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So Apparently I Have A Blog Now. Also Sprites.



So yeah, I got premier membership to celebrate the beginning of SK Inn. Loving the extra PM space, I should've have done this years ago. :lol:


I DESPERATELY looked for a letter starting with "S" to end with so I could have an alliterative title, but I really couldn't find anything that fit. "Sukid's Stream of Supposition" or "Sukid's Stream of Scrutiny" were the best ones but the words don't really fit.


But yeah, unlike most of my peers I have a profound lack of a life, even now as I'm 19. I certainly have more of one than when I started, but I've still got a lot more time on my hands than I really should so I figured now was as good a time as any to release the series and hopefully go far with it. But even if the comics die an untimely death I can at least have solace that I did something with it. I'm still completely blown away by everybody's reaction. LR described it as as hero's welcome and that's exactly what it feels like. I feel like I'm home again. Though I can't help but feel a little guilty for my old comic rereleasing strategy, which is obviously for padding between SK Inn releases. :P


Also, I'm seriously considering going back to using Razor. LR was the last user of the kit that I know of and now that he's retired... I don't know. The only reason I switched to Chimoru really was because of my work with Dark709. Plus back when I was planning SK Inn Razor was still the most-used. I did effectively employ razor sprites in the first comic, during Sukid's semi-flashback, to emphasize the nostalgia. I know I will be using Razor sprites for pretty much every flashback, even for humorous or unrelated ones. :P But now that pretty much the entirety of artwork III is using chimoru, and LR has retired... I just don't know.

As you'll see later, part of the theme of the intro is letting go of past regrets and moving forward to a better future. Would suddenly using Razor again at the end break that? The comics would look identical to 2.0, with fancier backgrounds every now and then. No new panels or anything. Would it still seem like clinging to the past? Would it seem jarring to abruptly switch kits like that? When would be the earliest I could sanely do it? Am I thinking about it too much?

... I also happen to have a 6-shade razor kit saved, though it lacks the extensive amount of poses I've collected... and Gerlicky did do that mindblowing 6-shaded chimoru ultra-pose kit which makes me melt. lskghlskdghslkehtslkgh


Anyway, that's all for now. I'd really appreciate thoughts on the kit change thing.


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definitely go with Razor. It just doesn't seem the same with Chimoru, for some reason... maybe it's nostalgia.

Definitely. That's why I use it in flashbacks, it just puts more emphasis on the nostalgia.


I think I'll stick with chimoru for the main story for now though. I think in the end I can do more with it. I might shove in some razor every now and then though, for future flashbacks or just for some other reason.


... also I wasn't aware blogging was its own subcomunity. neat. :D

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:bowdown: :bowdown: Oh mighty Superkid11,will you be accepting GS and PGS? Also, please accept this Blog approval monument of approval to the awesomeness of yourself and this blog, though mostly yourself, commonly known as a blog approval.:bowdown: :bowdown:


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...okay...well, following that post, welcome to blogs! (even though I don't have one...)


Anyhow, I think if you want to do razor, do it.


But maybe try to make a better Hau.

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To be honest, IMO you'd be better off using 3-shade Chimoru, as sixshade wouldn't really suit you but the only people who now use 2-shade are Dark, because he's an old fogey, and Gerlicky, who uses it for ironic purposes. B)

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