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28 Degrees Fahrenheit

Takuma Nuva


Who'd have thought that Minnesota would warm up enough in January to drive home from work at night with the windows down?




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Wait, 28 is warm? :huh: Thats downright bone chilling.

Are you kidding? I live in Minnesota, and 28 degrees is practically T-shirt weather. I walked home from school today.


Then again, when you live in a state where it gets to 20 below, anything above zero starts sounding warm. :P

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Wait, 28 is warm?

Warm enough. I'm sick of waiting for spring.




«Takuma Nuva»




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I'm canadian.


I NEED Global Warming.


Seriously, it's like... negative thirty Celcius on average... with snow piles of at least six feet.... tis craaaazeh stuffs.


All hail beind able to drive with the windows down in the middle of Winter!

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I live in Oregon. Here, during winter it usually either rains and doesn't get cold or gets cold and doesn't rain. Therefore, snow is rare. We had about a week where it was in the 20s, but didn't rain, and then soon after it warmed up it started raining again. :P I'm glad it warmed up though; our heater was broken for about a week.
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Living in Wisconsin, I find anything above 20 degrees warm -- like Tshirt weather warm.


But then again, I still go outside in -20 windchills with tshirts and shorts on....



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Living in Wisconsin, I find anything above 20 degrees warm -- like Tshirt weather warm.


But then again, I still go outside in -20 windchills with tshirts and shorts on....



Yeeeeah, but for how long? It's hardly a big deal if you're just running down to the mailbox and back.


«Takuma Nuva»
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I used to be envious of your resistance to cold. Until I realized you would fry like a corn dog in the weather that comes around here in the summer.
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I used to be envious of your resistance to cold. Until I realized you would fry like a corn dog in the weather that comes around here in the summer.

No, I'm actually far more vulnerable to the cold than most Minnesotans. My ideal temperature would be 75-80, but I can handle warmer, no sweat, if you'll pardon the pun.


What temperature range we talkin' here?


«Takuma Nuva»
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I used to be envious of your resistance to cold. Until I realized you would fry like a corn dog in the weather that comes around here in the summer.

No, I'm actually far more vulnerable to the cold than most Minnesotans. My ideal temperature would be 75-80, but I can handle warmer, no sweat, if you'll pardon the pun.


What temperature range we talkin' here?


«Takuma Nuva»

ow I'm curious, too-- can you get much worse than Minnesotan summers? When we're cold, we're cold, but when we;re hot, gosh dangit, it's HOT.


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I used to be envious of your resistance to cold. Until I realized you would fry like a corn dog in the weather that comes around here in the summer.

No, I'm actually far more vulnerable to the cold than most Minnesotans. My ideal temperature would be 75-80, but I can handle warmer, no sweat, if you'll pardon the pun.


What temperature range we talkin' here?


«Takuma Nuva»

ow I'm curious, too-- can you get much worse than Minnesotan summers? When we're cold, we're cold, but when we;re hot, gosh dangit, it's HOT.

Tell me about it. Workin' the kitchen grill when it's already 100 degree weather ain't fun.


«Takuma Nuva»
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Down here in Florida, anything below 30 degrees is Bundled up weather(For me it's Pants and a tee)

But, hooooooo Buddy, does it get hot down here

Average Summer day sits at 105 and Humidity brings it to 125

So, yes, I think you guys in Minnesota are slightly psychotic...

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