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Urban Internet Legend

Toa of Dancing


So, ever thought of creating an urban internet legend (can't think of anything else to call it)? Such as Slender Man, the Rake, HABIT, etc. Just wondering.


Because Jxcel/Jexcel Dolghm Q. sounds like some kind of thing like that when you break it up like that. Maybe a mad German scientist that one day died due to a seemingly harmless experiment and now haunts science classes or labs or other things. Of course, I'm insane and probably just obsessed with JxcelDolghmQ. XD


So, moving on, I have a friend who broke his foot while vaulting over a hundred-foot tall electric fence as he was running from the U.S. military and so now he can't go to the game and have fun puma riding with Bill Cosby. Or at least that's how the story ended up with the people I was holding the discussion with. But he's okay, so yeah.


And yes, I do have the strangest friends on Earth (and, for that matter, the strangest train of thought). Thank you for asking. =3


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I have one. I just came up with it now.


A creepy guy who chases people and makes them pole-vault over 300 foot high electric fences and causes them to break their foot.



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There's tons of creepypasta out there. Most of it sucks, but some of it would be great to combine into a Slender Man series.
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I've thought of creating memes. Not internet legends, though. Those are harder. :P

Though, I'm sure someone here can come up with one...

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