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In The Days Of Razor And Rayg...

lavaside rahi


Recently I did an interview for The Three Virtues podcast, where I was asked some questions about the history of the forum. Realizing I am one of the oldest people in the Comics Forum today, and wanting to fulfill my narcissistic desires (hey, it is a blog), I decided to write a bit about general trends in the Comics Forum - subjects that are too general to fit into any specific topic on the forum itself. I don't know if there will be anymore blog posts along these lines - I think I'll wait and see what the reaction to this is.




When I started getting popular, the comic community on BZPower (which had yet to become a separate forum yet) was pretty segregated; a surprising fact if you consider the comics forum of today. From my perspective, it seemed to be divided into two central camps: the Razors and the Raygs (not to downplay the significant number of Chibi and RZ users, but back then many of the elements that defined them were the same that defined Raygs, so the groups were often intertwined - for simplicity's sake, I will refer to that community here as the "Raygs").


The two central figures in this story were Dark709, the undisputed king of the Razors, and The Editorialist, who the Raygs frequently looked to. These were the superpowers who (to my knowledge) never interacted, but their followers could be seen fighting the occasional proxy battle - a Cold War of Comics. Though the superpowers themselves never spoke ill of each other - I once interviewed both of them when they were at the height of their popularity; here was their response when I asked each about the other:


"He is very good at Sprite Comics. His humor is much more low key and not as crazy as mine, but he has very good comics, and the witty humor is great." -Dark709


"Dark709 and I started out about the same, Razor sprites and humor based on insanity and obsessions. Recently I changed sprites and have been changing my characters to not JUST be obsessed creatures. Dark709 and I, I think, take care of all kinds of humor of BZP. He takes care of insanity...I take care of the rest." -The Editorialist


The differences between the two sides went well beyond the sprites they used. The fact that these two central figures inspired such devotion and loyalty meant that a fair amount of people copied off of one or the other, so the elements that separated Dark and T-E wound up separating Razors and Raygs as a whole. The basic difference was that Razors relied heavily on slapstick comedy, while Raygs were more likely to use more social commentary and situation comedy. That's not to say that Razors never made intellectual jokes and that Raygs never did slapstick (far from it - Raygs were still very likely to be seen using slapstick), but the initial battlelines were drawn. From there, a number of smaller elements could be incorporated into each side: food obsession jokes became the standard of Razors, biting social critique could be seen in Rayg series. When Dark started making his movie, those who followed him starting making their own. Raygs didn't need movies to tell epic tales - there were already a number of serious comic series in the forum that used the far less comical looking Rayg sprites.



Dokuma's views of Razor sprites weren't particularly sympathetic...


I was firmly in the Razor camp (in some regards I never left it), so trends that defined the Raygs managed to pass without me noticing. There was some overlap between the two groups, but the divide was there. There was even some open hostility between the two groups - I recall Raygs talking about how stupid Razor comics were, with childish jokes and tired gags like food obsession (which, I'm sorry to admit, was a stereotype that was often well-earned). While I don't remember any Razors speaking openly about Raygs, I myself thought of many Raygs as aloof (particularly given comments like the one above). They also seemed to be a rowdier bunch, far more willing to poke at the system and make jokes at Pohukai's expense, something I don't remember many Razors daring to attempt.




My evidence for the "edgier" humor of Rayg series - by Nuparurocks and Dokuma of Project Klinkerpoop



...And the zaniness that was your typical Razor series - by Toa Jetice.


When I did those interviews with Dark709 and The Editorialist, Dark had already made the Chimoru Kit, which was rapidly gaining popularity among the Razors, though there were still some who had yet to convert. Those interviews marked the last time I would actively pay attention to what was going on in the Forum for a long time; I started focusing solely on my own comics and a few old favorites. It wasn't until I finished my own comic series that I resurfaced - now that I didn't have to worry about making comics, I could take the time to enjoy what other people were doing.


