for that portrait? "Sorry, no retakes, it takes too long to reload the canvas."


Indeed, it's not the harsh criticism that's helpful, but thought provoking criticism; that's the point of constructive criticism. Wait, is there such a thing as "harsh constructive criticism"? That's really an oxymoron.


"There are so many flaws I could clean my teeth." (Sorry, I couldn't resist.) :D


©1984-2007 Toaraga EAM

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"Im sorry, Thosen eyes on the mona Lisa, DISGUISTING. Take you and you pittiful excuse for artwork out of this site NOW. We hate you 0/10 :angry: "


Is that a good example?


Anyway if you hate the artwork forum so much, just DONT GO THERE. But I dont like lying either

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Don't say that, please. It's not mature or nice at all. :uhuh: EDIT: Thanks!


But I do agree with you...to a point. Bringing down harsh criticism on everyone will only make it worse. It could possibly trigger flaming. ;) And honestly, will the new members, or the members who draw bad drawings even listen to this, "harsh criticism"? Besides, they're trying as hard as they can, it's not they're fault that their drawing aren't all that good. Seriously.


This is my advice: Don't bring down harsh criticism, do it in a nice, loving, and orderly fashion. ;)






I kind of object to this, as my style is gritty and may be interpreted as 'bad', but that hasn't happened yet. I do agree that the bad art needs to get constructive criticism, and lots. The only problem is that Artpad and scribbles posing as Toa make my eyes sting.



What? Mona Lisa's eyes were closed for that portrait? "Sorry, no retakes, it takes too long to reload the canvas."


Indeed, it's not the harsh criticism that's helpful, but thought provoking criticism; that's the point of constructive criticism. Wait, is there such a thing as "harsh constructive criticism"? That's really an oxymoron.


"There are so many flaws I could clean my teeth." (Sorry, I couldn't resist.) :D


©1984-2007 Toaraga EAM



"Im sorry, Thosen eyes on the mona Lisa, DISGUISTING. Take you and you pittiful excuse for artwork out of this site NOW. We hate you 0/10 :angry: "


Is that a good example?


Anyway if you hate the artwork forum so much, just DONT GO THERE. But I dont like lying either

I've just had a sudden stroke of brillence. Mayhaps reading comprehension is directly related to drawing skills.


Or maybe I just need to define my terms more correctly. My definition of 'harsh' constructive critism is seeking out every sing flaw in a drawing and then telling the artist about it. Here's an example from Raka because I wub his art so much and still manage to find flaws.The Art In Question


Goodness, it's been awhile since I've seen you come out with any artwork. Awesome artwork as alyways. Hope you don't mind if I nitpick at it a bit. ^_^


First of all, too much fog. The fog in itself is a very nice touch and adds a lot to the art. But as is, it looks blah.


The female Toa's pose is off. She's leaning far too much to the side. She appears to be holding a guitar on one side of her hand, but on the other the guitar is oddly missing.


As for yourself (that is assuming that is you), you look pretty snazzy. The studs don't really suit my fancy, but hey that's just me. His medallion really shouldn't be flying out there. It looks odd.


Other than that it looks good. What program did you use?


There, see. Nigh perfect piece of art that's a nigh perfect in my book and I still manage to find flaws.


And there's my definition of 'harsh' constructive critisim.


-Hammer Time-

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Hate to say it, but you seem to forget the universal fact of varying personal tastes. What may be "crud" to you is often "really cool" to someone else, and vice verse. And at the -same- time, you also seem to forget that not everybody is trying to make a Mona Lisa, lol. No offense--I understand what you're trying to say. Constructive criticism is fine--pointing it out even in really good pieces is fine, as long as you understand that there's no obligation on the artist to be perfect or even anywhere near it. IMO calling it "crud" is not.

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Whoah, a post from bonesiii. o_O Never expected that.


Hate to say it, but you seem to forget the universal fact of varying personal tastes. What may be "crud" to you is often "really cool" to someone else, and vice verse.

Yes, I realized that. I try to go beyond my own tastes most of the time and try to consider without bias whether or not this is a good piece of art. But there is always going to be bad pieces of art. It's like saying that there are no bad people.


And at the -same- time, you also seem to forget that not everybody is trying to make a Mona Lisa, lol. No offense--I understand what you're trying to say. Constructive criticism is fine--pointing it out even in really good pieces is fine, as long as you understand that there's no obligation on the artist to be perfect or even anywhere near it. IMO calling it "crud" is not.


You're missing the point, I'm not telling people to make Mona Lisa's. I am trying to get people to give more harsh constructive critism than just listing one thing they like about the art, giving it an insanely high score, and then running off to senselessly praise another poor piece of art. It needs to stop somewhere and someone needs to draw the line. That's what I'm trying to do.


-Hammer Time-

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Harsh? Pfft, you shoulda seen me two years ago.




On second thought, how about not.


Maybe the use of the word "harsh" here is a little... harsh...


Constructive crit is always appreciated but you gotta say it the right way.


Learned that one the hard way too.


It's almost like, Catch-22, sorta kinda, not really. Okay, that was just because I'm reading it right now. Anyway here's the situation: In general the "bad" art takes about five minutes to create, whilst the "good" art usually takes longer, sometimes days, weeks, even months. Not saying that there can't be "bad" art that someone really tried on, for several hours, or "good" art that someone doodled in the margin of their notebook. I'm just saying.


Therefore, "bad" art is produced more rapidly while "good" art takes more time and as a result more "bad" is produced and posted than "good," and eventually the "good" gets annoyed and leaves and the "bad" just sorta takes over.


In fact, I've noticed, the better you get, the more you develop artistically, the longer you spend on each piece, and at the same time the more patience you have, which probably actually causes you to spend more time.


Anyway, you are right on the comments though. People will say "10/10" to anything at all. It's scary.


Oh, and joke topics do not help. Why?


IPB Image


True enough, if I posted that Tahu I'd probably get a ton of 10/10s as well.




Oh, I see how it is! You tricked me into a rant!




Well it worked.


Honestly, I have nothing against beginning artists. It's great that you want to post art, try your hand, develop your skill.


What I do have something against are beginning artists who think they're the best thing since sliced bread, artists in general who think they're amazing, and the people who will look at something drawn in five seconds with half a broken crayon and say "Awesome! 10/10!" Being proud of yourself, feeling good about yourself, is all well and good, but modesty is a virtue!


And you're right. It's crazy. I mean, if 10/10 is the point of reference, what does "good" art deserve, then? 35/10?


And back on the joke topics. I mean, it's great that you're aware that there's a problem, but does that fix it?


It's like lighting a match to point out that there's a fire. It's pointless.


Okay... okay...




There. =D

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Honestly, there are too many edits out there (not even good ones to boot)


Well, creating edits is another way to express yourself, like I do. (And yes, I tend to like my own edits. ^_^)


Besides, not everyone knows how to draw nicely. (I'm one of them.) So these people try to find alternative ways to participate in the Artwork forum and to express themselves. So why should we be limited in our editing? Because we just click a cuople of buttons, save it to our hard drives and post it on BZP?


Well, there are a lot of edits and photomanipulations out there which aren't that easy to make...

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