When I came back, I found that all the old battlelines seemed to have fallen apart. There were no more Razors left, and few people were still using the Rayg kit. Chimoru and the RZMIK had become the de-facto norm (although this new-fangled Xanistkit was gaining ground), and while many Razors converted to Chimoru and many in the RZMIK group had been close to the Raygs, the generational shift meant that the divisions were gone. Most importantly, the elements that defined the two sides had blended; Chimoru users were no less likely to use serious comedy or slapstick than their RZMIK fellows. RZMIK users who had used more edgy humor could be seen using Chimoru (Nuparurocks is the best example of this).


Individual talent is and has always been the most important factor in the Comics Forum, but when I started out the kit you used said a lot not only about you, but who your fans were. It's surprising to see the situation today, where the kit you use plays a far smaller role than it did back then. At some point while I wasn't paying attention to the forum, these two sides intersected and all these elements became more intertwined. The battlelines are gone, and I'm still trying to figure out how we got to where we are today.


(As a disclaimer, let me point out that mine is just one perspective - one from a deliberately Razor point-of-view. If you are familiar with this subject, let me know your thoughts on this matter! I would particularly appreciate any knowledgeable viewpoint which contradicts anything I've said here - my recollections are as flawed as anyone else's and should not be taken as the sole truth on the matter.)


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I ask myself the same thing. I swear, I could talk to you about this subject for hours on end.


Glad you made this. The sad thing is, now a days, there are about two Rayg users now (myself and Miraka) and one Razor user (Philbert Flakes).



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I really hope to see more of these. My strange obsession with ArtIII's history is one of the only things still keeping here, and reading stuff like this from someone who was there at the time requires far less effort than majstalking and digging up old topics and dead splinter forums. Well, less effort for me, anyway. :P


Glad you made this. The sad thing is, now a days, there are about two Rayg users now (myself and Miraka) and one Razor user (Philbert Flakes).

And that really goes to show how much things have changed. I'm more of a "Rayg" by LR's definition, you're more of a "Razor", and Miraka doesn't quite fall into either group...

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I really hope to see more of these. My strange obsession with ArtIII's history is one of the only things still keeping here, and reading stuff like this from someone who was there at the time requires far less effort than majstalking and digging up old topics and dead splinter forums. Well, less effort for me, anyway. :P


Glad you made this. The sad thing is, now a days, there are about two Rayg users now (myself and Miraka) and one Razor user (Philbert Flakes).

And that really goes to show how much things have changed. I'm more of a "Rayg" by LR's definition, you're more of a "Razor", and Miraka doesn't quite fall into either group...


Mhm. I can see what you mean. You could also say there is a third section to all of this, considering RZ now-a-days has made it's own little slot, mainly with plot based comics. Chimoru would surely go in the Razor style of comic entertainment though.


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Wow, LR, that's some interesting stuff.


The sad thing is, now a days, there are about two Rayg users now (myself and Miraka)


...I've got to make my comic series more popular.

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The sad thing is, now a days, there are about two Rayg users now (myself and Miraka)


...I've got to make my comic series more popular.


Does it really matter? I understand you are most likely jokin', but I'm just curious.



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I ask myself the same thing. I swear, I could talk to you about this subject for hours on end.

Then let us! ...What do you want to talk about? :P


Mhm. I can see what you mean. You could also say there is a third section to all of this, considering RZ now-a-days has made it's own little slot, mainly with plot based comics. Chimoru would surely go in the Razor style of comic entertainment though.

I'd say given people like Kahinuva, you can find more "serious" and plot-oriented humor in plenty of Chimoru series today - the irony here (and I had to dig through some old topics to figure this out) is that Kahinuva was directly inspired by NR, and NR was originally a RZMIK user - a group of people who often wouldn't touch anything that was in anyway associated with the slapstick cliches of Dark709 with a ten-foot pole.


So... Why did you use RZMIK as evidence about Rayg? :P

As I said, I grouped the RZ, Chibi, and Rayg users together for simplicity sake, because these groups often mingled and readily traded kits and techniques (Project Klinkerpoop and Psycho Dogs & Carbonated Beverages are fine examples of this). They were the united front against the cliches and childishness of Razor (and later Chimoru) users. :P

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The Rayg still lives, thanks to its use in

fan games, though now that Unity and

Blender are being used more often, I doubt

it will last longer.


Razor was always a great kit, despise it being

not as complete as the Chimoru. Had Razor

had an ultimate poser, and pretty much all

characters up to 2010, it would probally be

used more than it is these days. Being a

huge Razor fan, I'd enjoy using it, but I

can't due it's imcompleteness. That's when

mixing Razor with Chimoru Olda comes in handy.

If I ever make a sub-comic, I'll probally use Razor

as I don't want to see the kit dying any longer.

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The sad thing is, now a days, there are about two Rayg users now (myself and Miraka)


...I've got to make my comic series more popular.


Does it really matter? I understand you are most likely jokin', but I'm just curious.




I said that because I use Rayg, too.


Also, it does sort of matter because if I'm going to take over BZPower someday, I need to start out by being popular. :P

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I've never thought Rayg was much of a comic kit, seeing as it's kind of a game-ish style. It's interesting to see this though; I have that position and I was inspired by Dark709.


I remember when I started out making comics that there seemed to be a lot of Dark709-bashers. And I don't mean like today, when people say that he kind of overuses his jokes a bit--I agree with that. I mean, they bashed Chimoru Omega, they bashed his Liveswif closeups (which I know from experience are extremely hard to make), they bashed everything. I think Pohuaki once had to clean up his topic, if I remember correctly. When the Duck Avatar fad temporarily resurfaced a couple years back, one of these people decided to join it because "it was better than having Chimoru Omega sprites as an avatar." In the BZP Comics Wiki's early days, there was once a comment that "it's not very hard to be a spriter in Chimorou Omega, in which any blob of pixels is considered acceptable."


And that was just in my time on the forum. I'm not sure where the change came from either. I can see that the lines are gone now; I was inspired by Dark709 but I'm doing a plot-based series and a humor-based series at the same time.


But the change obviously came about in the past three years, seeing as it was obviously within the time I've spent on the forum. So that could be where to start researching.

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Okay LR, you're the man. You are the man. This was so good. I would like to see more :). And if I can help in any way, please let me know. I joined because of Bioninja, but I didn't join AWIII until I got tired of the Library Forum. But if you need any help filling in the blanks from when Project Klinkerpoop was popular, let me know. I could possibly help, seeing as I was there at the time.


- :infected:

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Hm. Your entry makes me think of an old styled newspaper article. Fun to read, regarding the history of a forum part we know. Anyway..

I've been around for two years, almost three in a few months. I might through my two cents in on this as well.


To be honest, Dark's comics were some of the only comics I read off the site when they started. Granted, I read quite a few others his I remember the most for some reason. So of course, when I joined I used the Chimoru Omega kit. It was easy to work with, and such. Slowly over time, I think a comic maker gets introduced to new kits. Of course, it is their choice to use them or not. Where Chimoru is my main kit used, I also use RZMIK and Xanis. Rayg I've used limited in the past. Though one thing I've noticed with all these kits..


Is that they do indeed start comic wars. I've read a lot on the Chimoru-RZMIK like war. A nasty thing it is, indeed. So it does seem that they replaced the old Rayg and Razor one. However, one thing that seems to be bigger than a kit war is group fights. Continuity's. I'd rather not get into discussion on them, out of respect for the continuity's. But it's still an interesting factor that makes everyday life in ArtWork III.

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I agree with most of the points made. I tend to think of Razor and Chimoru as being used for more random, slapstick comedy, filled with characters that are more or less like Dark's. Meanwhile, Rayg and RZMIK seem to be edgier and.... wittier, I guess.


Of course, there are exceptions. Like you said, there's NR, and your comics were also an exception to the Razor archetype later on. But I really wish that it could get to a point where the kit didn't make a difference in the quality.


Also, Razor and Rayg need more love.



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